Chapter 17: Lost

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                                                             SARAHS P.O.V
        I woke up to the house dark, as dark as it could be. It was cold. Too cold, like freezing cold. My windows were opened which was weird and unlikely. I made my way over to the window slowly. I appeared my head out the window, looking around as fear washed over me. I could see something in the distance, something hanging from a tree. My heart was racing, I could hear my heart beat as if my ear was pressed against my own chest. It was scary.
      I slowly made my way down the stairs, forcing my legs to move because they didn't seem to want to as both of my legs were shaking and felt weak. Too weak. I opened the door to my backyard and stood outside, the cold air hitting my face. I slowly made my hair towards the tree where someone was hanging from it. As I looked closer my heart stopped. It was my mom. No no no no. "MOM" I started to scream but someone touched me. Someone grabbed me. Someone was calling my name..........

     "SARAH wake up!!!!!"
I woke up to face Audrey staring at me.
"It was just a bad dream. Just a nightmare. You're okay. Why don't you come lay with me back. Maybe it will help? I can keep you safe, you will probably be more comfy plus I really want you to lay with me and sleep." Audrey said to me.
I looked around, adjusting back to reality. It was a nightmare. I looked at Audrey, she was still in the hospital bed, we were still at the hospital and it was definitely nighttime.
I gave her a small smile as I climbed into her bed to lay with her.
"I'll protect you too babe " I said to her in a whisper. She smiled and promised to do the same.

I woke up the next morning and quickly got out of bed and sat back into the chair before the doctor or nurses came into the room. Audrey woke up shortly after I had. I grabbed a cup and poured some water into it, handing it to Audrey. She needed to drink lots of water and I wante to make sure she got lots.
"Thanks princess" she said to me with a smile as she grabbed the cup from me and took a few sips.
"You're welcome!" I replied, giving her a sweet kiss on the forehead.
The doctor came in and I told Audrey I would be back as I headed to the bathroom. Just as I entered the bathroom I got a call.

Me: Hello?
Killer: Hello again Sarah!
Me: What do you want?
Killer: Isn't it obvious?
Me: Stay away from my friends and I.
Killer: You know me, I just can't help myself. I have a surprise. Go to the lake tonight and go with Noah. No cops or I will finish you both.
With that I hungup and rushed back to Audrey. No one else was around so I closed the door and told her everything about that call.
"No you can't go, I won't let you. It's not safe for you and Noah." She said worriedly.
"Audrey everything will be okay."
"I'm going with you" she said quickly.
"No! Audrey you need to stay here to get better first. If anything happens I promise to call you." She looked at me for a moment then nodded.
"Promise?" She asked.
"I promise" I admitted.
I sent Noah a text about what the killer said and that him and I needed to go to the lake. He texted back a few minutes later saying he will leave to come get me shortly.
"What was your nightmare about last night?" Audrey asked softly. I looked at her and thought for a moment. Oh how I missed my mom so much. I feel so lost without her, I'm sure any daughter or son would feel the same way if they lost their mother too right? I took a deep breath and sighed.
"It was about mom and how we found her only I was alone and it was much more scary and so realistic. I just...I feel lost without her."
Audrey held my hand.
"I know babe. I'm here for you, always I promise. I know how you feel, I felt the same way when my mom died. She got really sick." She spoke softly.
"Im so sorry" my voice was full of sadness.
"It's okay love!" She said, almost as a whisper. I leaned down and kissed her. Her lips were surprisingly very soft but cold. I kept kissing her softly but made myself pull away shortly after so that I wouldn't continue on kissing her forever.
   Lots of time went passed as there was a knock on the door before Noah walked in.
"Hey, how are you holding up?" He asked Audrey.
"Pretty good" she paused for a moment "make sure you take care of my baby girl okay?"
Noah smiled "I will, always will Audrey"
"Thank you" she replied smiling.
I gave Audrey another kiss and told her I will be back shortly after supper.
     Noah and I were on our way to the lake. I was nervous as to what was going to happen or what we may find. I was also scared not gonna lie. My heart was racing too fast again and it honestly scared me. You could tell Noah was scared too. You could see it in his eyes and hear it in his voice. It was pretty obvious sadly.
"zoe hasn't messaged me back and I'm getting worried about her." Noah spoke after we had been in silence for what seemed like ages.
"Maybe she's just busy?" I asked but he shook his head no.
"No this isn't like her"
"I'm sorry Noah I really am. I hope she messages you back soon." I really felt bad.
"Thank you!" He said quietly.
The rest of the way there it was quiet. Neither of us said too much more. Noah pulled in and we both got out, trying to look for anything unusual but nothing. We went out on the dock and looked everywheres.
"Look over there" Noah said as he pointed to what seemed like a casket in the water with a rope keeping it tied to the dock. Noah and I both rushed over to it. Both of us were able to open it. As we opened it I covered my mouth as my heart stopped. I looked at Noah who seemed to be in shock and almost in tears.
It was Zoe. She was dead. Her lifeless body was there in front of us.
"No, no no no this can't be happening. Why would the killer want to kill her." He spoke as tears fled to his eyes.
"Im so sorry Noah" I said softly as I pulled him into a hug. He hugged me tightly, so tightly I wasn't sure if I was able to breathe or not but it was okay. He really needed a hug more than anything.
"We have to call the police" he said.
"We do but not until we get out of here. The killer said no cops or he will finish us Noah. We need to be careful about this." I whispered to him. He nodded in agreement.
After a few seconds we started making our way to his vehicle. I heard something and I quickly looked at Noah.
"Do you hear that?" I asked but before he could say anything he was stabbed in the stomach. I let out a scream as I yelled his name. The killer disappeared. I ran over to Noah and tried to help him in but that's when I got stabbed too, right in the stomach.
    The killer had taken us both to the pig farm. My heart was racing and it was this moment I was positive we were going to die, mainly so me. This is when he set Noah and I into different caskets. I was having a panic attack and letting out screams. He closed the casket and the next thing I knew there was short of air and dirt getting in the casket. No no no he's barring us alive.

A/N: I decided to change it up a bit, different from the show. I hope you guys liked this chapter. I will be working on the next chapter soon and hopefully will have it posted in a bit. Feel free to leave comments or anything as well. :) Thank you!!!

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