Chapter Three: Getting Better

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                                                      AUDREY'S P.O.V
        I called the police so they could get to her house and save her. My mind was all over the place. I didn't know if she was hurt bad, if she was okay or hurt at all but I knew one thing. The killer always wins, if he says someone is hurt he means it. All of us will make sure he loses in the end. We are fucking sick of this sycho and his twisted ways. Messing with our lives especially mine and Emmas. When I arrived at the house the ambulance and police officers were already there from when I had called them. I watched as they took her to the hospital. She looked like she was dead but I knew she wasn't. She bled lots and her skin looked so pale that it made me worry even more. I even felt sick to my stomach. One of the officers told me that she was going to be okay, that it wasn't a major cut but bad enough she passed out. Probably from feeling dizzy or something. I texted Noah, Emma and Brooke to tell them about Sarah. They were shocked and hope that she will be okay. I want to find out who that son of a bitch is. I feel like this is all my fault the reason she got stabbed. I feel like absolute shit. I hope she's going to be okay. I will definitely be there to see her in the morning when she wakes and I will stay there until she is allowed to leave the hospital. I really think these feelings towards her are getting stronger and stronger.

                                                 SARAH'S P.O.V
       Brightness had came to me as I woke up. My head was pounding. "You're all stitched up. You are going to be alright. It wasn't a major cut and you got very lucky young lady." I looked at the doctor and gave him a small smile while nodding then whispered a thank you to him. He walked out and I seen Emma and Kieran walk in. "Hey, how are you holding up"? Emma asked me sweetly. "I'm doing okay minus the headache I have but other than that I feel fine. No pain or anything." Emma smiled "We're glad you're okay. We are sorry this happened to you." Kieran said. "Thank you" I slowly sat up as Brooke walked in. "There's that beautiful girl." I laughed a bit. "Hey Brooke". She smiled. "You holding up okay? I swear that bitch is gonna get it." I looked at her. She was on her phone but made eye contact with me just now. I gave her a nod and said "Yeah." "We have to head to school but Audrey is coming over so you won't be alone." Emma said as all three of them gave me a hug before leaving.
          Audrey showed up about ten minutes later. She brought me a coffee which I had thanked her for. "Noah is sick today that's why he didn't come with me. He wanted me to tell you that he hopes you get better soon and he wanted to make sure I give you a hug for him." She gave me a hug then pulled away and gave me another whispering "that one was from me." She smiled softly. Oh my, I love her smile. It made me feel good inside. Perhaps I am getting feelings for her? I never told anyone that I am Bi-curious but is she into girls too? I thought for a moment and remembered her telling me about Rachel. Audrey took a seat next to me. "The doctor told me you can go home today but you have to be with someone at all times just for a couple weeks. You can stay at my housw if you'd like? I already talked to my dad and he's okay with it." She really seemed to care about me a lot which made me feel good. I care about her too, maybe more than a little. "Yeah sure. Thank you, for everything".
           Audrey and I were on the way to her house. I already had clothes that my mom brought me from home earlier this morning. Once we got to her house we went to her room. She said I could lay in her bed so I did. "Audrey you can have your bed to sleep in. I can sleep on the couch, I really don't mind." She shook her head. "You are taking my bed hun." I sighed. "You can lay with me then? I feel bad for just taking your bed." She looked a little surprised. "Are you sure?" I nodded and gave her a small smile. She layed down next to me. I looked her in the eyes "I came here for a fresh start you know? I just, I'm glad I met you and Noah and the others. The closest I have ever been to anyone. You're the closest to me than anyone, including my own mother." Audrey studied my face. For a moment she just stared into my eyes then she whispered "You're so sweet and beautiful. Aside from Noah you are the closest friend I have. My best friend too. Im glad I met you and..." She paused for a moment and sighed. "And I wish you didn't get hurt. I tried to stop it but I couldn't." At this point she was really upset. "Hey it's okay really. It's not your fault I promise." She kissed my forehead then layed back down as we both fell asleep.
             I woke up in the middle of the night. Audrey was no wheres to be found but then I noticed she left a note saying she would be back soon. That she went to see how Noah was doing. At 2am? That's odd. I layed back in bed and tried to fall asleep but that was impossible. My phone buzzed meaning I had a text. I was hoping it would be Audrey but it wasn't. It was from UNKNOWN "Getting close to Audrey? Thought you might want to know where she is now." With that was a GIF of Audrey somewheres dark beside a...dead body. I gasped, shocked and scared. Not sure what was going through my head at this point. I had tears and was shaking so badly. I gathered all my stuff up and even though I had no ride home I started to walk. I didn't live far from Audreys, just down the road. I was scared, I was so hurt and pissed off I sent Audrey a screenshot of that GIF saying "I can't believe this. Are you involved with the killer too? Stay the fuck away from me." She replied almost instantly saying "I can explain. It's not what it looks like I promise. Please let me explain." I ignored her messaged, now was not the time to talk. I don't know if I ever want to talk to her again. She sent me another message saying "the killer brought me here. He set me up. I honestly had no idea about this Sarah." I believed her I think. I sent her a message saying "Okay I believe you but if I find out you did something terrible or you are involved with the killer you will never see my face again." She didn't say anything back so I went straight home and straight to my bed. I was still upset so I couldn't sleep. I went to the bathroom and took some of my moms sleeping pills and shortly after I was able to fall asleep.

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