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Lavi's POV
Bored.... bored.... some more bored.... oh wait!... nope still bored.
I balanced a pencil like a mustache and sighed boredly. I continued my work reluctantly. I've been working on this ever since (y/n) passed out. Gramps still won't have my slacking so he decided to give me work. I pulled an all nighter 2 days and slept during the day. Today would've been the third if I hadn't stayed asleep. It also would have been the 3rd night (y/n) stayed asleep. Good thing she woke up. I showered earlier so I didn't have to worry about that. Though a shower with (y/n) would have been better.
"Back to work," I said snapping out of it.
I decided I'd finish it all tonight since by the looks of it (y/n) is pulling an all nighter. Damn this is a lot of work. Almost done luckily.


"Damn my shoulders hurt," I said as I tried to relax them by moving them.
As I continued working my door opened, I knew it was (y/n) just by the way she slams open the door for a dramatic effect and gently closes it while locking it.
"Everything ok," (y/n) asked.
"Yeah, though gramps knows how to pack the work," I sighed.
She wrapped her arms around me and looked at the work.
"Wow, that's a lot you've done," she said.
"Yeah pulling an all nighter does the trick," I said as I continued working.
She let go and put her hands on my shoulders.
"Uhhhh Lavi? You really need a break," she said.
"Whys that," I asked flipping through pages.
"Your shoulders are like rocks and that means you're tense," she said worry lacing her voice.
"It'll be fine, don't worry," I assured.
She moved her hands and I turned around. She wore my green shirt which fit big on her so she looked cute, her pajama pants, and her hair tied in a messy bun to keep the wet hair out of her face. She had her art supplies in hand as well.
"Going to draw," I asked.
"Yeah, you sure you don't want a mini break," she asked.
"I'm sure, besides another hour and a half maybe two and I'll be done," I said.
"If you say so," she said.
I turned back and continued. I heard wrappers and plastic so I assume she's opening her kit. All I need is 50 more pages and 5 questions then I'm finished! Haha Gigi! I did finish! While I was reading, (y/n) rewrapped her arms around me and nibbled on my ear.
"You ok," I asked.
"Mhm," she said.
She stopped her actions and let go again. She put her hands on my shoulders and put a bit of pressure.
"Crap," I hissed at the pain.
"Sorry! I thought it'd be less-,"
"It's fine," I said rotating my arms again.
"Here, I'll give you a massage and you work," she said.
"I thought you were going to draw," I said.
"I can draw later," she said.
"Alright but all I need are 3 questions," I said.
"Ok," she said as she began her massage.
Crap it hurt just as much as it felt relaxing. I could barely write. I rushed the questions and closed the book.
"You done," she asked.
"Yeah," I said.
"You feel better," she asked.
"Yep! And now that that's out of the way, what would you like to do," I asked.
"Hmmm... cuddle," she said happily.
"Alright then I'll put on my pajamas," I said.
She stopped and I got up. I got my pajamas and changed in the restroom. Once I finished, I got out and saw (y/n) looking at the work I was assigned. I wrapped my arms around her waist from behind and she laughed.
"What you up to," I asked.
"I was looking at what you were doing. Seems tuff," she said.
"Well I'm a Bookman. You'd be surprised at what we can do," I said.
"You remember everything right," she asked her tone dropping.
"Yeah," I said curious at why her tone dropped.
"Even the bad things that have happened to you," she asked turning to face me.
"To an extent yes," I said.
Her mood changed so I tried changing the subject.
"I remember other things clearer though. Especially you," I said.
No change. I stood between her legs and put my hands on the desk besides her. I kissed her cheek and she wrapped her arms around me. She pecked my lips and lightly hit my shoulder.
"What was that for," I asked.
"What you implied by other things," she said as a blush covered her cheeks.
"You took it that way, I meant how cute you are," I said laughing.
"I'm sure," she said rolling her eyes playfully.
"Though thinking about it now does get me thinking," I said teasingly.
"L-Lavi! No," she stuttered.
"Come on pleeeaaassseee," I said as I kissed down her neck.
They were small butterfly kisses so I knew that they shouldn't do anything. Shouldn't.
"N-No," she moaned as she weakly pushed me away.
"Hm," I hummed mischievously as I looked at her.
"W-What," she asked confused.
"You're more sensitive now," I teased.
She blushed and put her hand on her neck.
"I wonder if it's because your body doesn't have the strain of innocence anymore," I said.
"Maybe," she mumbled.
"Heh you're so cute," I said as I kissed her.
"Cuddles," she pouted.
"Alright then," I said picking her up.
