Chapter Two: Finding Out

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         I brought Sarah home and explained to her everything that happened about Piper. How she was a killer behind the mask, how she tried to kill Emma and Audrey, how Audrey shot her then Emma shot her in the head. I explained as much detail as I could to her. She seemed to really understand it all afterwards and seemed okay now. It has been a while since this stuff happened, I told Sarah that as well. After I dropped her off at her house I went home and went straight to bed after texting Audrey telling her I explained everything to Sarah.

                                                        SARAH'S P.O.V
       Noah brought me home last night and explained to me everything that had happened a while ago about Piper and why the prank last night really scared the shit out of Audrey. I don't blame her for making the move she did, hell I would of done the same. I got a text message. I opened it. From "UNKNOWN": Hello Sarah. Found of everything about Piper. I'd be careful if I were you unless you want a surprise because I've got plenty." What the fuck!!!??? I text back "Who is this?". I stared at the screen, my heart racing fast. "I prefer to stay anonymous!" I didn't bother replying. I was about to take a screenshot and send it to Noah and Audrey as I got another message from UNKNOWN. "Tell your friends and you are dead." My heart stopped. What kind of prank was this? Then I remember Noah telling my about the strange and creepy messages and phone calls they had gotten from Unknown, including Brooke, Emma and Kieran. I guess this was some type of game involving around Emma and her life but it wasn't just about her anymore. Or so it seemed that way. It appeared to be about Audrey too.
I didn't go to school. It was friday so I didn't really care too much. Audrey wanted to hangout so I said she could come over. There was a knock on my bedroom door which scared me for a moment. "Yes come in Audrey"! She came in and looked around . "Um sorry I kinda just walked in your house" she said to me as she took a seat on my bed. I sat down beside her. "Um I don't know if I should show you but" I take out my phone and show her the messages from UNKNOWN. Audreys eyes went wideopen. "Oh no, I am so sorry Sarah. I didn't think you would get involved. Oh Sarah I am so sorry." She looked like she was going to break down crying. "Audrey what is wrong?". She looked at me like she was debating weather or not she should tell me. She started slowly "I...I have been getting messages too and...and calls.'s the killer". I frozed. I didn't know what to think. "I will do my best to keep you safe. You shouldn't have to worry Sarah. All of us will keep you safe. Just maybe stay low for a bit?" I nodded as she gaved me a hug. I felt something, a spark maybe. It felt weird but So right. I shrugged it off.

I left Sarah's place a couple hours later. That sicko has been contacting her too. I didn't want her getting hurt. She's a really sweet girl with beautiful blue eyes. I hugged her and I felt this spark go through me. I can't be falling for her already? My phone buzzed making me jump. I grabbed it and looked at the screen. UNKNOWN Calling. I swipe across to answer ir. "I warned the sweet girl not to tell anyone. Now she will be getting a surprise." I gripped the steering wheel hard. "Don't hurt her!!" My voice shaking with anger. "It's a little too late for that." The line goes dead. No! No! No! No! No! I gotta turn back, i got to. FUCK!!! "Please be okay" I whisper to myself.

                                              SARAH'S P.O.V
   Audrey left and I was debating weather I should watch a movie or go to bed. She told me about how her mom got sick and I told her everything about my dad. You could tell she felt sorry but I didn't want her too. I turned all the lights off and layed down in bed. Just as I was about to fall asleep my phone started ringing. I answered it "hello?" , "Hello Sarah". My heart stopped for a moment. "Who is this?" I asked slowly. "You know exactly who I am. Remember those texts earlier? You broke the rules. I warned you Sarah, now you're gonna PAY." My heart was speeding up so fast I thought it was going to bust. "Leave me the hell alone." I hungup the phone and seconds later I heard something come from downstairs. I slowly made my way down, turning on lights as I went. I looked around nervously. "Mom? Audrey?" I whispered. I turn around to go upstairs and my heart stopped. There I was facing a man with the Brandon James mask on. He was holding a knife, waving it slowly towards me. I wanted to run but I was frozed. Suddenly I felt instant pain. I looked down to see the knife inside of my stomach. I watched as he pulled it out and disappeared quickly as I hear sirens from police maybe??? Everything became dizzy as I fell to the floor. My mind wandered off as everything went completely black.

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