Chapter 4: Michelle teaches Amerie some new moves to her new song

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Day 1 of Obsession. Michelle drove to the dance studio and went inside. J. Cole was following her and she met Amerie in the dance room with a huge mirror in there on a wall. They hugged each other and started stretching. Michelle turned the music on and Amerie started following her every move while looking in the mirror. "Okay, now, see if you can do it by yourself without me, 5, 6, 5, 6, 7, 8, (snapping her fingers)," said Michelle and Amerie did the same moves that Michelle taught her. She got it right and Michelle held two thumbs-up with a smile. She did the same thing with Tyra B, Myxx, Karina Pasian, Kat DeLuna, Raven Symone, and Nicole Scherzinger.

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