She immediately wrapped her legs around my waist and her arms around my neck. I laid her on the bed and laid down as well. She seemed to drain out of energy as soon as she put her head on the pillow. Her breathing picked up a lot too.
"(Y/n), what's wrong," I asked getting very worried.
I sat up and put my hand on her forehead.
"Crap you're burning up, let's get you to Komui," I said as I got up.
I carefully picked her up bridal style and she seemed to calm down. I put a hand over her forehead and her fever was gone. She winced and whined slightly.
"What's wrong," I asked.
"M-My hands feel like they're on fire, my back is getting sharp pains, and my legs feel like jello," she mumbled hissing slightly.
I decided it's better if Komui checked on her. I went to his office and kicked open the door.
"Lavi! It's rude to not knock first," he scolded.
"Get mad at me later! Help (y/n) first," I said.
"What's wrong," he asked.
I explained what happened with the fever and the pain.
"Alright then let's take her to the infirmary. Once there, I'll ask the head nurse to check on her and I'll see what we can do," he said.
We went to the infirmary and Komui spoke with the head nurse. I laid (y/n) down and sighed. I wish she didn't have to go through this...
"Lavi," she mumbled.
"Right here," I said moving her stray hair from her face.
She put her hand over mine and smiled slightly. I held her hand and kissed the back of it.
"It's funny," she said quietly.
"What is," I asked.
"How you are, one moment flirty and the next gentle and loving," she smiled.
"Hey flirty is also loving," I defended.
"*laughs* not the way you do it," she said.
"Nooo the one you're thinking about is only less caring, well from your point of view," I said.
"I'm sure," she said playfully.
"Getting hurt over here," i said.
She laughed and intertwined our hands.
"I'm just messing with you. Though you can get flirty you have to admit it," she said.
"I prefer the term romantic," I said.
"You are very romantic," she said.
"Anything for my beautiful girlfriend," I said smiling.
"I love you Lavi Bookman," she smiled.
"I love you too (y/n)," I said as i kissed her cheek.
"Alright let's see... (y/n) Walker what have I told you about overworking," head nurse said.
"Sorry," she laughed nervously.
"What seems to be the problem now," she asked.
"W-Well," (y/n) began explaining and the head nurse seemed to be thinking.
She squeezed my hand as she bit her lip when the head nurse said nothing. I squeezed her hand reassuringly and moved my thumb in a calming way.
"I believe only rest will do you good. Along with some medicine to keep the fevers that happen away. Otherwise we just wait out," she said.
"There's nothing to help her," I asked.
"A bookman in love. How surprising. But to answer your question, no. We can't," she said.
"How much longer," (y/n) asked.
"You'd need hevlaska to tell you that," she said.
(Y/n) sat up and I stood up.
"No," I said.
"What," she asked obviously getting new pain.
"Lay down. Rest," I said.
"What? No. I need to ask," she said unable to focus.
"Please," I said pleadingly.
She stayed quiet and laid back down.
"I'll run some tests, for now, rest," head nurse said as she left.
It was quiet after she left. I wonder why all these side affects happen back to back.
"Lavi," (y/n) mumbled.
"Hm," I asked looking at her.
When I looked at her, she was asleep.
'She's asleep. How cute.' I thought smiling.
"You did good, Lavi," head nurse said.
"On what," I asked.
"Temporarily removing innocence from her," she clarified.
"Doesn't feel like it sometimes," I said moving a strand of hair out of (y/n)'s face.
"It is, it may seem hard for now, but it works out itself. You need to learn that to help her go through this. You can even tell she's relying on you," she said.
"Heh if I didn't know better, I'd say you're getting soft there head nurse," I said.
She hit the back of my head with a clipboard. No regrets though.
"But thank you," I said rubbing my head.
"Why," she asked clarifying my thought even more.
"Aren't you supposed to be at another branch? How are you here," I asked.
"Bookman are always so clever," she said changing.
"You just made it so obvious, Fō," I said.
"Geez, couldn't let me get away with it could you," Fō said.
"Are you going to help her," I asked.
"Why else would I be here," she asked.
"Can you do anything," I asked.
"Of course," she said.
She walked over to (y/n) and patted her head. She kept her hand on her head and a dull light covered her. (Y/n) smiled slightly and Fō laughed.
"Alright, I've just given her body a boost on rest. Seems to be working fairly well," she said.
"But," I asked.
"But she's not fully recovered, remember that. Even at that, her charts were way too low for comfort. Her stamina is incredible, must be a Walker thing," she said.
"Must be," i laughed slightly.
