Im home

395 15 0

Your POV
The train stopped and I woke up. I looked outside and saw the familiar train stop. I ran out and ran to the pier. I activated my wings and went at a fast speed. I knew it was a risky move to activate them but I had to get home soon. Within a couple of minutes I burst through the door.
"(Y/n) is home," Johnny said happily.
"Hi Johnny," I said laughing.
"How'd the missions go," Reever asked.
I handed him a backpack full of innocence and he was shocked.
"So I know you want to know more but-"
"Go on, we'll talk later," Reever said in understanding.
"Thanks, talk to you later," I said as I ran.
"(Y/n) don't you dare use your wings," Komui warned in that playing tone.
"I know I know, sorry," I said as I deactivated them.
"Alright on you go," he said as he pushed me into lavis room.
I went in and closed the door behind me. Lavi sat on the bed and smiled when he saw me.
"Komui is 100% approval with us sometimes," Lavi laughed as he stood up.
My eyes teared up and I ran to him. He wrapped his arms around me tightly and I held onto him.
"I've missed you so much," I whimpered slightly.
"I missed you too," he said as he kissed the top of my head.
"Come on (y/n), smile," he said gently.
"I am, you just can't see," I said as I looked up at him.
His eyes softened and he put his hands on my cheeks.
"You're still crying," he said as he wiped my tears away with his thumbs.
"And you're not," I asked as I put my hands on his cheeks too.
"*chuckles* you got me there," he said.
"I love you (y/n)," he said as he put his forehead against mine.
"I love you too Lavi," I said.
We both had stopped crying and now laid down on the infirmary bed. Lavi laid on his back as i laid on my side and his arm around me with my arm across his chest.
"How are you doing," he asked.
"I'm fine, been on missions here and there," I lied.
"You do know that I know you've been on a mission spree right," he said.
"Uhhh I don't know what you're talking about," I said quickly.
"*sighs* (y/n), are you even in any condition to be doing that," he asked.
"Well I wouldn't say I'm not in a good condition," I said.
"So you're good to go on missions but not at 100%," he said.
I nodded and he sighed again.
"I know I know, sorry," I mumbled.
"No more missions for you, if I have to I'll tell komui to send me so nothing piles up," he said.
"Wait what?! Lavi-,"
"You need to rest," he said sternly.
"That doesn't mean I have to stop doing missions," I said.
I know he's saying this for my own good but still!
"For a temporary time yes it does," he said.
"Unfair," I said.
"I'm not doing it to be unfair. I'm doing it because I love you and I don't want anything happening to you," he said.
I sighed and said nothing.
"80 missions in 2 months is pretty impressive though," he said.
"Yeah well when the stupid akuma are easy to kill makes my life easier," I said.
"Wait so how many missions have you actually cleared off," he asked.
"Maybe a months worth? Or a few weeks," I said thoughtfully.
"Then you'll rest until we're needed," he said.
"I'll arrange that," komui yelled through the door.
"Of course he'd be listening," I said.
Lavi laughed and so did I. We stayed like that a while longer before my body started to become hot.
"You ok (y/n)," Lavi asked as I shivered.
"Just cold," I mumbled as he switched to his side.
I nuzzled against him as he put the blanket over us but my shivering didnt stop. He put his hand on my forehead and immediately began to worry.
"(Y/n) you're running a fever," he said as he sat up.
"No-no I'm not," I said as I curled into the blanket.
"Crap, Komui," he yelled as he got off the bed.
My body switched between cold and hot and I moved around. Lavi opened the door and got Komui. They came back and Komui sighed.
"This is exactly why we told you not to over do it," Komui said.
"Tch you idiot," Kanda said from the door.
"Do you have the medicine," Komui asked.
Kanda tossed it to Komui and Komui got 2 small pills. I sighed and tried to sit up. Lavi helped me sit up as I drank the pills.
"She'll be fine, she just needs rest," Komui said.
"Idiot," kanda said as he hit my head lightly.
"I know," I said as I laughed slightly.
I wrapped the blanket around me and sneezed.
"Or she's getting sick," Komui said.
"That's what you get for not coming back," Kanda said.
"Awww yuu does care," I said.
"Mine," Lavi said as he wrapped his arms around me.
"That's my sister you stupid rabbit," kanda said.
"Awwwww yuu why are you so cruel," Lavi asked.
"I'll show you cruel," Kanda said as he got Mugen.
"That's enough you two," I said as I tried calming Kanda down.
Suddenly I was tackled into the bed.
"Owwww," I said as I got my head.
I saw familiar silver hair and smiled.
"Good to see you're back (y/n)," Allen said happily.
I hugged him and he let go of me.
"I almost died," Lavi joked.
"Almost but not quite," Kanda said.
"Awwww my poor boyfriend," I said as I hugged Lavi.
Lavi laughed and held onto me and for that moment it was just the two of us in a closed off time.
"I love you," he said with eyes full of love.
"I love you too," I said smiling and he chuckled.
"Oi Lavi, try anything and you're dead," Allen and Kanda threatened with their innocence ready.
Lavi went cold and shivered. I laughed and looked at the two.
"Leave Lavi alone," I scolded lightly.
"Fine but if he tries anything funny-,"
"Allen, go kiss Road again," I said.
Everyone burst out laughing at the recalled event and Allen shook his hands quickly.
"No thank you," he kept saying.
I looked at Kanda.
"You wanna go too," I asked.
He looked at me and took a step back with a small tch.
"Woah you scared Yuu," Lavi said shocked.
"God knows the dirt I have on him," I said smiling devilishly.
"Remind me not to get on your bad side," Lavi said.
"Nah you can't," I said.
"Then what was with the train-,"
"You wanna start now," I asked.
He chuckled and pecked my lips.
"I'm all yours," Lavi said.
"Good," I said.
"Lavi," Allen and Kanda yelled.
Lavi turned around and put his hands up defensively. I glared at the two and they backed up real quick.
"So about (y/n)s missions," Lavi said.
"What about them," Leenalee asked.
"I don't want her going on anymore until she's 100% better or absolutely needs to," Lavi said.
"Good luck with that," Allen said.
"I tried. He won," I said as I stood up.
"Shock there," Allen said.
"Had no choice really," I said.
"She really didn't," Lavi said.
As everyone began talking I got Lavi's jacket that was besides the bed and put it on. Fit big on me. I love this. I lightly pushed Lavi onto the bed so he could sit. He sat down and looked at me curiously. I moved my hands in a 'scoot back' motion and he did. Because of the way he sat the next part was easy. I sat between his legs, my back to his chest, and laid against him. Krory came in and started talking to him so I put his arms around me. Lavi chuckled and held me against him tightly. I smiled and closed my eyes.
"(Y/n)," Allen asked.
"Yeah," I asked.
"You feeling ok," he asked.
"Of course, I'm just happy to be home and with everyone. Especially Lavi," I said as I opened my eyes.
Everyone smiled at me and I put my hands over Lavi's.
"I'm home," I said happily.

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