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Lavi's POV
I woke up to a very nice wake up call.
"Lavi," (y/n) called.
She was kissing down my neck and I actually think she left a mark.
"Morning," I said groggily.
"Morning sleepyhead," she said as she hugged me.
I hugged her and kissed the top of her head.
"What's all this about," I asked.
"Mine," she said.
I laughed and said," yeah of course."
She smiled and kissed my cheek. She got up and motioned for me to get up too. I got up and she held my hand.
"Want to walk around," I asked.
"Sure," she said.
"Oh but one thing first," i said as I let go of her hand.
She looked at me curiously as she stood in front of the door. I put my hands on the door and kissed her deeply. Her eyes shut and I moved my hands to intertwine with hers and pinned them besides her head.

Your POV
"Oh but one thing first," Lavi said.
Today was one of those days where I'm very possessive so I do things to keep others aware. I may or may not have given Lavi some marks. And when he said that I thought he'd get something but nope. He's kissing me and I'm so very very fogged. He had our hands intertwined and held mine tightly besides my head. With the strength I had left I held onto his. He closed the gap between us and I couldn't even focus on anything else but him.
"Mine," he growled as he parted momentarily but immediately went back.
He bit my bottom lip and who was I to deny him. He quickly began a rough yet passionate kiss and smirked when I didn't fight back and went along. He pushed me lightly to be fully against the door and I moaned slightly. My face was probably on fire through this but I didn't care. What I did care was that my hands were hurting a bit....was it really important?? Unfortunately yes. I pulled apart and he stopped.
"What's wrong," he asked with those green eyes of his half open and completely sexy.
"My hands hurt a bit," I mumbled trying to catch my breath as well.
"Crap, sorry," he said as he was about to let go.
"No no it's fine, you just held on a bit too tightly," I said as I held onto his hands.
He chuckled slightly and kept the same position.
"D-Did you know that even if I give you a mark while you're asleep, you let out small groans," I said.
"That so? Shame you didn't do it while I was awake," he said.
"Whys that," I asked.
"I believe it'd end a lot better if I were awake," he said with a wink.
My blush darkened and he smiled. He began kissing down my neck and got to my sweet spot. Shivers went down my spine and I let out an airy moan. He began sucking on it and I bit my lip. He got rougher and went along my neck leaving small marks that might've been barely noticeable.
"Lavi," I moaned quietly.
Shivers went down his spine and he kissed me roughly again. I responded back and let go of his hands to wrap them around his neck and ran my fingers through his hair. Small moans escaped from me and were just rolled into the kiss. Pulling apart for air I rested my head against the door. Lavi smiled slightly and put his head on my shoulder. It was quiet except for us trying to catch our breaths. He moved his hand to my back rubbing small circles.
"I love you (y/n)," he said.
"I love you too Lavi," I said with a smile.
When we both caught our breaths, he let go of me. Sadly.
"Alrighty want to walk," he asked.
"Hmmmm I want to go see Hevlaska," I said thoughtfully and moved from the door.
"Alright then, let's go," he said as he opened the door.
We walked out and he put his arm around my shoulders. While walking we bumped into Reever.
"Hi Reever," we said.
"Hey you two, where you love birds headed off to," Reever asked.
"To see Hevlaska," I said putting my hands up.
Lavi and Reever laughed slightly.
"It has been a while since you've talked to her," Reever said.
"It has. Been gone so long so I can't spend my daily hevlaska time," I said dissatisfied.
"You'd go see Hevlaska a lot then," Lavi asked.
"Yep, I used to sleep there to," I said.
"Yeah that's (y/n) for you," reever said.
"Well what are you up to then," Lavi asked.
"Working on some new projects," Reever said sighing.
"You mean working on new projects to destroy Komui's latest invention," Lavi said.
Reever nodded and I laughed.
"What is it this time," I asked.
"You don't want to know," Reever said.
"REEVER ITS BACK!" The science division yelled.
"Sorry you two, gotta go stop it. Stop by later if you get the chance," Reever said as he ran back.
Lavi and I laughed and went down the elevator he moved his arm as we held onto the railings . We got to the bottom and Hevlaska smiled.
"(Y/n) Walker, how long has it been," Hevlaska asked.
"Too long, sorry I've been a bit busy," I said.
"It's quite alright (y/n). Though you may let go of the rails," she said.
"I don't think that's an option here," Lavi said struggling.
"Poor Bookman," she said.
I let go of the railings and sat down with my back against it.
"How have you been," I asked.
"Same as always, though I have received innocence lately. Well done," she praised.
"Thanks," I said smiling.
Lavi waved to Hevlaska as he 'walked' to me and laid down with his head on my lap.
"Hello Lavi," she said laughing slightly.
"Hevlaska," he strained.
"Uhhhh Lavi, you ok there," I asked worriedly.
"After effects. I don't think I'll ever be used to this thing," he said.
I opened a secret hatch I made and pulled out some pillows and blankets. I put a blanket over Lavi as Hevlaska watched.
"Have I missed something," she asked.
"What do you mean," I asked.
"You and Bookman. Are you two-"
"Yeah! It's been months already! I'm surprised Komui hasn't told you," I said.
"Komui is Komui. He will not tell me unless I ask," she laughed.
"That's true," I agreed with a smile.
"Back to the subject (y/n)," Hevlaska said.
"R-Right," I said with a blush.
"Mind if I answer," Lavi asked looking better.
"Not at all, go ahead," she said.
Lavi sat up next to me and started explaining. I curled my knees in and leaned against him. I grabbed the blanket and wrapped it around me, it was cold a bit. Lavi put his arm around me and I closed my eyes.
"How long have you two been together," she asked.
"Hmmm 2/3 months," Lavi said.
"Really? I imagined it was longer," I said.
"True, but at the same time feels just like yesterday," he said.
"That's true," I agreed.
Lavi kissed my cheek and smiled. After that, we all smiled and laughed and just talked. Of course, I eventually tired out quickly. Stupid overdoing myself effects.
"(Y/n)," Hevlaska asked.
"Hm," I mumbled.
"Hey you ok," Lavi asked.
"Tired," I mumbled.
"Then sleep, your knight in shining armors got you," he joked as he hugged me.
I laughed and quickly fell asleep.

