Chapter 29

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The next day we had to go to school. I couldn't stop thinking about that text the killer had sent me. It's all that's been on my mind and I didn't even get much sleep. Noah drove Audrey and I to school today. I wasn't talkative which they both understood why. I made my way to my locker to get my books. As I opened it, I grabbed my books then headed to class.

I was alone because none of my friends had the same class as I did. I took the seat in the very back next to the window in which I just stared out it. Moments later my teacher started talking and I was annoyed by her voice. Ms.Lang. She just got out of the hospital and wanted to return to teaching I guess. I didn't like her at all, in fact I really despised her.

"Excuse me, Mrs Jensen!! Please pay attention and take notes. You will need to in order to study tonight for the test I am giving the class tomorrow." Ms.Lang said.

It's only been the first week of school and she's already giving us a test. How pathetic, I thought to myself. I looked around the classroom to see everyone was staring at me. I didn't want to talk. As I sighed I looked back at the teacher and nodded. Mrs.Lang gave me a fake ass smile then continued on. I grabbed my pen and started jotting down some notes.

Class ended and it was a relief. I took off to my locker.

"Hey Sarah, um I'm sorry for the other night"
I turned around to see Amanda. I sighed.
"Go away please!" I said to her.
She just left.

I opened the locker to find blood inside of it saying "I will find you and I will kill you".
I covered my mouth as I was starting to have a panic attack. Someone touched my shoulder and I let out a little scream. I turned around to see Ausrey and she gave me a tight hug. Once she noticed the writing in blood she looked me in the eyes.

"Babe everythings going to be okay" Audrey said to me as she leaned in and kissed me. She then looked around to make sure no one was nearby then she rushed off to the bathroom. She came back a few seconds later with paper towels to clean off all the blood. I stood there looking at it in shock. Once Audrey was done and threw the paper towels away she grabbed my hand and took me outside. We got in her vehicle and Audrey started driving off.

Audrey and I were at Noahs. She had explained to him what happened as I was sitting on his bed staring out the window. I spotted a dark figure in the distance and noticed it was the killer wearing the masked. I closed my eyes for a second then opened to see it had been gone.

"Sarah?" I heard Audrey and Noah ask me at the same time.
I turned my head slowly to look at them both. They both had a worried look on their faces.
"Are you okay hun, you're worrying me." Audrey said.
"I'm okay. Just shaken up with everything." I said quietly.
"You're not yourself?" Audrey said.
"Do you blame me? After everything I went through." I snapped at her. I sighed then layed down. Moments later Audrey joined me and held me close to her.
"Audrey and I are here for you, so is Emma and Brooke." I heard Noah speak.
"You aren't going through this alone." HE finished.
"I know thank you!" I replied before falling asleep.

I woke up in a dark room. I looked around to notice I was alone and I wasn't sure exactly where I was.
"Sarah, Sarah, come downstairs honey!"
I recognized that voice. It was my mom.
"Mom? Mom I'm coming" I yelled out.
I made my way down the stairs and looked in every room. Nothing.
"Mom? Mom where are you??" I called out. Nothing.
I made my way outside to check the porch. Empty. I looked off into the distance as I seen someome hanging from the tree. I gasped as I made my way towards rhe body, a few steps at a time. I noticed it was my mother. I burst out into tears, yelling and screaming. I turned around to go back to the house to call 911 but once I did turn around, there standing in front of me was a guy in a mask. He pulled out a knife and stabbed me in the stomach and I fell to the ground. I started screaming.

I woke up to Audrey shaking me. I looked around and realized it was another nightmare. My face felt wet and I knew I had been crying.
"Come here babe, just another nightmare" Audrey said as she pulled me into a hug and started rubbing my back. She kissed my forehead gently. We were like this for an hour before we had to go to school. She leaned in and kissed me deeply. She gently nibbled on my bottom lip then kissed me gently.
"We gotta head to school soon babe." Audrey said to me.
"Noah get up" Audrey yelled to Noah.
He woke up instantly and started to get ready.

On he way to school I stared out the window the whole time and once again I didn't feel like talking. Audrey walked me inside and gave me a long savering kiss on the lips before heading to her class.

I took the same seat as before the only downside was that Amanda was sitting beside me. Amanda looked at me.
"You should come by my house tonight" she said.
"I don't think that's a good idea." I said to her.
"You can bring Audrey?" She said.
"I doubt she would come so I'm gonna pass" I said rudely.
Man this girl just doesn't leave me alone.
"Why do you want me to come over?" I asked her curiously.
"Thought we could hangout" she said simply.
I just gave her a small smile and then the bell rang, dismissing our class.

Later that night:
Audrey had the night shift at work tonight so I decided to stop by Amandas like she had wanted. I was currently at Noahs. He had been working on his murder board all afternoon and he just sat down to do his podcast.
"Noah I'm gonna go visit Amanda for a bit then pick up Audrey from work so you don't have to." I said that softly.
"Okay, just be careful" he said.
"I will, sew you later tonight" I said, giving him a quick kiss on the head.

I pulled into Amandas driveway. I didn't know if Audrey would be mad that I showed up but I will tell her. I made my way to her door and knocked. No answer. I knocked a few more times and waited for a few minutes. That's when I decided to just walk in.
"Hello...? Amanda..?" I called out. Nothing. I walked into the living room and that's when my heart stopped.

I felt like I couldn't breathe. Laying on the floor was Amandas body and blood everywheres. It was clear she had been murdered by the killer. Her throat was sliced open and he stomach was too as her gurs were laying next to her. I covered my mouth as tesrs fell from my face. I looked up at the wall and written in her blood was "I will end you Sarah. I'm watching you!!"
I quickly took a picture and sent it to Audrey then I called 911.

Bi-Curious (Audrey Jensen)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu