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Your POV
I walked around once and bathed in the silence. Still royally pissed but at the same time, common sense ran through my mind. He's only doing it to protect me. He doesn't want me to die. Still! It's my decision and my life! I choose what I want. He should have asked! With a bit of talking I'm sure I would have agreed. But without my permission is just... ugh!! And all this! The sleeping, dreams, everything! Was it because I didn't have my innocence? *sighs*
"Why did she have to say anything," I sighed.
"He's only looking out for you."
I looked and saw Leena standing in front of me.
"Hi Leena," I said.
"Hi (y/n). I'm guessing Lavi told you about the thing huh," she asked.
"Yeah... wait... You knew too," I asked.
"Well you kinda passed out once a couple of days ago and we saw. Lavi explained and we were supposed to not say anything. Go figure you'd be able to get it out of him," she said.
"A couple of days ago," I asked.
"You've been asleep for 2 days (y/n)," she said.
"No way," I said shocked.
"Wait you didn't know," she asked.
"No, why so long," I asked.
"Your body is so used to having innocence and not being tired. So now without it your body is healing and the side affects aren't all that bad," she said.
"Side affects," I asked freaking out.
"Hey calm down," she said as she looked around.
"How?! What the hell is going on," I asked.
"Hey how about we get Allen too," she suggested.
She grabbed my wrist and we walked a bit to Allen's door. She knocked and the door opened slightly after.
"She knows and it's not looking so good," Leena said.
I'm freaking out here wondering about what can happen to me without my innocence and what will happen. Allen let us in his room and closed the door behind us. The lights were on and it was pretty bright.
"Hi (y/n), how you feeling," Allen asked.
"Freaked out," I said anxiously.
"Whys that," he asked.
"My innocence is gone and the side effects don't sound in my favor," I said slowly calming down.
Of course twin would be able to calm me down. Twin = everything's ok. I hugged him and he hugged me back, patting my back soothingly.
"Listen (y/n), your body has more of a risk of you overdoing yourself and dying then normal innocence. Lavi found out and freaked out like the rest of us. Hevlaska offered to take away your innocence temporarily is all," he said.
"I can have it back," I asked.
"Of course! Your body just needs rest first," he said.
"No! If I rest-,"
"If you rest everything will be ok," he said gently.
With that I believed it. Almost no doubt. Almost.
"But what about everyone," I asked.
"They'll be fine too. Besides, I need to make sure my little sister gets her rest," he said.
He patted my head in a rhythm and I relaxed.
"What are the side effects," I asked after a while.
"Well, that's something you'd have to ask Lavi about. I couldn't really understand," he said laughing slightly.
"Anything you did understand," I asked.
"Your sleeping schedule will hecktic, that's for sure," he said.
"I can tell," I sighed.
"It's not so bad, sleeping is one of your favorite things to do isn't it," he asked.
"Trueeee," I said in agreement.
He laughed and we stayed like that.
"How are you feeling," he asked.
"Wide awake, guilty, do you want me to continue," I asked.
"Wide awake may have to deal with the side effects. As per guilty, is it Lavi," he asked.
"*sighs* yeah we got into a fight about it," I said.
"Jeez (y/n), hotheaded as ever," he said.
"Hey! To be fair-,"
"To be fair he's looking out for you. he doesn't want to lose you. Neither do I or the others," he said.
"I know I know," I sighed.
"No you don't. We just got you back (y/n), we don't want to say goodbye for good," he said.
"I'm sorry," I said.
"I'm not the one you should be telling," he said with a smile.
"Alright alright I'll go," I said.
"Good," he said.
"Actually one more thing," I said as I let go of him.
I looked around be noticed Leena was gone.
"What is it," he asked.
"I think I saw my Noah part," I said.
"It'll be fine, don't worry," he assured.
"How can't I worry?! What if it means-,"
"If is a big word, if anything you're at a lower risk of becoming a Noah more than I am," he said ruffling my hair.
"I sighed and gave in. Not worth the fight if I'm going to lose.
"Now I believe you have some apologies to be said to a certain someone," he said.
"Yeah but he was-,"
"Why must you always fight it?? Just go and apologize because as much as he was 'wrong' he is only caring about your well being. You over reacted to the situation and haven't seen what we have so you think he's in the wrong," he said.
"I would have been fine," I mumbled.
"Not if you never rested. Now go," he said.
"Alright alright, thanks Allen. You're the best bro," I said.
"Anytime little sis," he said with a smile.
I smiled and left the room. I walked to Lavi's room and he wasn't there. I checked my room and he wasn't there either. Hmmmm well he's probably helping Bookman. I decided to go to a secluded area I knew. After a few twists and turns I got to the doors that led to a balcony. I opened them and the semi cold air brushed past me. I pulled Lavi's jacket to me and bathed in the moonlight. I put my arms on the ledge and my my head on my arms. I hummed as I closed my eyes. Just a while, I'll go back and check on Lavi afterwards.

