13~HENRY-You're Kind Of A Genius

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I lean over the lap top that S.H.I.E.L.D. provided. I figure the best way to start getting ready to attack Ultron would be to do some research so here I am probing through S.H.I.E.L.D. databases and trying to find some tiny bit of information that will help me. It isn't like I didn't study Ultron on my own. During the time between my stay at the orphanage and my parents death when I was still in my house I sifted through all my dad's old files and tried to see what went wrong. Flaws and errors....

The evidence I found was inconclusive and that was so many years ago that I don't quite remember it. I was so young that I probably didn't comprehend everything I was reading.

I look up from my desk when I hear the familiar click of the door to our living space opening. Petra dashes inside and looks around kind of wildly. Boy she looks stressed.... The hair that was once neatly in a bun is cascading down her shoulders and she has exchanged more formal clothes for comfortable ones. Her t-shirt and sweatpants seem to have sweat stains on them. She takes a deep breath and then her eyes settle on me. I found myself trapped in the gaze of a very determined and stressed woman. What is it now?

She quickly walks over to my desk and grabs my wrist.

"You're coming with me."

She starts to pull me towards the door, but I dig my heels in to try and slow her down. Why?!?!?

"What on earth are you doing?"

She comes to a complete stop and lets go of me.

"Let me get this straight I am not an engineer. I am not a scientist, but right now I am trying to figure out how to create a stinking portal. We are short on man power and brains. Nadya and I are working hard, but we need help. You're kind of a genius. So c'mon. That core won't hold forever."

My mind races to understand everything she said. Portals....so she is going to get them to Asgard! If she needs help why don't we get Azari and James?

"I'll get the others."

Since she's calmed down she's starting to think more logically and I can see it in her expression.

"That's probably a good idea, but hurry. I'm not joking about the core."

I grab my lab coat off the back of my chair and pull it on. I need that especially since it has my glasses in the pocket....

Azari and James are in the training room doing a routine of some sorts. They don't normally like to be interrupted, but I think they'll make an exception. I enter and quickly dodge their wrestling match.

"Sorry Pym!" James shouts in between breaths.

They show no signs of stopping at my entrance. Instead I think their attacks get more engaged with my entrance.

"Petra needs our help to build a portal!" I yell.

Their muscles relax and they stop fighting. Azari looks at me and clarifies what I just said.

"A portal to Asgard?" He asks.

I nod vigorously. "We gotta go NOW." I order.

James grand a hand towel from a nearby bench and wipes his face off. He doesn't even bother to take the tape off his hands he just exits without a word. Azari pulls his gloves off and drops them to the floor. We exit the room together.

"So do you have any clue how to build a portal?" He asks as we trail behind Petra and James.

I bite my lip nervously. I've never done anything like this before.....but I'm sure something I've learned can help....

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