Chapter 30

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I was at work finishing up the cleaning when I got a text from Sarah. Once I opened it I realized it was a picture so I clicked onto it. I read the words written on the wall with blood closely and my heart sank. Then I realized Sarah was at Amandas and Amanda is dead. What I didn't know was why Sarah was over at her house in the first place. My phone buzzed again.

Unknown: I'm coming for your princess but she will be last. Or will she? I would love to slice your friends open too.

He's so fucking sick!!!!
I locked the place up and ended over to Amandas to get Sarah. The police were there and the ambulance was just leaving. I was going to get out of the car but before I could do anything Sarah walked over and got in. She didn't look at me, she just looked straight ahead.
"Amanda told me to drop by, she invited you too but when I got there she was dead." Sarah said flatly.
I felt bad and I knew there was nothing going on between them in the first place.
"The killer is coming after me. He should just kill me already and this would all be over." She said.
"No no no don't say that Sarah please. We will find this bastard and catch him. I love you, I won't let him get you." I said, giving her a hug in tears.
"Come on, lets go home. You need some rest and tomorrow is saturday so there's no school." I said to her.
Sarah nodded not saying anything else. I fastened my seatbelt and drove us home.

We got home and the first thing Sarah did was go to our room. I followed her closely. She had been acting different and it was worrying me. I watched Sarah as she stripped to her bra and laced underwear then make her way to the bed and layed down. I stripped too then layed down beside her. I kissed her cheek while stroking her hair.

"Audrey, Can know..have some fun.?" Sarah asked me.
"Are you sure you want to?" I asked her and she nodded.
"We haven't had sex much and I just got this craving for you." She said giving me a smirk.

I gave Sarah a smirk back, got on top of her and started kissing her. I made my way to her neck, kissing it and gently biting. I kissed her all the way down her thigh.  I slid off her underwear and made my way inside. She moaned and I could tell she was enjoying it. I kept going until she was shaking and we continued this for a while..

                                                          SARAHS P.O.V
I had been having more nightmares about what happened to my mother almost every night now. It never gets better, it just keeps getting worse. Audrey has been there to hold me through the night and make sure I'm okay which I appreciate gratefully. I noticed I had been different and I know everyone else including Audrey sees it too but do you blame me after everything I went through? No one deserves to live this kind of life and no one deserves to go through what I went through and what my friends had gone through too.

Audrey was at school but I told her I would her to go. She wanted to stay home with me but she really needed to go to school. I was just laying in bed right now, thinking about my mom.

"How's my favourite girl" my mother had said to me as I was laying in bed sick from the flu. I was around the age of ten.
"I'm sick mommy, can you make me better?" I said pouting.
My mom gave me a sad smile.
"I wish I could darling" my mom said as she kissed my forehead.
I closed my eyes. I felt really sick and I didn't want to move. I felt my mom lay down beside me.
"I love you so much Sarah. You're my little girl, my little angel. When you were born that was the happiest day of my life." I heard my mom saying to me.
I felt her soft hand stroking my cheek. I felt her kiss my cheek.
"I love you pumpkin, get some rest and you will be better." My mom whispered in my ear.
"I love you too mommy!" I said before falling asleep.

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