-----------Lost track of time---------

In my daze I felt arms wrap around me from behind and recognized them as Lavi's. He buried his head in the crook of my neck and I smiled.
"Hey there," I said as I leaned my head against his.
"You're not mad," he asked slightly surprised.
"No, Allen talked to me and talked reason into me. I'm sorry for over reacting to something I should have trusted your judgement on," I said.
"I'm sorry for getting mad and doing anything without your permission," he said.
"Love you," I said.
"Love you too," he said.
He picked his head up as if he realized something and let go of me, only to pull me away from the ledge.
"Lavi," I asked.
"You were too close to the ledge for comfort," he said.
I laughed and wrapped my arms around his neck.
"My knight in shining armor would have saved me," I said smiling.
"That's true dear princess," he laughed.
"Well sir Lavi it seems you have saved me once again," I said in a midevil accent.
"Always my lady," he said faking an accent.
"You have my undying gratitude," I said as I put my hands on his shoulders.
"Perhaps a symbol of my gratitude is in order," I asked.
"Perhaps," he agreed as he put his hands on my waist.
"Dork," I laughed as we leaned in.
"You love it," he said.
"Yep. My dork," I giggled.
He chuckled and we kissed. A sweet gentle kiss. After a moment, we parted and were smiling like no tomorrow.
"I love you," he said.
"Love you too Lavi," I said.
"How are you feeling," he asked
"Wide awake," I said.
"Then what do you want to do," he asked putting a strand of hair behind my ear.
I knew he was tired since he was asleep before but he still had regular clothes and his headband. Was he doing something before?
"Were you doing anything before you fell asleep," I asked slipping my hand through his soft as silk hair.
"Nothing important," he said.
I slipped his headband off and he pecked my lips.
"The old panda gave me some work," he said.
"How much have you done," I asked.
"Half or more," he sighed.
"Work on it and ok shower. Afterwards we'll go from there," I suggested.
"Can't I shower with you," he asked pouting.
"No," I laughed.
"Why not," he asked more with that evil glint in his eyes.
"Because you have work to do," I said.
"It can wait," he said with an evil glint in his eyes.
"Lavi, you have work. Focus on that before anything else," I said.
"Alright alright," he laughed.
We let go (it got really cold after) and went back inside with Lavi following behind me. As we walked, he intertwined our hands and I smiled. He let go of my hands to walk beside me and hold my hand.
"Awww does someone want me to notice them," I asked.
"Notice me Senpai," he said in a high pitch voice.
I burst into fits of laughter and he smiled.
"No im serious, notice me," he said as he pulled me to him.
"*laughs* Lavi," I laughed.
"Then you better do some noticing," he said.
"Alright alright I've noticed you," I said calming down.
He put my arms around his neck and smirked.
"Hold on," he said.
He picked me up and spun. I laughed at the sudden twirling and held onto him. He stopped and put me down.
"You're awfully affection," I said putting my head on the crook of his neck.
"You make it sound like this is the first run I show you I love you," he said.
"I didn't mean it like that Lavi, I know you love me. Its just you're being extra affectionate," I said.
"Gigi approved," he said smiling.
"What'd he approve," I asked.
"Us! He approved us," he said.
"Really?! Lavi that amazing," I said hugging him tightly.
He hugged me back and picked me up bridal style.
"Need to get clothes," he asked.
"Yes, but I'll go. You go start your work," I said.
"Whyyy," he pouted.
"The sooner you start the sooner you finish," I said.
"Next time you can shower with me," I mumbled as my face went red.
"Done. Love ya," he said as he put me down and pecked my lips.
"Love you too," I said as he left.
Boy will be boys. I went to my room to pick up some clothes and found one of Lavi's shirts in my drawer.
"I forgot to give it back to him after I washed it," I said looking at it.
One of the time Lavi stayed here, I accidentally spilled apple juice on the shirt that was on the ground. His fault technically for leaving it on the floor. I laughed at the memory and got the shirt and pajama pants and under clothes. I took off the jacket and placed it on my bed along with the headband.
"Jeez *sigh* I can be such an idiot... but I'm his idiot and he's my dork so it's all good," I said out loud.

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