Chapter 23: Putting up fliers of Drake and calling the cops

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Day 15 of Obsession. It was 8:48p.m. and Michelle and Myxx were out putting up fliers of Drake everywhere. They were even asking people have they seen Drake and they all said no, but they'll let them know when they see him. They were handing out fliers to the people that were walking by them. J. Cole was following them everywhere. Michelle called the cops and Sheriff Rogers answered the phone. "Sheriff Rogers here," said Sheriff Rogers. "Hey, Sheriff Rogers, this is Michelle Alexandria, I need help," said Michelle panicking and crying softly. "Whoa, whoa, calm down, slow down, Michelle, now, tell me what's wrong, what's goin' on?" said Sheriff Rogers. "My boyfriend's missin', his name's Drake, he didn't come home at all last night, he was supposed to be home by 7:45p.m., but he never came home, so, I waited, until, this mornin', hopin' that he was still at the studio, I called him, but he never picked up nor called me back, me and my friends have been puttin' fliers up of him, and askin' people have they seen him, but they haven't," said Michelle. "Okay, Michelle, I'm about to get my people on the case, but what I want you to do is to wait, until, we find him, I'll give you a call once we find him, and if you find him before we do, give me a call, but for now, just wait, and keep doin' what you're doin'," said Sheriff Rogers. "Okay, thank you," said Michelle and they hung up.

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