Chapter 34

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                                                           SARAHS P.O.V
I felt like my heart had just shattered as I was standing here watching Emma and Audrey kiss. I couldn't wrap it around my head, it just didn't make sense to me. Noah grabbed my hand tightly trying to pull me close to him but I couldn't budge. I just stood there. I went to turn around but in the process of doing so I knocked over the small garbage can causing Emma and Audrey to turn their heads towards me as I was facing them. Tears were already pouring down my face as I turned around.
"Sarah wait!! I can explain!!" I heard Audrey say as she ran towards me but Noah stopped her.
"Leave her alone Audrey, you already hurt her enough." Noah said angrily.
I wasn't too far away, I turned around to face Audrey. Without a word I took off the ring, made my way over to Audrey and dropped the ring in her hand. You could see the tears forming in her eyes.
"I want to be alone, you told me you had no feelings for Emma but it's clear that you do." I said surprisingly calmly.
"Sarah I don't have feeling for Emma I swear, she kissed me." Audrey said.
"Yeah so what? You didn't push her away and You told Noah and I to fucking stay home until you called which was weird enough but then we find you kissing Emma yeah bull fucking shit you don't have feelings for her." I said loud enough for the people around us to hear.
"You broke my heart!" Was the last thing I said as I turned around and Noah followed me out the doors. Once we got in the vehicle I got a text.

Unknown: Looks like your lover still has feelings for Emma, bet ya didn't see that one coming either.

I knew it was from the killer and even though I should be afraid of the killer I honestly just didn't care anymore. The killer could kill me and I would be perfectly fine with that. In fact I would let him kill me because at this point I just wanted to give up. Soon after I got another text.

Emma: I'm so sorry Sarah, I kissed Audrey. It was my fault and I was on some drugs, I didn't mean to I'm so sorry.
Me: She didn't stop it so...
Emma: I think she might of been shocked or something but Audrey loves you and I know she would do anything to be with you. Audrey mentioned to me a few nights ago she didn't have any feelings for me anymore and that she loves only you. Trust me, she has no feelings for me Sarah.
Me: yeah..okay I just need a few days alone. I need space and time to think. Night.
Emma: Okay night.
Then I received another text, this time from Audrey.
Audrey: I have no feelings for Emma. I only want you. I only love you.

I just ignored it as I didn't want to talk to her right now or anytime soon.

We got to Noahs place and he decided to make us supper, steaks and potatoes.
"I didn't know you could cook." I said, teasing Noah.
"Oh I can cook" Noah replied laughing. "Besides you're the guest, I want to cook something for you." He continued.
"Thank you it's very considerate" I said smiling.
Noah was cooking steaks on the barbecue so I sat down on one of the chairs that were outside.
"I know I shouldn't bring this up but I am your best friend too" Noah started saying as he sat down beside me.
"Audrey is also my best friend and I know how much she truely loves you. Ahe has jo feelings for Emma. Emma was also on heavy meds to help with the pain from the surgery. You are Audreys world, trust me Sarah, she fucking loves you. I know you need some time and you can stay here as long as you like okay? Just, don't let this bother you forever because I am positive it meant nothing.' Noah said to me.

I thought about it for a moment and let it sink it. I did believe Noah strongly and I know he would never lie to me.
"Thanks Noah, but why would she tell us to wait until after surgery to call and she didn't call us even then." I said.
"I think she didn't want ua there until she knew that Emma was going to be okay a hundred percent and I think the reason she didn't call right away is because she wanted to make sure Emma was okay enough to have company. Sometimes people will react badly to having so many people around. I do believe she was going to call us, she just wanted to make sure she was okay I guess? You will have to ask her but I am positive she has no feelings for Emma and that it wasn't because of that." Noah said and I just nodded.
I think Audrey might of wanted to make sure she was okay but she might of wanted to know why they weren't as close as they were anymore.


