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Lavi's POV
I woke up sitting up instantly, panting, worried. Why? Let's just say the dream must've been really bad. I looked around and tried calming down. Just in the hotel for the mission. Nothing bad is happening. It's fine.
"Damn," I whispered putting my heads in my hands.
"Lavi," (y/n) asked quietly.
"Morning," I said smiling at her.
"Hey what's wrong," she asked worriedly sitting up too.
"Nothing don't worry about it," I said.
"Lavi, somethings up what is it," she asked.
"Nothing," I said again.
"Lier," she said.
I sighed and she hugged me. I hugged her back tightly. Fuck bad dreams...
"Bad dream," she asked quietly.
"...yeah," I said.
"You should've just said so," she said.
"I don't want you to worry," I said.
"You worry about me, let me worry about you," she said.
I sighed and she kissed me. Damn her lips are so soft. She cut the kiss and stayed close.
"You're getting used to doing this often aren't you," I asked.
"That's a bad thing," she asked.
"Not at all," I said.
She hugged me tightly and laid back down.
"I love you Lavi Bookman, you're amazing, smart, cute, and talented. I couldn't ask for anyone better," she said as she ran her hand through my hair gently.
She's adorable! I got her free hand, put it on my cheek, had my hand over hers, and leaned into it.
"What time is it," I asked.
"Itssss 1:13," she said.
"We still have a while. Anything you want to do," I asked.
"Stay here with you," she said embarrassed.
I chuckled and said," alright. I don't mind."
She smiled happily, with the twinkle in her eyes. We stayed how we were and (y/n)s movements became slower gradually.
"Lavi," she said.
"Hm," I asked.
"I'm falling asleep, sorry," she said yawning.
"Then sleep, I'm almost falling asleep too," I said tiredly.
I let go of her hand and she stopped messing with my hair. She put an arm across my chest and her head near my shoulder. I put an arm around her waist and felt my eyes get heavy. Sleep washed over me and surprisingly, I didn't have a bad dream.
*hello lovelies ;) -dances randomly-*

Roads POV
I laughed as I watched (y/n)s dreams. They had that light feeling to them. (Y/n) is the 15th myth Noah that randomly appears. No one actually remembers when she was last here and that's why she's considered a myth. Until now. Now we have Allen and (y/n), that's nice. I walked up to (y/n) and smiled.
"Hello," she said smiling.
"Hi (y/n)," I said as we danced through the flowery field.
"Wait what's your name," she asked curiously.
"I'm Road," I said.
"Alright then Road, want a flower crown," she asked.
"Flower crown," I asked sitting in the flowers with her.
"You don't know what they are," she asked.
"No I don't think so," I said thoughtfully.
"Alright then, follow my lead," she said as she picked flowers.
We started making flower crowns and got to know each other more. Her world had a strong breeze so I looked at her. She placed the flower crown on my head and I looked at a mirror.
"You look pretty road," she said smiling.
"Thanks (y/n)," I said admiring the crown.
"Anytime," she said as she faded.
Guess she woke up. Shame. But, now we found you (y/n)~

Lavi's POV
??? What????
"Lavi wake up," (y/n) said.
I opened my eyes slightly and saw (y/n) smiling at me.
"Morning sleepyhead," she said.
"Morning," I said smiling back.
"It's 5:50 we better get going to Mrs.Tabitha's shop," she said.
"Fineeee," I groaned as I got up.
I got some clothes and changed. When I finished I couldn't find my headband.
"(Y/n), have you seen my headband," I asked.
"Yes," she said.
"where is it," I asked.
"I have hidden it, you'll get it back when we come back," she said.
"Why," I asked curiously.
"You look better without it," she said embarrassed.
"Alright then," I said walking to her.
"Ready to go," she asked.
"Yeah," I said.
"Oh wait, I meant to ask if I could use your jacket," she asked fidgeting with her fingers.
I got the jacket and said," you don't need to ask, if you want to wear it go ahead."
She smiled and put it on. Damn she looks so cute in it. I held her hand and we walked to Mrs.Tabitha's shop.
"Hurry hurry Dante! They'll be here soon," Mrs.Tabitha said as she helped a boy that looked like Allastor, but with orange eyes, out of a loop of strong.
"Hello," (y/n) said as she waved.
"Oh! (Y/n)! Lavi! Good to see you two," Mrs.Tabitha said as she shook our hands.
"Alright, I'm out," the boy said.
"Looks like you were in a real tangle there," (y/n) said laughing.
"(Y/n)-" she cut me off with," don't patronize me."
Mrs.Tabitha laughed and said," alright then, let me introduce you both to Dante."
Dante stepped foreword and bowed slightly," honored to help in any way I can."
"Thank you but no need to be so official," (y/n) said nervously.
"Yeah, it's ok. Besides were just here as people to go to a party," I said.
"Very well," Dante said standing properly.
"Alright! For dressing Allastor will help;however, he only helps, for (y/n), lacing the back of the dress. For Lavi he'll help with ties and such," she said walking us the dressing rooms.
"Here you are, I'll be with accessories and Dante will do hair," she said.
"Thank you Mrs.Tabitha," we said.
"Of course dears," she said as she left.
Allastor stood at the doorway and (y/n) went to her dressing room.
"Try anything and I swear you'll never leave the hospital," I told him as I went to my dressing room.

Hey everyone! Sorry for slower updates ;-; got camp and school coming up. Plus turns out I have anxiety so sometimes my train of thought shakes so sorry ;-; love you guys though and I'll keep trying!!

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