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Phone convo
Lonzo: now happened?
Asiah: I need to talk to Lucas
Lonzo: Ight
Lucas: wassup
Asiah: I need a place to live and *gets cut off*
Lucas: don't worry ma I gotchu, your staying at my place, you don't gotta pay rent or nun only with 2 conditions
Asiah: no I'm gonna pay you and get a job and what's the condition?
Lucas: you gotta look after caden for me, you gotta do your college thing and do what you gotta do
Asiah: I will.
Lucas: you cannot work though.
Asiah: where gonna have a talk b/c I'm going to work!
Lucas: there's no talk period and I'm home so just come.
Asiah Ight bye
*convo over*
So Asiah are we leaving? Ariana said, I said Yeah c'mon I grabbed Caden and left to the car.
*2 hours later*
We arrived at Lucas house and he was waiting outside with Lonzo and 2 other guys. I got off the car with Caden and Ariana I gave sleeping Caden to Lucas he smiled and said thank you Asiah and Ariana for taking care of my baby I said np and it's my job well my responsibility now. Lucas smiled and said aye Khayman and Deven grab the suitcases from her trunk. I gave my keys to one of the guys and went inside the house behind Lucas while Ariana followed along. We went upstairs and Lucas laid Caden on her bed then took me to a nice ass guest room he said Ight this is your room I thanked him and the 2 boys brought my bags up. One of the boys said hey I'm Deven the other guy said I'm KB short for Khayman I laughed and said y'all cute😋😍 they laughed and said where Lucas brothers I said brothers? Y'all really don't look alike they boys laughed and Lucas came in I said they live here? Lucas nodded and said they just came back from a vacation I said are they drug dealers too? Lucas said no. Deven said I'm 16 gonna be in the NBA in 4 years I said nice to know and KB said I'm 17 and I'm finishing high school. I said nice to know and where's y'all parents? Lucas said my dad is dead and my mom lives in New Jersey. I said ohh Okayy nice to know.. Lucas said well it's about 1 in the morning so goodnight I said but I'm hungry Lucas.. I haven't ate... Lucas said well lil mama I'll make you roman noodles
Yasss ok this chapter was boring Assel😂😂.

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