Shoping time

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Lavi's POV
Allen went and got some food for all of us while I stayed with (y/n). Right now we were in the arts and crafts aisle.
"Let's see... Hey Lavi, I've used these before and they're good but these look like they'd be better. What do you think," she asked showing me two art sets that came with pencils, markers, colors, and paint.
"Hmmm well why not take both," I asked.
".....don't question me," she said narrowing her eyes at me and sticking her tongue out at me.
"Fine, you get the new ones and I'll get you the ones you're used to," I said.
"Lavi you don't have to do that, just help me pick," she said.
"Hmmm I choose my option," I said smiling.
"But-," I cut her off by grabbing the pack she was used to.
"Not taking no for an answer," I said.
"Alright but if you want to put them back it's ok," she said.
"Why would I do that," I asked as we continued looking.
"Hey Lavi, check the next aisle to see if you can find any oil and acrylic paint, I'll stay here and see which of these is best for painting and which is best for drawing," she said sitting down on the floor going through the sketch pads.
"Can do," I said.
I went to the next aisle and saw 1 pack of acrylic paint and 1 pack of oil paint. She really seemed to like drawing and painting so I decided to buy them for her too. I hid them behind the art set I had in hand and went back to see (y/n) carefully studying each book. She looked adorable with.. The concentrated.. Look. Adorable? That's.. New. I shrugged it off and told her that there were no more paint that she asked for. She sighed and thanked me for looking. She was between two different types of books so I kneeled next to her and said," the brown one has better durability for markers and paint. The green one is more for pencil only."
"Alright brown one it is then," she said as she put the other ones away.
"How did you know about the durability," she asked as I helped her up.
"Bookman has me write down stuff a lot and I happen to get these kinds of books to write on," I said.
"Ohhh makes sense," she said.
We continued walking and realized Allen never came back.
"He probably had a buffet," I said.
"*laughs* yeah probably," she said smiling.
Her smile kept getting brighter and I remembered she'd actually initiated physical contact with me and Allen. That's a good sign. While we were walking (y/n) would look around a lot, natural since she'd never been here before. She'd ask questions and I'd answer. We came to the book part of the store and (y/n) squealed happily as she saw a book called Harry Potter and the Cursed Child (A/N:I don't care if it doesn't exist then, it does now 0-0).
"Looks like a few pages are missing though," I said as she opened the book.
"Awwww you're right.. And I'd really wanted to get this one too," she sighed.
"Maybe next time," I said patting her back.
"Yeah," she said as we kept walking.
After a while we decided it was time to go so (y/n) grabbed some pencils and paid.
"Wow, you're new here," the cashier said.
"Well actually I've lived her but have been gone for a while," (y/n) said.
"Oh, well hope you have a great day and have a wonderful time with your boyfriend here," the cashier said smiling.
"E-Eh?! He- were-I-nonono youve got the wrong idea," (y/n) said backing away a bit.
"Um were just friends ma'am," I said before (y/n) could get any more tense.
"Oh! I'm sorry," she said.
"It's ok," I said as I put my stuff to pay for.
I turned to look at (y/n) who had backed away now. She looked like she was remembering something so I paid for the stuff and went over to her.
"(Y/n), you ok," I asked worriedly.
"Lavi! (Y/n)," Allen said waving to us.
I motioned him to hurry to where we were and he ran. When he saw (y/n) he looked at me questioningly.
"The clerk thought we were dating and she freaked out," I whispered to him.
"(Y/n), hey, what's wrong," Allen asked.
She started muttering under her breath and we couldn't hear. Tim landed on her shoulder and tried to make her feel better too.
"(Y/n), calm down. Tell me what's wrong," he asked gently.
"Too close too close too close," she said as she closed her eyes.
"No (y/n), that's not a bad thing. That means you're making friends, Master wants you to do that remember," Allen said as he hugged her.
"But what if they leave," she asked whispering.
"No one is leaving (y/n), I'm not leaving, I promise," I said.
"Promise," she asked looking at me.
"Yep, promise," I confirmed.
Allen let go of her and we stepped outside. (Y/n) took deep breaths and finally calmed down.
"Sorry, I over reacted," she said apologetically.
"No it's ok, it's natural right now," I said reassuringly and Allen nodded.
"Let's continue shopping ok? That'll help you feel better," Allen said.
She nodded and passed her a (f/s) and me a pretzel.
"I didn't forget," he said smiling.
"No I'm pretty sure you had a buffet though," I said eating the pretzel.
"Caught me," he said nervously.
"No, you're just too predictable," (y/n) said eating her snack.
We laughed and once we finished eating, went to a decoration store.
"Hey (y/n) is (f/c) still your favorite color," Allen asked looking around.
"Yeah, why," she asked.
"Just to have a better idea of what we're looking for," he said," oh, I gotta check in with Komui, be right back."
"Here, I got the bags, you look around," I said as I got the bags.
"Thanks Lavi," she said as she looked around.
"Hello, what are you looking for today," a clerk named Leo asked.
"Oh just looking for stuff to decorate my room, it's empty and I'm looking to make it more me," she said.
"Well we have a lot of things just tell me what you'd like to see," Leo said.
"Hmmm music notes, mirrors, (favorite animal)s, and art," she said.
"Are you sure you didn't forget anything," i asked.
"Hmmmm oh and photo frames," she added.
I facepalmed and she laughed. At least she's laughing again.

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