"As I was saying, she's at least 20% healed and going with this sleep. And before you flip, she's sleeping regularly right now. Also, the side affects won't ware off until 77%. You will see less of them by now. She'll be stable by then too. Things that should stop are fevers and nearly all spontaneous sleep," she continued.
"Thanks Fō," I said with relief washing over me.
"Anything for this little one," she said.
"Fō," (y/n) mumbled waking up slightly.
I stood up and she smiled at me.
"How are you feeling," I asked.
"Tired," she mumbled.
"Sleep," fō said.
"Yeah... sleeps good," she said as she fell back asleep.
"I think it'd be best if she were to go to her own room. Familiar and comfortable surroundings could help," fō said.
"Yeah," I agreed as I picked (y/n) up carefully.
"I'll be taking my leave then," fō said.
I nodded and turned around.
"Lavi," fō said.
"Yeah," I asked.
"Take care of her, please," she said.
"Always," I said.
"He wouldn't go anywhere," (y/n) mumbled as she wrapped her arms loosely around my neck.
"I hope so or else I'd beat his ass," fō laughed.
I kissed (y/n)s cheek and smiled.
"Gotta watch out for fō then," I said.
We all laughed and left. (Y/n) was back asleep... I think, she's been waking up a lot to be asleep.
"I love you," she said.
"I love you too now sleep," I said.
"But i don't want to,"she whined.
"You were asleep for awhile, you'll be fine," I said as I opened her room door.
"That was then and this is now," she said.
I laughed and laid her on her bed. As I put her down , she clung onto my shoulders and pulled me to her. I used one arm to hold me up and looked at her. I put a hand on her cheek and gently ran my thumb across.
"Are you-,"
"Stay," she said quietly.
"Alright," I said as she let me go.
I laid next to her and pulled her to me. I didn't know what was wrong, but I knew something was wrong. Confusing to others but not to me. I ran my hand through her hair slowly and she visibly relaxed.
"I love you," I said as I kissed her cheek.
"Love you too Lavi," she said nuzzling against me.
I wrapped an arm around her and pecked her lips.
"Everything ok," I asked.
She nodded.
"Let me rephrase, what's wrong," I asked.
"Nothing," she said.
I sighed and shook my head. Stubborn as per usual.
"Bad dreams," I asked.
"No," she said.
"I miss you," she said.
"Miss me? I've been right here," I said.
"Well yeah but it feels like forever,"  she said.
I chuckled and kissed her. Pulling away slightly after, I looked at her big, beautiful eyes and she smiled with a slight blush. I hugged her and she laughed.
"I'm not letting you go, you know that right," i asked.
"But fooddddddddd," she whined playfully.
"Ok. Maybe," I said.
"Wait wha-," i cut her off by tickling her.
"L-Laviiiiiii," she whined through fits of laughter.
"Yesssss," I asked teasingly.
"Stoppp! Pleaseeeee," she laughed.
"Nah," I said.
She laughed and with a laugh that was contagious, i laughed along too. She tried pulling my hands away, so I pinned them with one hand and continued with the other.
"I give up! I give up," she said laughing.
I stopped and laughed.
"Evil," she laughed.
"You love me," I said.
"Lots," she added.
We smiled and I let go of her hands. She grabbed mine and intertwined them. Looking at her, I couldn't help but stare. I love this girl more than anything else in the world.
"What are you thinking about Lavi," she asked as her breathing went back to normal.
"You," I said.
She blushed and kissed my cheek.
"What about me," she asked.
"How lucky I am to be with you. You're too good for me you know that," I said.
"Hey that's not true, the not good enough part. You're amazing, whether you see it or not," she said squeezing my hands slightly.
I chuckled and she tilted her head adorably.
"You're so cute," I said letting go of her hands.
She whined as I laid down.
"Laviiiii," she complained.
"Come here," I laughed.
She moved next to me and I wrapped my arm across her waist and put my head in the crook of her neck. She ran her hands through my hair, ruffling it slightly every so often.
"Love you," she said.
"Love you too," I said pulling her closer.
"I mean it lavi," she said.
"I know, I'll never doubt it," I said.
"Good," she said.
Staying like that, her movements slowed. I rubbed small circles on her back and she sighed happily. I smiled and her movements stopped as her breathing evened out. I got up slightly and carefully to not wake her to put the blanket over us.
"Lavi," she said scared.
"Right here," I said.
She fell back asleep and I kissed her cheek.
"Night," I said putting my head on top of hers and drifting to sleep.

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⏰ Letzte Aktualisierung: Dec 27, 2016 ⏰

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