Im sorry...

683 23 9

Your POV
Timcanpy flew on my head and I smiled.
"Hey Tim," I said.
Timcanpy flew away so I followed him.
"(Y/n) where are you going," Lavi asked.
"I'm following Timcanpy," I said.
I walked into a room and saw Timcanpy on a white..mask.. Blood was over the unshattered pieces of the window and on the Windows ledge. I recognized the white mask and backed away. That mask was masters... I fell and heard running footsteps.
"(Y/n) don't-," Allen cut himself off by looking at me and saw that I had already seen.
"What the hell," Lavi asked.
"A-A-Allen, t-that's...," I couldn't bring myself to finish the sentence.
My body was shaking as I stared wide eyed at the scene before me. Allen got Timcanpy but I stared at the scene unable to tear my eyes away. Tears fell from my eyes and I put my hand over my mouth. Masters dead. I felt hands over my eyes.
"I'm sorry (y/n), I should've stopped you," Allen said.
"Who the hell did this," Lavi said from behind me.
"No one knows... Hevlaska says that master is surely dead. His innocence doesn't have a welder anymore," Allen said.
"He's gone. He's gone. He's gone," I whispered quickly.
"Shhhh (y/n) calm down," Lavi said.
"I knew it. I knew we weren't going to see him again," I said crying more.
"I'm sorry you had to see this, (y/n)," Komui said.
I shook more and I couldn't stop. Lavi pulled me closer to him and hugged me.
"Lavi, get her out of here," Komui had said.
Lavi picked me up bridal style and went back to my room, Allen following. I didn't know what to do, Cross was like my Dad, now he's gone. I didn't even know we were in my room or that Lavi had sat me on my bed until Timcanpy sat on my lap. I hugged him and continued crying. Allen hugged me and kept apologizing.
"It'll be ok," Allen said comfortingly.
"He's gone Allen. For good this time," I managed to say.
"I know, but I doubt he'd want us to be sad. You know how he was," he said.
I stayed quiet and calmed down.
"Every team I had, someone almost always go hurt. I wasn't as good an exorcist as I am now so sometimes they'd protect me from attacks from Akumas. Those are the ones I feel are my fault. Stephanie, Ray, Hannah, and Gabriel, they're gone because they protected me," I said.
"You're talking about it now," Lavi asked.
"Cross wanted me to, besides, I think it's about time I say it too," I said wiping my tears away.
"Don't force it ok," Allen said.
"Ok," I said.
They sat on either side of me and I kept on.
"Sometimes on missions someone would get really sick because we didn't have medical teams to treat the wounds and by the time we got to HQ, they were gone. That's why I keep medical stuff on me now," I said remembering everyone's face.
"It's not your fault (y/n), nobody knew," Lavi said.
"Still, I can't shrug it off," I said.
"They died protecting you. Now look at you, you've become a great person and exorcist," Lavi said and Allen nodded.
"Use it as concrete to build me up," I quoted Master.
Allen ruffled my hair.
"Sleep, you need it," Allen said.
"I'll try," I said.
Allen hugged me and left with Timcanpy.
"You going to be ok," Lavi asked.
I put my head on his shoulder and said," I don't know Lavi. I don't know..."
He put an arm around my shoulders and said," You'll get through this ok? You've got all of us after all."
I nodded and Lavi got up.
"I'm going to sleep, you need anything before I go," he asked.
".....well, would you mind sleeping in here... Just for tonight," I asked, I wasn't ready to be alone just yet.
Lavi blinked at me and asked,"are you sure?"
I nodded and he sighed.
"Allen and Yuu won't kill me right," he asked.
I laughed slightly," no I don't think so."
"Then I guess sure," he said.
I moved to my favorite side of the bed and Lavi laid down too.
Friends. He won't leave. It's ok to trust. No one else is leaving.
"You ok," Lavi asked.
I nodded and tried to get used to the feeling. Lavi has his back to me and I was facing him. I kept a gap between us just to help. Having someone nearby was nice though, I felt warm and safe. More than when Allen's here. It's a different kind of warm and safe. I looked at Lavi's figure and decided I did like him, even if I had just met him. He's opened up to me on a lot of things and I trust him. Sleep washed over me and I gave in.
*background music for the chicken dance in Spanish while author shuffles. Don't judge.*
Lavi's  POV
I woke up and was immediately confused. Where the hell was I? ....Did I drink too much again? I looked to my side and saw (y/n). Crap tell me I didn't do what I think I did! No wait... She's got clothes. I was relieved I didn't do anything to her.  Memories of yesterday came back and I sighed. Waaaaiiittttt chant it Lavi chant it! Bookman Bookman Bookman Bookman! I really didn't want to end up in love because gramps would kill me and make us move again. (A/N: if Bookman can't love, how do successors come into play??)
"Lavi," (y/n) muttered.
I sat up and looked at her. She's asleep? I smiled slightly at her cute form while she's asleep. GODAMNIT! I kept shaking my head and it actually went away.
"Lavi," (y/n) asked as she sat up rubbing her eye.
"U-Um yeah," I asked.
"You ok," she asked as she got closer.
"Yeah, fine," I said looking away.
"If you say so," she said.
"I'm going back to my room ok? Gotta change and all that. You'll be ok till I get back," I asked.
"Yeah I'll just shower and get breakfast," she said.
"Ok, bye," I said as I left her room.
Damnit... I love her...

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