Chapter 24: The last day of summer

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The sun was shining through the window which woke my up but I didn't mind. Audrey was already up and staring at me.
"Staring at me when I'm sleeping now huh? That's kind of creepy." I said smirking.
Audrey was smirking back as she got closer to me. I looked at her lips then back to her eyes.
"But I love it because you look so sexy when you sleep." She leaned in and kissed me deeply.
"Mhm...not sure how I would look sexy but whatever you say." I said to her.
My phone buzzed and Audrey looked at me.
"It's Emma, she wants us to go to her house" I said, not looking at Audrey at first.
Audrey sighed. "Alright but I am taking you out for dinner before I go to work the late shift."
Audrey had started working back at the cinema. I was okay with it now and I was happy that she was able to get a job as I was still looking.
"Okay sounds fantastic " I replied with excitement then gave Audrey a sweet kiss.

I hopped in the shower, the warmth making me feel relaxed which was something I haven't felt in a while. After I washed my body and my hair, I got out, dryed myself off and put on a purple tank top, black short shorts and pulled my hair back into a high ponytail. I went downstairs to meet Audrey by the door.
"Ready?" She asked.
"Yes lets go!"

While waiting for Sarah and Audrey to get here I debated on whether or not I should tell them about the phone call but then I decided I will. I needed to, this could be happening again and as much as we don't want it too we have to accept the fact that it is and find a way to end all of it for good. I heard them come inside and a few seconds later Sarah and Audrey opened my bedroom door and walked in.
"Hey" they both said at the same time
"Hey" I said. "I um..I need to talk to both of you."
They both gave me a weird look then nodded.
"What's up Em?" Audrey said.
"Yeah, are you okay?" Sarah said, sounding worried.
I cleared my throat.
"Not exactly. I got a unknown call last night and he said to me "Hello Emma, Did you thought this was over because you caught Kieran? No haha, you got one of us. Did you not know there was two of us? You couldn't possibly thought Kieran done it all alone. Like I said Emma, it ends with you." And then the line went dead."
Audrey and Sarah stared at me for a moment.
" there any way it could of been as a prank?" Audrey said but I shook my head no.
"Okay, we gotta be careful, watch each others backs and if there is another killer we need to catch him. If any of us gets any calls or texts we will tell each other about them okay" Audrey said and I nodded. It's better to just think it's a prank. I texted Noah and Brooke earlier about it so they were also aware of it.
"Well I gotta run. I promised to take Sarah out for dinner before I head to work." Audrey said. She made her way over to me.
"Everything will be okay I promise." She said as she hugged me. I nodded and hugged Audrey back.
"Hey do you mind if Sarah stays the night here tonight? Just until I get done work."? Audrey asked.
"Yes of course!" I said giving Sarah a smile.
"Thanks Emma" Sarah said.
"Thanks Em, see you later" Audrey said.
"See you guys later" I said back.

                                                         SARAHS P.O.V
After what Emma told ua, I couldn't help but think about that constantly. It's possible there's another killer and it actually made perfectly sense to me. Kieran didn't do this all on his own and it was obvious, hell the killer even called us when Kieran had been in the same room. He had to of had help. I explained it all out to Audrey and she even agrees with me. After everything we've been through we would love to believe anything else other than this but we knew someone helped Kieran, it was too obvious so now we have to be careful because there's another killer out there.

Audrey pulled up to a restaurant and it looked pretty big which was a good thing I believe.
"Hey everything will be okay, don't worry about it okay babe. At least not right now." Audrey said and I nodded.
"Okay" Insaid forcing a smile. Audrey got out and went to my side of the vehicle and opened the door for me. I smiled and got out, taking her hand.
"Classic" I said.
"Yeah well, it's a nice thing to do for someone you love." She said as we both bursted out laughing.
We went inside and the waitress seated us, handing us our menus.
"Can I start you two off with some drinks?" She waitress asked.
"I'll have coke please" Audrey said.
"Coke as well." I said.
The waitress gave us both a small smile then went off. I looked at the menu. The waitress came back with our drinks and asked us if we were ready to order.
"I'll have lasagna " Audrey spoke first.
"I'll have the alfrado pasta" I said simply.
"Okay, I will come back with your food once it's ready" the waitress said as she took our menus and went off.

The date was pretty great. Audrey and I ate our food and talked for an hour about things that we never talked about before. We got into deep conversations too and it felt so good that we could carry on a conversation like we had. Audrey was now driving us to the cinema as she had to be at work in ten minutes. I couldn't help but smile, it was once of the best dates we've ever had and I loved it. I am completely in love with Audrey and no words could ever describe how much I truely love her.

"Here we are!!" Audrey said, you could tell she wasn't excited about working at all. We both got out of the vehicle and hugged each other.
"Have a great shift at work babe. I will pick you up once you are done. Just call or text me." I said, not wanting to let go of her. She pulled away and kissed me slowly, passionately and deeply. I grabbed the back of her neck, pulling her closer to me. Her lips were so soft and tender, I loved it.
"I have to go inside now. Please drive safe and text me when you get to Emmas."
I nodded and kissed her one more time.
"I will!!" I said.
"Okay. I love you!!" Audrey said sweetly.
"I love you too!" I replied.
Audrey went inside and I didn't get in the drivers seat until I made sure she got inside safely.
I pulled out my phone and texted Emma. "Leaving now, be there soon" and with that I started to drive off.

I was about five minutes away from Emmas house when I seen someone standing in the middle of the road. I realized it was a guy with...oh my god. The Brandon James mask. I let out a screen as I went off the road and hit a tree.

I woke up to darkness. I realized my head had a small cut from the accident I just had. I was bleeding a bit on my arms too. I heard someone coming and that's when I seen the killer. He was holding a knife. He started to reach inside the vehicle, past my stomach. I was in tears, my heart racing so fucking fast. I was scared, no I was terrified. The killer cut the seatbelt off of me and pulled me out. I screamed.
"No no no please don't please don't."  I said as I was crying. He held the knife up and went to stab me. I moved and it made him stab my arm. I let out a horrific scream, blood rushing out of the arm and the pain I had felt. Everything became blurry as I became dizzy. I noticed the killer started running then disappeared off in the distance and that's the last thing I seen as everything went black.

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