Dressing up

452 16 1

Your POV
I laughed slightly at what Lavi told Allastor. He still gets angry when I told him to chill. Oh well, it's not me he's worried about. I gasped when I saw the dress.
"It's beautiful," I said happily.
I changed and twirled around.
"Allastor, help please," I said opening the door slightly.
"Alright face back to me," he said from the door.
I turned,"ok."
He came in and helped strap up the dress.
"Looks like it fits well, does it feel otherwise," he asked.
"No it feels awesome," I said happily admiring it.
He chuckled and finished up.
"Alright, is it too loose or too tight," he asked.
"No it's just fine," I said moving around.
"That's good," he said as I looked at him.
"I think the dress is beautiful, thank you," I said smiling.
"My pleasure, but Mrs.Tabitha helped as well so thank her," he said smiling.
"I will," I said.
He got my hand and Lavi burst open the slightly agape door. Pissed. The one word to describe it. Allastor let go and looked and Lavi.
"It's merely a respecting jester," Allastor said.
"Jester my ass," Lavi growled.
"L-Lavi," I said getting in between them.
He looked at me and stared at me, not angry but not happy?
"Allastor step out please," I asked confused.
"Very well," he said as he left.
Lavi just stared at me and leaned on the door and closed it.
"I don't think Mrs.Tabitha would appreciate us taking spare time and throwing it around," I muttered my cheeks growing pink.
He walked to me and I noticed his suit which had the tie untied, but he still looked good. Too good.
"Lavi your tie is untied," I muttered as my blush increased.
"Yeah that doesn't matter," he said looking at his tie then at me.
"You don't know how to tie a tie," I asked putting my hands on his chest.
"No...gramps always does them for me," he said.
"Alright, I've had to do Allen's so let me see if i remember," I said tying his tie.
"Hey," he said.
"Hm," I asked.
"You look beautiful," he said smiling.
"T-Thanks, you look amazing too," I said finishing his tie.
He leaned in and kissed me deeply. I gasped at the sudden gesture but melted in and wrapped my arms around his neck. There was a knock at the door and he pulled away.
"Mrs.(y/n), Mr.Lavi, please hurry," Allastor said.
"We should probably go," he said pecking my lips and pulling away.
I pulled him to me and hugged him.
"I love you, Lavi," I said smiling.
"I love you too, (y/n)," he said hugging me back tightly.
I let him go and pulled him by his hand out of the dressing room.
"Hair style time, ready," Allastor asked.
"As we'll ever be," I said.
Allastor looked at our hands and walked us to where Dante was.
"(Y/n)! Lavi! The outfits look very good on you both," Dante said observing us.
"Thanks," we said.
"Alright perfect hairstyles in mind for both," Dante said excitedly.
"Ladies first," Lavi said letting my hand go.
I laughed and sat down.
"Just stay still and the hair will be done quick. Would you like some make up as well," he asked.
"What do you think would work best," I asked.
"Hmmm I think your face is beautiful the way it is. What about you Lavi," Dante asked as he started doing my hair.
"She's beautiful every day," Lavi said smiling.
"Ahh the girlfriend I'm guessing," he said smiling.
"Yep," we said.
"How sweet, she's a keeper Lavi," Dante said laughing.
"Forever," he said looking straight at me through the mirror.
"Always," I said softly smiling back.
"Lavi, why don't you go with Mrs.Tabitha? Maybe you could get your accessories early," Dante suggested.
"Yeah, I'll do that. Bye," Lavi said waving at Dante and I.
"Bye Lavi," we said.
Lavi winked at me before he left the room and I rolled my eyes playfully. What was he up to now?
"No make up, and I believe some ribbon to go with the hair, yes it'll work beautifully," he said getting ribbon and tying my hair.
After a while he finished up and I looked at me.
"Dante it's beautiful," I said admiring the style.
"Glad to hear! Oh and I added a small something," he said pointing to a small green flower, the same color as Lavi's eyes.
"It's so cute," I said carefully touching it.
"To go with Lavi a bit," he said admiring his work proudly.
"Thank you so much," I said happily as I looked at him.
"Your smile is enough thanks (y/n), besides, it's the model that makes things better," he said smiling back.
"Alright, I'll call Lavi," I said getting up.
"Yes, would you like for me to escort you there," he asked playfully.
"Do I get a grand entrance," I asked.
"Why not," he asked.
"Then off we go," I said linking our arms.
We walked to the accessory shop and Dante cleared his throat.
"May I present, (y/n) Walker," he said letting go and bowing.
"Why thank you good sir," I said bowing at him.
Mrs.Tabitha and Lavi clapped, then Lavi bowed too.