Audrey and I were laying in bed cuddling and making out passionately. We stopped after a bit and just layed there in silence.
"Hey babe, can I ask you something?" I asked Auds.
"Yes, of course sweetie, what's up?" Audrey responded.
"You said earlier that you use to be close with Emma, do you still wish you were?" I asked.
You could tell Audrey wasn't expecting this question but she didn't hesitate to answer.
"Yes, I mean in a way she was kind of like a sister to me. We spent a lot of times as kids and grew up together. At one point I did have feelings for her but she broke my heart so I just moved on. I do wish we were as close though because she is a really great person and a really great friend." Audrey said.
"Do you still have feelings for Emma?" I asked.
"No I don't. I met you, I fell in love with you and you're all I want." Audrey said as she leaned in and kissed me.
I kissed back of course, her lips so soft and tasty I just couldn't resist.

End of flashback.

I gave Noah a hug and thanked him again. He gave me a smile while hugging me back.
"Let's eat shall we" Noah said goofily and I just laughed.
We grabbed our plates, filled them with food then sat down and started eating.

                                                     AUDREYS P.O.V
Emma apologized to me a million times for kissing me causing Sarah and I to fight and get left heartbroken. I told Emma that it was okay, she had been on heavy drugs but I still couldn't stay with her, I had to go home before I broke down crying. Sarah had given me the ring back and that destroyed my heart. I wasn't sure if I could forgive Emma even though she may not of done this intentionally. I cried on the way home. I even sent Sarah a message but she didn't reply, hell she probably doesn't even want to see me or talk to me ever again. I sent Noah a text as well, I knew Sarah was with him but he didn't reapond either.

Here I am, sitting on my bed in tears, trying to process everything while staring at the ring she gave back to me.vmy heart felt like it was in pieces.
"I'm such a fuck up" I whispered to myself.
I looked at my phone as I received a message and hoping it would be Sarah or at least Noah but no, it was the killer.

Unknown: Looks like you both ended up hurt, better watch out.

I was confused as to what the last part of the text meant but I ignored it and closed my eyes, hoping that I would fall asleep soon.

                                                        SARAHS P.O.V
The sun was shining bright through the window as it hit my face making me wake up. I had slept in Noahs bed and Noah slept on a mattress on the floor. I looked down to see Noah was still sleeping so I didn't bother to wake him.  Instead I went downstairs and helped myself to some coffee and toast. As I was eating I decided to check my phone. Nothing from Audrey which was a relief. I see Noah come downstairs.
"Noah hey, good morning" I say as I hug him.
"Good morning Sarah" he chuckles.
"Um I'm going to go see Audrey at her house to talk. She doesnt know I am going to go see her so don't tell her anything." I say calmly.
"Okay well good lucky my best bicurious friend" Noah says and I can't help but smile.
"Thank you my non virgin bestie. I will keep in touch and see you in a bit." I say as I walk out the door.

I show up at Audreys and technically it's my house too but I knock on the door. Audrey opens the door and she looked shocked. I know she wasn't expecting me but her jaw dropped and she was completely speechless.
"Can I come in?" I asked.
"Yes, yes of course come in." She said, stepping aside

I made my way to the living room and we sat down on the couch.
"I'm so sorry Sarah, I don't have feelings for Emma!!" She started but I cut in.
"I know, and she kissed you i know. I kmow you have no feelings for her. I love you Audrey!!! Would you mind if I can have that ring back?" I asked smiling.
She pulled out the ring and slipped it on my finger then kissed me.

We spent the last two hours of amazing sex. I sent Noah a message telling him I won't be seeing him until tomorrow and what happened with Audrey and I. The door rang and Audrey and I looked at each other as we weren't expecting anybody. We got dressed and went downstairs together and opened the door.

Audrey and I were in shock and our jaws dropped.
"Brooke!!!??" I said, as Brooke was standing in front of us.
"Hey, guys!" Brooke said, as she seemed confused and upset and worried.

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