Chapter 26: Back to school

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                                                      SARAHS P.O.V
The sound of an alarm clock woke me up. I groaned as I moved slowly sitting up. Audreys dad was making breakfast and I assumed Audrey was upstairs probably getting ready for the day. I made my way over to the stairs as Audrey was coming down all dressed up for school.
"Here you go babe!" She said, handing me an outfit then kissing me on the cheek.
"I'll be at the table waiting for you snd don't worry, I won't eat without ya." Audrey said. She seemed to be in a better mood. She started talking to her dad so I went to go get changed. I felt bad when Audrey told me what happened to her mom. I couldn't help but feel sad about it,. It was terrible, aside from our friends and I her dad was all she had left.

Audrey and I were on our way to school now and as much as I hated to admit it I was actually looking forward to it. Breakfast with Audrey and her dad was nice. It was the first breakfast that the three of us actually had together and I really enjoyed it. Her dad was really nice and he seemed to of liked me very much as he said I was his favourite out of the past girlfriends she's had and that I was definitely the prettiest.

Once we got to the school I took a deep breath and stepped out of the vehicle.
"you ready?" Audrey asked me.
"As ready as I'll ever be" I answered, grabbing Audreys hand tightly.
Once we stepped inside I seen Brooke.
"Brooke hey!!" I said giving her a hug. Audrey had seen Noah and gave him a hug them we switched. I gave Noah a hug and she gave Brooke one.
"How have you been?" Noah asked me.
"Better, much better!" I said forcing a smile.
"That's my girl!!" Noah said and Audrey heard him as she shot him a glare.
"I didn't mean it like that, you know what I mean, she's my friend." Noah said to Audrey and she just looked away. I gave Noah a smile.
"I knew what you meant!" I said.
Noah sighed in relief "good, good!" He said then gave me another smile.

It was lunch time and I was spending it with Noah which was totally cool with me. Audrey told me she had detention so she wouldn't be able to spend lunch with me.
"I'll be back Noah, I gotta get my bag out of my locker" i said to him.
"Okay I'll be waiting" he responded.
It was halfway through lunch but I thought I would get my bag now so I could just head straight to class after. On my way to my locker I stopped when I seen Audrey and Emma together. I guess Audrey lied to me and didn't actually had detention. It hurt me that she ditched me for Emma. I heard Audrey say something about getting a call from the killer yesterday at the hospital and that was enough to piss me off and make me upset, mainly for the fact that she never mentioned anything to me. I grabbed my bag and slammed my locker shut causing Emma and Audrey to look at me.
"Sarah wait" Audrey yelled.
I stopped and turned around just as she approached me.
"I can explain!" She started but I cut her off.
"No need. You lied to me so you could ditch me for Emma oh and you're hiding shit from me now too? You said so yourself at Emma a few nights ago that any messages or calls we got from the killer that we would tell each other or did you mean just you and Emma.?" I was really hurt and you could hear the anger in my voice.
"Sarah I.." Audrey started to say.
"No don't, leave me alone. I want to be alone." I said as I turned around and left.

I left school actually and went on a walk even though it was dangerous with the killer on the loose. I texted Noah saying something happened and that I left school. He said it was okay and that he hopes I'm alright but that's the thing. I'm not. My phone buzzed telling me I had a new text message.

Unknown: MISS ME?????

I looked around in every direction but nothing. I continued walking but cautiously. I texted Brooke asking her if I could go to her house and she replied saying yes and that she will be home after school. Once I got to Brookes I layed down on her bed. It was really comfy actually and I loved it. I loved it so much I decided to take a nap.

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