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A week later, once in for all, the engagement cat was out of the bag. And being in the spotlight, we received more hate as compared to love we deserved. But to us only thing important was to support each other through a difficult phase.

Obviously going against your parents requires a great potential, and to me it was the hardest task of life. It's not like they were ever supportive of my any decision at first place, but this time I actually needed them to be there.

I was laying on the sofa in the living room pretending to go over the catalog, so that I don't have to talk that much to Alex, who was roaming around the living room on her phone  like a lioness, I didn't actually wanted to answer her questions and boys were in writing room.

"Are you sure, you don't need me here?" Alex asked standing near the sofa

"No! I'm fine, I'm taking off today, I hope you will manage everything" I answered

"You look dull, you don't look fine for a girl who just got engaged a week ago, you should be on cloud nine right now" Alex insisted on to talk more

"That glow is for normal people, I don't know if I'd ever get that or experience how it's like to not being hated so much" I irritatingly answered her

"Look Jas! Of all people hating you, you should be concerned more about who are loving you"

"I think you should go" I politely said with the hint of sarcasm in my tone I looked at my wrist watch

"They haven't called yet, I'm guessing they'll reschedule" Alex looked at her phone once again, waiting for the management to call for paper work, just then her phone chimed in her hand and she was back on her heals once again

"Maybe we can grab the coffee at our favorite café, after dropping the files" Alex again suggested raising her eyebrows at me clutching her phone near her chest she waited for me to answer her

"You want to kill me with all the paparazzi blinding flashes" I said irritatingly

"You can serape yourself away" she laughed and I closed the catalog frustratingly

"To boost more Muslim terrorist labels on my social accounts, you should take a look" I picked up my phone and offered it to her

"I know it's hard for you, and you started talking at the wrong time" she flinched when she looked at her wrist watch

"Good luck for today, see you in an hour, I'm not leaving this sofa" I lie down once again picking up my phone

"Maybe! It's not a good idea for today" I lowered my phone hearing Harry's voice, leaning his back to the wall he was looking at me

"You're probably right, maybe I shouldn't check my phone for weeks or months or who knows how many years" I was uttering fidgeting with the throw cushion. Harry came closer to me, a calm expression never leaving his face, he sat down on sofa where I was lying down, crossing his fingers he looked at me and smiled

"You look so calm" I brushed the back of my hand on his cheek and he held my hand

"Of course Jas, I am calm, I'm happy with you" he kissed the top of my hand

"I'm happy with you too" I added relaxing my forehead creases I was holding up in anxiety for God knows how long

"Then why are you so scared?" He asked as if he knew the answer, but he wanted me to say it out loudly, only for I to realize what should be important to me at the moment

"I don't know" I waited for a moment when I finally let out the confused words, that I'm struggling with in my mind

"You were aware, that this might come in our way" he said politely still holding my hand, I sat down

"I was aware of everything, and I was willing to risk everything to love you back" I looked into his eyes

"What are you getting at?" He looked confused, his eyes reading my face that moment made me realize I was about to say hurtful words

"This world is so different than the world I actually belong to, I was used to escort you guys to the backstage room, not to be escorted by someone like you at any Gala" I uttered, not knowing what I held in my subconscious for how long

"Jas! It's been a week since we're engaged" he said looking at our hands

"I feel like I'm on the edge, one slight mistake, and I'll lose everything, I already lost my parents" my voice cracked as I stuttered, not able to look into his eyes

"I wanna know you're happily engaged to me" Harry asked politely and I looked into his eyes

"Of course I am happily engaged with you Harold, I had no idea that I could love someone so much" I placed my left hand on our intertwined hands, diamond gleamed on my finger

"Then you will be willing to face the world with me, take your time for now, but know that this is for lifetime" he smiled 

"I took stand in front of my parents, I am willing to do this too" I nodded my head

"I risked everything too Jas, but because I knew no matter if I lose everything, I'd still have you" he cupped my cheek as he leaned in forward to plant a kiss on my forehead

"You have me, I promise" I smiled back at him as he leaned his forehead to mine

"Jas! I don't know if it's a good time or not..." just then Alex entered the living room
"But you should man up, it's been a week and you're loosing your shit like crazily, what will you do later" Alex was blabbering away, I just chuckled and nodded my head

"Covered that part, thanks Alexandra" Harry said and I couldn't helped myself but laughed

"Crisis averted?" She hiccuped as she asked

"Very much" I answered squinting my eyes at her

"Then I can tell you, management isn't happy with you saying Yes all the way" she laughed as she clapped her hands

"Are you drunk? It's eleven in the morning" I asked Alex when I saw James entering carrying Alex's heels in his hands

"No it's just our kind of foreplay" she winked at me

"Gross drunky" I chuckled

"Good to see you too James" Harry laughed

"She was angry after dropping the files at office, with all the news blast I guess, she called me at the bar and went crazy over the bubbles while venting out to me" James explained

"Our Alex" I shook my head

"Let's catch some football and beers, guys are already on it in the room" Harry stood up to get going

"He's mine tonight" Alex said squinting her eyes at Harry and he sat down again

"I'll catch up later, we were kind of in the middle of.." James was cut of when Alex threw herself at him and I just closed my eyes for a moment in annoyance

"She's not the fan of PDAs" Alex took James hand and walked towards the stairs

"It's eleven in the morning" I yelled from the sofa and Harry laughed

"Let's make some coffee" Harry took my hand as we walked towards the kitchen

Truly Sincere [Part 1]Where stories live. Discover now