Chapter 8: Going to the movies

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Day 4 of Obsession. It was 8:45p.m. and Michelle was upstairs in her room getting ready to go see Machete 2: Machete Kills with Myxx. J. Cole was outside of her house in his car watching her and she was putting on her makeup and doing her hair. Eve pulled up in her car and honked the horn. Michelle grabbed her purse and went downstairs. She walked outside the door and locked it behind her. She got in Eve's car and they drove away. J. Cole started following them and they didn't even notice. They pulled up to the movie theatre and got out. They went up to a line. "And what can I do for you ladies, tonight?" said a woman behind the window. "Three tickets to Machete 2: Machete Kills, please," said Liz. "That will be $24, please," said the woman and Liz gave her the three Machete 2: Machete Kills tickets. Liz took them from her and gave Eve and Michelle their ticket. They took them from her and they went inside the building. J. Cole watched them go and pulled up to a car behind them. He got out and walked towards the window. "So, what can I do for you, tonight, Mr. Cole?" said the woman. "Don't flatter yourself, lady, I'm taken, I just want one ticket to see Machete 2: Machete Kills," said J. Cole and gave the woman $8. She gave him the Machete 2: Machete Kills ticket and he took the ticket from her while she took the money from him. "Have a great night, Mr. Cole," said the woman. "You, too," said J. Cole and went inside the building. The girls got themselves something to eat and drink at the concession stand and left. He got himself something to eat and drink and followed them into the theatre. The girls were smiling, talking, and laughing while looking for a row to sit on. They sat down in the middle row close to the top and J. Cole sat in the right row across from them. Myxx sat beside Michelle and the movie came on. J. Cole was watching Michelle and she kept her eyes on the screen. He was looking at her out the corner of his eye while watching the movie. Two hours later, the movie was over and everybody started leaving. The girls got back into Eve's car and drove away. J. Cole got back in his car and followed them.

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