Lavi's POV
(Y/n) fell asleep right after she laughed, cute. Cute but worrisome.
"Hevlaska," I asked.
"Yes," she asked.
"Will (y/n) always end up like this," I asked.
"If she continues to be persistent in overdoing herself then yes, she will," she said.
"What happens if she does keep on," I asked.
"She will die," she said.
"I don't want that to happen, there has to be someway to stop her or speed up her actual body's healing," I said.
"There is," she said.
"What," I asked.
"(Y/n) must not be allowed on any missions of course, seeing as she won't be able to," she said.
"You're talking about removing her innocence from her," I said.
"Yes. It is the only way. The innocence puts enough strain on her as it is but with what she's doing, it's just making the effects much worse. She will need to sleep plenty but will also have sleepless nights," she said.
"That's fine, I just want her to be alright," I said.
"Do you think she will agree," she asked.
"No, but I know she needs this," I said.
"Alright then. You will be staying here I take," she asked.
"Yeah, she seems she's more comfortable here," I said.
"Yes, as a child she was always here," she said.
I put a pillow and laid (y/n) down. I put the blanket over her and smiled slightly as she mumbled.
"What was she like as a kid," I asked.
"She has not told you," she asked.
"I have not asked," I said.
"Do you not wish for her to tell you," she asked.
"Hmmm she's kinda asleep," I said.
"Very well, what exactly do you wish to know," she asked.
"Anything that you know," I said.
"Very well. (Y/n) was an innocence user since birth. Therefore, a parasite type. Well, there is no actual way to define her innocence because as much as it is part of her body, it is also shape shifting into multiple things. General Cross Marian was her master and he wasn't too harsh on her like with Allen, but she wasn't spared from training. When she'd get breaks she'd come to me to check her synchronization rate. It always hired, even if it was only a few. Afterwards, she started to wish for someone to talk to seeing has how she was still a child. I always told her she's welcome to talk to me whenever she wished, and she did just that. She's quite the chatterbox, always trying to make the best of what she had, sometimes couldn't help but be depressed due to watching comrades die," she said," a burden this child is all too familiar with."
"We are exorcists, we know the risks," I said sighing.
"As a child you can not help but weep for loved one," she said.
I nodded in agreement," so she started going solo?"
"Yes, as she grew older I saw less and less of her. Komui would bring the innocence she'd retrieve and say how worried he was. He does think of (y/n) like a sister. Perhaps he smothers leenelee more but still cares," she said.
"That's Komui for you," I laughed slightly.
"That it is. (Y/n) stopped by briefly and always came back successful yet lacked," she said.
"Lacked the ability to be social," I asked.
"Something like that yes. She was shut off. She did not want others to get hurt so put herself in harms ways. That would have be her downfall, but she now has you and many others by her side," she said.
I said nothing. Just thought about how this beautiful girl could have gone through that so young.
"She did not plan on becoming emotionally attached, you are aware of that correct," she asked.
"Yeah... I'm glad she did and with me. I just wish I had been around sooner," I sighed.
"She would still be on missions. The only reason she had stopped was because-,"
"Because she knew the consequences of overdoing herself. Meaning she had really over done it then," I said.
"Correct. Even though she knows she will continue because she wishes to be the best," she said.
"Take it away. Take it away from her right now," I said.
"Lavi do understand this from her view point," she said.
"That is no reason! She's willing to put her life to an end and she shouldn't," I yelled.
(Y/n) shifted and I stopped.
"I will remove it, but remove it temporarily however...."

Cliff hanger :DD

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