The soiree pt.2

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Lavi's POV
I linked my arm with (y/n)s and we walked out. Walking back to our table we saw people dancing. (Y/n) stumbled a bit so I steadied her.
"You alright," I asked.
"Yeah, just got a bit dizzy," she said.
I put my hand around her waist to support her and we sat down. She had her hands at her legs and she stared at them. Maybe she's thinking about her innocence. I put my hand over hers and squeezed reassuringly. Lightening and thunder were heard loudly followed by rain pounding on the windows.
"Just weather then," I said.
She nodded and leaned against me, putting her head on my shoulder.
"Bookman! Walker! Good to meet you," a lady with her hair in a bun and a red mermaid tail dress walked up to us.
"Hello," we said, standing up and bowing.
"No need dear children, I may be the hostess but bowing is just too much," she said.
"Hostess? Then you must be Lady Treve," I said.
"Indeed I am, and I believe you both are exorcists," Treve said.
"We are, we were told that the object causing the weather in this area to act abnormally is innocence," (y/n) said.
"Ah, your chief Komui has been in contact with me, and I am willing to cooperate fully," Treve said.
"Thank you very much," I said.
"Of course, now follow me. I believe I know what you're looking for," Treve said, motioning us to follow her.
We followed to a secluded area and she stopped walking.
"Now where did I put it? Oh sorry dears! Just forgetting which room is which," Treve laughed.
I heard a snap and looked at (y/n), she now has her twin swords in her hands.
"(Y/n)," I asked.
Treve laughed.
"You're a smart girl," Treve said.
"You're just too obvious it hurt," (y/n) said venomously.
"Ah of course, let's talk about it later. In hell," Treve said as she transformed into a level 3 Akuma.
I activated my innocence and stood in front of (y/n).
"Something wrong Bookman," the Akuma laughed.
"(Y/n) don't even try it," I said.
"What?! You can't expect me to standby and leave him to you," she argued.
"Well I'm not going to have you get hurt so I'll say it again, (y/n) don't even try it," I said.
"I'm going to help," she argued as she snapped her fingers and twin pistols appeared.
She shot at it and it dodged.
"Fire stamp," I said as I hit it.
I burned it but it just came back. (Y/n) used her whip holding it down. Right when I was about to hit it, her innocence faded and it threw me against the wall.
"Lavi," she yelled.
I got up and used fire stamp again. (Y/n) cut its arm with the sword and it went back.
"Wow, you landed a shot, I'll praise you for that. But I won't let it happen again," it said.
I hit him with fire stamp and (y/n) threw her sword at him. It stabbed it's stomach and burned the flesh around it slowly.
"Heh try again," it said as it went towards (y/n).
I blocked hit with my hammer handle and it snickered.
"You're wide open," it said.
It cut my stomach and threw me to the wall again. I coughed out blood and tried to get up but couldn't.
"(Y/n) get away from him," I yelled.
She used her wings and stabbed him with her other sword. When she landed behind him, he hit her which she dodged but cut her arm slightly. Putting a pistol to his head she shot him. He went down and disappeared. I finally got up and (y/n) ran over to me.
"Lay down, you're going to make it worse," she said.
I laid on the floor and she got out a first aid kit.
"No, your arm first," I said coughing again.
She sighed and quickly bandaged her arm. I sat up and she took off my coat. I hissed at the sharp pain that went through my stomach and she quickly took off my shirt. She cleaned the blood carefully and wrapped the bandage around the wound. I sat against the wall and she sat next to me.
"You idiot," she said as wiped her eyes.
"Awww come on (y/n), don't cry. I'm alright," I said.
"You're lucky enough that that cut didn't reach your intestines," she said.
"Yeah I know," I said as I used my uncut arm to ruffle her hair.
"I didn't think it'd work, but it did," she added after a moment of silence.
"What worked," I asked.
"I used my innocence at the last minute to make a sort of shield in you. It was meant to be in front of you but it got you before it worked," she said.
"Then I believe I should be saying thank you," I said laughing slightly.
She shook her head.
"It didn't work," she said.
"Yes it did, you said so yourself," I said.
"Not completely," she said again.
"Hey quit that," I said sternly," you did help. It did work. We're alive. You're fine. I'm not going to die."
"Either way, I believe I said no."
"Well if I didn't help where would you be right now?!"
"Point taken."
"Don't point taken me!"
I laughed and she stayed mad.
"Nothing's funny here lavi," she muttered.
"Yes there is," I said.
"What," she asked.
"Don't worry about it," I said.
"I love you so much," I said as I put my hand on her cheek and wiped the tear streaks away.
"I love you too Lavi," she said.
"Enough to kiss me right now," I asked playfully.
"No," she said laughing and rolling her eyes playfully.
"Awww please," I asked.
She shook her head laughing and carefully put her hands on my shoulders. She pecked my lips and I smirked. I put my hand on her back and the other I kept on her cheek. I pulled her close and kissed her. Her hand tangled in my hair and I smiled slightly.
"Bookman! Walker!" A finder yelled.
We pulled away and (y/n) called him over.
The finder ran over and immediately panicked.
"We must get bookman to a hospital and quick," he said.
"Did you retrieve the innocence," (y/n) asked.
She was starting to look pale and frail, this made me worry.
"Yes we did. In fact, it's right here," he said as he showed us it.
"Put that away! There are Noah here," (y/n) scolded angrily.
"(Y/n), calm down please," I said.
She backed down a bit and the finder helps both of us up. He put my arm through his shoulders as support to help me walk and (y/n) constantly checked to see my bandages.
"We're going through the back, a carriage is waiting to take us to the nearest hospital," he said.
We nodded and (y/n) seemed to grow more pale. I reached out for her hand and it was cold.
"(Y/n)," I asked worriedly.
"Is something wrong ms.walker," he asked.
"I'm fine," she said as she squeezed my hand lightly.
We got out through the doors and it was raining. I got my coat, put it over her, and made sure she was still ok.
"Sorry about this, but right this way and you'll be in warmth," he said.
We nodded and saw the carriage. (Y/n) went in first with me following trying not to move the wrong way to open the wound. He closed the door and (y/n) was practically as white as a corpse!
"(Y/n), what's wrong? Are you ok," I asked worriedly.
"I-I'm fine," she said quietly.
"Crap. No you're not get over here," I said.
She carefully took off her heels and walked over and sat next to me. I got a blanket I found there and wrapped it over the coat and herself. I wrapped my arms around her as best as I could as she started shaking.
"L-Lavi," she quietly said.
"Yeah," I asked.
"I'm T-tired," she said weakly.
"Hey, no no no no! No sleeping," I said panicking.
She leaned against me and I yelled at the finder to hurry up. The carriage soon stopped and nurses rushed in.
"The girl is pale, the boy is injured," the female nurse said.
"Get them out of there now," the male nurse said.
"(Y/n) please stay awake," I begged.
"I love... you...," she said as she passed out.
"(Y/n)? (Y/n)! Wake up! Wake up please," I begged.
The doctors were taking too long so I picked her up and got out of there. My wound ached but that didn't matter.
"If you all aren't going to help, pass me to someone who will," I yelled.
"Bookman please calm down," the finder said.
"Pass us the girl," the female nurse said.
I passed them (y/n) and they helped me.
"His wounds reopened! Get it treated now!"
After that everything went blurry and in a rush. All I could think about was (y/n) and the slight tang of pain that shot through me.

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