Chapter 21: We're screwed

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                                                         SARAHS P.O.V
I woke up to the smell of bacon and fresh coffee. Man did I ever slept amazing last night, especially after Audrey and I made love. It was truely amazing ughh, I could go on for hours with her. I sat up and stretched while yawning. As I was looking around the room I realized we were away for our honey moon. Once I stood up I realized I was naked so I grabbed my robe and wrapped it around me tightly.
"Good morning my love" I heard Audrey say which made me jumped as she caught me off gaurd.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you" she said as she kissed my forehead then pulled me into a nice warm hug. I wrapped my arms around her too.
"It's okay and good morning to you too baby." I smiled at her then kissed her cheek.
"I see you made breakfast" I said as the table was all set and ready for us to eat.
"Thank you!!!" I said to Audrey. She hugged me from behind.
"Anything for you hun" she said as she kissed my neck. God I loved her neck kisses.

We sat down and ate our breakfast while talking about the memories we have shared together since we've met. The good ones and the bad, I guess I just came to Lakewood at the wrong time but I was honestly okay with it. I didn't want Audrey to go though all of this alone, same with the others.

After breakfast we decided to go visit Noah to see how he is doing. Audrey and I both took a quick shower together. It was honestly the first time Audrey and I had showered together. I washed her body, she washed mine. I washed her hair and she washed mine. There was a moment where we stared into each others eyes, as if our eyes were locked and it was impossible to look away. She leaned in and kissed me, her lips so soft and tender and you could taste a hint of strawberry. I was falling more and more in love with her each day.

We got to the hospital to see Noah and once we were in the room we realized Emma, Kieran and Brooke were already there.
"No more murder stuff...I'm shutting down the morgue" I heard Noah say. I looked at Audrey, she was looking back at me too.
"No we can't give up Noah" Kieran said.
"Why not? The killer wins every time. I told my mom you guys would go over and take down the stuff."
Audrey and I gave Noah a sad smile and nodded. We got back to the car.
"Kieran is kinda creepy and seems..suspious" I said to Audrey.
"Yeah he does seem kinda creepy but suspious I'm not so sure. Why do you think he is?" She raised a brow at me. I sighed, rememing what Emma said that day in the library.
"That day when the school was on lockdown, Emma mentioned she had cleaned out her bag the night before and that the killer had to of put Jakes phone in her bag. Kieran is always around her, he can easily slide the phone into her bag."
Audrey looked at me with wide eyes.
"You do have a point. We gotta keep an eye on him. Right now we gotta meet Kieran and Emma at Noahs house to help." And with that we were off to Noahs.

At Noahs the four of us were going through his things. Audrey and I found a strip of pictures of Noah and Zoe. Audrey slid it into her back pocket. I noticed Emma had picked up a piece of paper from a newspaper perhaps and she was looking at it weird.
"Hey guys come here" she said. The three of us looked at the picture. It was a funeral and she pointed out Eli in the background. How strange. We all wondered why Eli was there but we couldn't just go ask him so we decided we would park outside of there house while Kieran goes inside to investigate.
"We are going to drop something off to Noah then we will meet you guys. With that Audrey and I left and went back to the hospital to see Noah.

"Hey" Audrey and I said at the same time.
"We have everything all boxed up" I said to Noah.
"Thank you guys so much" he said, giving us a big smile. Shortly after Audreys phone buzzed as she got a text message. She looked at me and showed me. I gave her a look saying we should go find Emma and she nodded in agreement. She gave Noah a kiss on the head and so did I.

We met up at Emmas and Audrey showed her the text. Kieran was going to go smash in Eli's head I guess but we stopped him, well mainly Emma did. Now apwe were parked outside the house, Kieran went in and came out fairly fast. It didn't seem long at all.
"I found these" he said handing a bunch of notes to Audrey.
"Yeah these were my notes to Piper" Audrey said. I gave her a look and she returned a look that meant she was sorry.
"Go put these back we cannot piss him off or let him know we are onto him." Audrey said quickly. Kieran nodded and went back inside.
"Let's go back to the house by the barn to see if there's anything there." Audrey said. The three of us got in the car as Audrey droved us there.

Once we got there Emma told Audrey and I to stay outside and be on the look out. Audrey and I were sitting on the steps. I layed my head on her shoulder and she rubbed my back so gently, I absolutely loved it.
"Everything's going to be okay. Soon everything will be back to normal again I promise." Audrey whispered to me.
"I really hope so!" I responded. She lifted my chin up gently so we could face each other then she leaned in and kissed me softly. That's when Audreys phone went off. We pulled away quickly and realized it was Emma.
"What's up?" Audrey said quickly then the next thing I knew she hungup and grabbed my hand as we were going inside. It was dark, very scary looking and I had a bad feeling. I held onto Audreys hand tightly and she gently rubbed my hand with her thumb. We met up with Emma and looked around.
"Hey what's that?" Audrey said, finding a book that was Emmas dream journal. I seen headlights coming in through the window. I looked outside.
"It's Brookes dad" i said almost whispering.
"What's he doing here?" Emma and Audrey said at the same time.
"Lets go find out" I said as I walked out of the room and made my way down the stairs.

We walked outside and Audrey caught up to me and grabbed my hand.
"Babe don't do that again. It's dangerous, you're nor safe out here alone. Stay with me okay.? Audrey said, upset.
I nodded. "Okay babe!"
Emma, Audrey and I knew the mayor was already in the barn. Emma and Audrey opended the door and I went into shock. The mayor pulled a pitchfork out oof him, blood running out of his body.
"Oh my god!! OH MY GOD!!" Audrey said panicking as her and Emma ran over to his body and so did I. All three of us touched him, trying to put pressure making our hands all bloody.
"No no no no no" Audrey was saying and that's when we heard a noise and itt caught our attention as the three of us looked in that direction.

Audrey picked up a weapon as Emma picked up the pitchfork. Audrey quickly picked up something and handed it to me.
"Stay behind me" she whispered to me and I nodded. We started walking towards the back when we heard poilce sirens heading our way. Emma, Audrey and I turned around and looked at each other as the police opened the doors.
"Put. The weapons down" they called out. At the same timewe dropped the weapons we were holding and put our hands up in the air. I was so nervous and scared at thiss point.

One official cuffed Emma, another officer cuffed Audrey and Another on cuffed me. Audrey and Emma were yelling saying that we didn't do this. I sighed. "You have tto believe us, we didn't do this" I said in tears. I was pretty much crying at this point. They brought me to the car next to Audrey and pushed me onto the car hard.
"Aahhh fuck" I said kinda pissed as that fucking hurt. The officer started to search me.

Next thing I knew I seen Kieran yelling Emmas name heading towards us. I ignored it as they put Emma in, then me in the middle and Audrey next to me. I whispered to Audrey.
"It's weird how Kieran just now shows up."
Audrey looked at me and nodded.
"True how fucking weird" she replied and you could tell she was annoyed.
Emma didn't hear us, she wasn't exactly paying attention either. She was looking out the window at Kieran. She finally turned around and faced the front. Tears were falling off my cheek as I rested my head on Audreys shoulder. She rested her head on top of mine.
"If they think we killed the mayor" Audrey started to say but Emma finished for her.
"Then they think we killed everyone."

The officier was driving away. I closed my eyes, letting more tears fall. I was really scared and Audrey could sense it. She gently kissed my forehead then rested her head on top of mine again. All I could think now is that we are screwed. We are in a fucked up situation and I didn't know how we can get out of this one. That's if we get out of this one. The thought made me sick and aoon enough I had fell asleep.

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