The Soiree pt. 1

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Your POV
The carriage stopped and we got out. I fixed my dress and put back on my shoes. Lavi readjusted his tie and coat.
"This isn't a mansion. It's a freaking castle," I exclaimed.
Lavi chuckled and said,"yeah kind of reminds me of Krory's grandpas mansion but less dark auray."
"Really," I asked.
"Really to what part," he asked as I linked our arms.
"To all of it," I asked.
"Yes really," he said.
We got to the door and a guard was there.
"Names," he said.
"(Y/n) Walker and Lavi Bookman," Lavi said.
The guard opened the door and there was a large staircase to the left and right.
"Lady (y/n) Walker, and Sir Lavi Bookman," the guy at the railing said.
We bowed and went left. Feels weird here definitely. Thunder and lightening were heard followed by the sound of rain.
"Lavi," I said.
"Yeah I hear it, but it can't only be weather can it," he asked.
"Who knows but let's keep looking," I said.
"Lavi," a girl called.
We turned and saw a girl that was about our age, red hair, brown eyes, very formal.
"Iredesa," Lavi said.
"Good to see you, what brings you here," she asked.
"Same reason as always," he said.
"The girls," she asked laughing.
I. Don't. Like. Her.
"No, to have a good time," he said laughing too.
We sat down and I looked around as they continued their conversation.
"Oh! Where are my manners! I'm Iredesa Fawn," she said smiling.
"(Y/n) Walker, pleasure to meet you,"I said smiling back.
"The pleasure is mine, I've heard about you. You're a great exorcist at the black order," she said.
"Why thank you," I said proudly.
"Of course," she said returning to her talk with Lavi.
I placed my hands on my lap and looked for anything related to innocence. Lavi placed his hand over mine and looked at me.
"Hey you ok," he asked.
"Yeah just looking for innocence signs," I said.
"Well have you noticed it? The rain stops but continues later," he whispered.
"Yeah... But it's weird. If it's a place like this, where are the Akuma," I asked quietly.
"I'll keep an eye out for them, you keep looking for clues," he said.
"How about we switch, you're better with clues," I said.
"Alright then," he said.
Music began and a man walked over to us. Curly blue/black hair in a low ponytail, yellow eyes.
"Good evening, I'm Tyki Mikk. Pleasure to make an acquaintance with such a beautiful lady," he said bowing.
"Good evening I'm (y/n) Walker. Pleasure to make your acquaintance," I said standing and bowing.
"May I have the honor of dancing with you," he asked putting a hand out.
I glanced at Lavi not knowing what to say.
He nodded slightly and motioned his hand to take the guys hand and bow. How he did it all being unnoticed, who knows. I took Tyki's hand and bowed. We walked to the dance floor and danced.
"So Lady (y/n), is this your first time to a soiree," he asked.
"No, it's just been a while since I've gone to one. You know how it is with this life," I said laughing.
"Ah yes busy busy," he said smiling.
Something about him seemed familiar... What is it?
"Something wrong," he asked.
"Oh! Not at all! You just seem familiar," I said.
"That so? Perhaps at another soiree we did not meet," he suggested.
"Perhaps," I said.
The name... What is it... My hands and wrists tingled and I looked at them. My innocence wasn't activated but it felt like it should be... I looked at Tyki and smiled. He smiled back. After a while more of dancing my body pulsed and the world slowed down. My innocence activated on its own but it hurt a bit. I know his name. Allen told me about him. He's a Noah! If he knows Allen then... The song ended and we bowed to each other.
"By the way Lady (y/n), I don't see why an exorcist like yourself would be here," he whispered.
I froze and my body pulsed again. My hands hurt more and I couldn't stop my innocence.
"I don't know what you mean," I said trying to act confused.
"You know what I mean. The boy, Allen, he's your brother," he said.
"I don't know anyone by that name," I said.
"Then explain why there's tattoos that weren't on your hands before," he said smirking slightly.
"They've always been there," I said.
"Alright girl, give it up. I know who you are, you know who I am, I think the lying should stop," he said.
I tried getting out of his grasp but I couldn't.
"Don't struggle, it's futile," he said.
"Why thank you Sir, I think I'll take her from here. She can't dance for too long or she gets really really tired," Lavi said.
"Of course," Tyki said letting me go and bowing.
Tyki looked at me and chills ran through me and my body pulsed again. I tried not to hiss in pain and Tyki knew what was happening because he was smirking with a look in his eye.
"Farewell lady (y/n)," Tyki said as he left.
I couldn't move, I couldn't think, I couldn't do anything. The pain was getting to be a little too much.
Turn off, turn off, turn off, turn off... Just turn off.
"(Y/n), hey calm down," Lavi said as he helped me sit down.
I could move a bit more but my innocence still hurt.
"W...Where," I asked shakily.
"It's fine, it's just another room. Actual room, you wouldn't listen to me and I got worried so here we are," he said.
My innocence started burning X10 and I cried.
"Hey what's wrong," he asked worriedly.
"L-Lavi I-I-it's hurts," I tried saying.
"What hurts," he asked.
I picked up my hands and he took off the sleeves.
"Well of course it does, how long have you had your innocence on," he asked.
"N-Not that l-long. I-It happened when I remembered that he was a Noah," I said as the pain dulled to at least bearable.
"That's where I've seen him. Don't worry just calm down," he said running his hands over mine.
Why now? Why? Is it because a Noah interacted with me? No, then wouldn't it happen with Allen too? Maybe it's because the Noah blood in me reacted...
"Lavi...," I said quietly looking at our hands.
"Yeah," he asked.
"....why did this happen," I asked.
"Well he is a Noah maybe your innocence reacted," he said.
I shook my head," then why doesn't it happen to you?"
"I've never actually been in close contact with them," he said.
"What if.... What if it was that Noah blood in me reacting? Like how Clown Crown can hurt Allen because the 14th in him," I asked.
He stopped and I felt as if he were staring at me trying to piece together something so I flinched and closed my eyes, afraid of his next sentence. I stood up and walked a little bit away. I kept my eyes shut and my innocence pulsed slightly. Warm arms surrounded me and I gasped at the sudden gesture.
"And if it was? All it means is that we have to tell Komui, everything's still the same," he said gently.
My eyes watered and I hugged him as tightly as the slight pain would allow me. He put his head on mine and I cried.
"It's alright (y/n), I'm right here and I won't let anything happen to you," he said kissing my forehead.
Staying like that, I slowly calmed down. I looked up at Lavi and kissed him.
"Thank you," I said.
"For," he asked.
"Being here," I said.
"Of course, I love you," he said smiling.
"I love you too," I said smiling back.

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