"(Y/n), you look beautiful! I'm glad everything suits you," Mrs.Tabitha said smiling.
"Thank you for the set up," I said smiling.
"Anything for you dearie," she said hugging me.
I hugged her and when she let me go I walked to Lavi.
"My lady, stunning as always," Lavi said.
"Why thank you my love," I said smiling.
Lavi gasped slightly and looked at me.
"What? What'd I say," I asked.
He smiled and chuckled," nothing, nothing."
I hugged him and 'awwws' were heard through the room. He hugged me tightly and let me go.
"Alright off you go Lavi," Mrs.Tabitha said as she pushed him lightly to Dante.
"I've got this," Dante said as they walked to the hair styling.
"Alright (y/n), your innocence is a," Mrs.Tabitha asked.
"Tattoo that appears when I activate it," I said.
"Where," she asked.
"My hands and wrists," I said.
"Alright! Then the sleeves should do great," she said.
"How about some earrings," she asked showing me light blue diamond earrings.
"They're beautiful... I can't, they look like they're too much," I said.
"(Y/n), everything we're giving you is stuff you'll be able to keep. They're gifts from us to you, now please put them on," she said handing me the earrings.
"But Mrs.Tabitha-," she cut me off by smiling and putting the earrings in my hands and closing my hands.
"Come on (y/n), please don't put up a fuss," she said.
I sighed and nodded. I carefully put them on and she passed me some moderate heels, blue and white. I put them on and took a step falling. Brace for impact in 3...2..........1?
"(Y/n) you have to be more careful, if you can't wear heels you should've said so," Lavi said.
I opened my eyes and saw that Lavi had caught me. I looked at him and damnnnnn he's hot.
"*laughs* sorry," I said standing up.
"Looks like no big entrance was needed Lavi," Dante said.
"Seems that way, this is a big enough entrance," Lavi said smiling at me.
"Wow Lavi, you look....wow," I said blushing slightly again.
"Thanks," he said kissing my cheek.
Him and Mrs.Tabitha talked so I practiced walking in heels, been a while.
"Perhaps some help," Allastor and Dante asked as they offered their arms to me.
"Thanks," I said accepting and linking their arms with mine.
We walked and talked and I got the hang of the heels soon.
"Alright try walking from that end of the room to this end of the room. Allastor will be at that end, I'll be over here," Dante said.
"Alright," I said as I walked.
"Stand straight," Dante said.
Stood straight.
"Shoulders back gives a sense of power," Allastor said.
Popped my shoulders back. I walked to Allastor and walked back.
"Perfect! You've got it down," they said.
"Thanks you two," I said smiling at them.
"Anytime," they said.
They walked back to the door way so I sat down on a tall chair to rest. There were hands putting something on my neck so I turned ready to punch whoever was behind me. I punched and they avoided.
"Woah there, just me," Lavi said smiling.
"Lavi," I said happily.
He smiled and I felt something cold at my neck. I put my hand on it and it was a necklace. I looked at it and gasped, a beautiful clear gem hung from the silver chain.
"Lavi its beautiful," I said admiring it.
"Thought so, seemed like something you'd like," he said winking again.
"So that's what you were up to," I said.
"Yep, what can I say, only the best for you," he said.
"Thank you Lavi," I said as I pecked his lips.
"As I said, only the best for you," he said kissing me softly.
"Let's get you both going to the soirée," Mrs.Tabitha said as she opened the door to the carriage.
"Thank you for everything, I mean it Mrs.tabitha," I said hugging her.
"Of course dearie! I'm glad you appreciate everything," she said hugging me back.
"Thanks for everything Mrs.Tabitha, everything turned out amazing," Lavi said as he shook her hand.
"You're welcome Lavi, all I ask is that you take care of (y/n). She's a keeper," she said.
We laughed and smiled.
"I'll always take care of her," he said.
"And I'll do the same with him," I said linking his arm with mine.
"Young love, it's beautiful," she said smiling and leading us out.
"Bye (y/n)! Bye Lavi! Take care," Allastor and Dante said.
"Bye you two! You guys take care too," I said.
"Be, take care," Lavi said as we got in the carriage.
We waved until we couldn't and sat down. During the drive I took off my heels and sat on Lavi's lap. I put my head in the crook of his neck and he wrapped his arms around me.
"I don't know how you can move and sit like this in a dress," he said.
"Dresses are more bearable then you think," I said.
"That so? I find that hard to believe," he said.
We laughed and
To be continued
See what I did there ;)

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