Chapter 26: J. Cole admits to what he's done and what he's been doing

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Day 18 of Obsession. It was 8:30p.m. and J. Cole and Rick pulled up to Michelle's house in J. Cole's car. Rick was driving it and J. Cole got out. He walked towards the door and knocked on it. Michelle got up and walked towards the door. She unlocked and opened it. They looked at each other. "Hey," said J. Cole. "Hey," said Michelle. "How you holdin' up?" said J. Cole. "Not too good, I'm still lookin' for him, and so are the cops, how did you know that I lived here?" said Michelle. "Come with me, I wanna show you somethin'," said J. Cole. "Okay," said Michelle and she grabbed her keys. They left the house and Rick drove them out to the woods. Michelle looked out the window and J. Cole watched her in the rearview mirror. Rick pulled up to the woods and they got out. J. Cole grabbed a shovel out of the trunk and they went deep into the woods. They stopped at the homemade grave that J. Cole made for Drake and Michelle looked at it. "Rick, hold her, (Rick held onto Michelle), brace yourself for what you're about to see, M," said J. Cole and he started digging Drake up. "What are you doin', Rick, lemme go," said Michelle fighting against his embrace. "You want your boyfriend, you want Drake, here the fuck he is," said J. Cole and threw the shovel down. Michelle looked at the beatened, bruised, and scarred up Drake and she started crying softly. She stomped on Rick's foot and elbowed him in his face. He let her go and she started running. "You okay?" said J. Cole. "Yeah," said Rick and J. Cole ran after Michelle. She ran into the other woods across from them while screaming and crying. "Help, help, somebody, please, help me!" said Michelle and she saw J. Cole running after her. She slid down a hill and into a creek. He ran down the hill and she tried to stand up but she kept on falling down. She climbed to the other side and J. Cole grabbed the back of her black pleather pants. "No, please!" said Michelle and he grabbed her. He took her back to the woods and to Drake's grave. He held onto her tightly. "Shh, shh, nobody can hear you except us, look at his face, and look at my face, we're the opposite, he took you from me, did you know that?" said J. Cole with his face against her left cheek and she was fighting against his embrace. "You killed Drake," said Michelle. "Yeah, I sure as hell did on the night that we kissed, and you were scared, and worried to death about him, his vandalized car, the locks on the door being changed, so, that way, he couldn't get in, his frozen bank account, his house key goin' missin', the spare key to the house goin' missin', your bedroom in a mess, his face cut out of the pictures with you in it, and the anonymous gifts sent to you, that was all me, I stalked you every single day, I've been in your house three times, first time, I was watchin' you while you were in the shower, second time, I was holdin' you while you were sleepin', and third time, I messed up your bedroom," said J. Cole. "Oh, God, no, and what about Rick?" said Michelle. "He was just the look out, I'm obsessed with you, Michelle Alexandria, I've been obsessed with you while you had your major crush on me, and ever since, we've lived down there in NYC, I want you, and now, that Drake's outta the picture, I can have you, you're all mine," said J. Cole and she screamed while she was crying. "You didn't have to kill him," said Michelle. "It's crazy, psychopathic, and psychotic what obsession can do to a person, how twisted their mind can get, they could care less about how the other person feels, all the killin' for the person that they love, and that they care about, they can get away with murder," said J. Cole and she fought against his embrace a little bit. "No, let's take him to the hospital, Cole, there's gotta be a little bit of life left in him," said Michelle. "No can do, M, it's over, he's dead, the bastard doesn't even know who killed him, he should've had his own personal bodyguard with him, but he's like a lone wolf, and besides, I've got some work to do on you, I've got plans for us, you see, M, we're more than friends, we're more than lovers, we're husband and wife," said J. Cole and started kissing her neck. "No, please," said Michelle. "Listen to me, listen to me, once you feel the wrath of me, and my dick inside of you, I guarantee you, you won't be beggin' for Drake anymore, you won't be givin' me no head, I'll just be the main one doin' all the work in the fuckin' situation," said J. Cole and kissed her head. "No, please," said Michelle. "Bury his ass back up, Rick, and burn the shovel, I'm gettin' her ass outta here," said J. Cole and Rick did what he said. A few minutes later, Rick walked towards them and Michelle was still crying softly. "I'm sorry, M," said Rick and got in the passenger's seat. Michelle looked at Drake's grave and Find Your Love by Drake started playing. "Give me a kiss, kiss me, I want you, and you want me, too, I know you do, and you know, you do, too, you just don't see it, yet," said J. Cole and leaned in towards her slowly. "No, please, don't make me do this," said Michelle and he gave her a long kiss. "You gotta kiss me like you mean it, let's try again," said J. Cole and he gave her a long kiss. She kissed him like she meant it. She had a scared look on her face and he started kissing her. They looked at each other and he gave her two long kisses. He kissed her forehead, cheek, and neck. Her hair covered up half of of her face and he opened the backseat door. She looked at Drake's grave and J. Cole grabbed her hand. She looked at him and got in the backseat. He closed the door and drove away. He kept on looking at Michelle in the rearview mirror and she had the side of her head leaned up against the window with her eyes closed. J. Cole dropped Rick off at Club Shakedown and picked up Michelle's stuff from her house.

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