Chapter Nine: Gaining Strenght Part 1

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                                                            SARAHS P.O.V
Memories were crossing my mind. Over and over again. Too many memories. Audrey had in the car waiting for her. She was packing everything I owned, which wasn't a whole lot because most of my stuff was at Audreys. Audrey told me that I will be moving in with her. Even though she kind of just demanded it not in a mean way either but in the state I'm in I really couldn't say no. Audrey is all I have left, besides the others of course but I was closets to Audrey than anyone else. My body was shaking from when I seen my mother hanging from that tree. My throat was plugged. I couldnt speak nor did I want to. I haven't been crying for the past ten minutes now. I felt so weak and dry right to the bone that I wasn't sure if there was even water left inside of me to cry. Why would anyone want to kill my mother? That's the main thing going through my head right now. I have no parents, no siblings and no family members left. Just Audrey mainly and our other friends. I could barely move honestly. I have just been looking straight ahead in the same direction and in the same spot as I had been since I first got in this car. I heard Audrey loading the car with my stuff. There was only a few boxes, not a whole lot of things. I honestly felt bad that she was doing all the work when it's really suppose to be my job. Then again, I didn't realize she was even packing my stuff until she came to the car with the first box. I was so lost, so out of it that I had only snapped back to reality when Audrey careful opened the door to put the first box inside. After a few minutes I was able to physically move my head. I looked at her as she closed the door to the house, locking it and bring one last box to the car. She got into the drivers seat and I slowly looked straight ahead again as I had been looking before. I could feel Audrey looking at me for a few seconds before she started the car.
Even though Audrey lived only five minutes away, it seemed like hours had passed by. The car ride was silent, neither of us said anything. Audrey got out and walked over to my side, opening the door for me only I couldn't move a muscle or I just didn't feel like it. I felt so weak. I turned to Audrey hoping that she would maybe carry me if she could. She seemed to understand what I wanted even though I said nothing because she picked me up and carried my inside. She went through my clothes to look for my PJs but honestly I was just so hot that I just wanted to sleep naked.
"A..Audrey?" This was the first time I had said a word since the incident. She looked at me surprised that I actually said something.
"Yes baby?"
I licked my lips trying to figure out if there was a proper way to say this or not.
"I'm too hot, do you mind if I sleep...naked..?"
Audreys eyes went wide for a moment but then she understood. She nodded.
"Yeah sure, here let me help you." She said, walking over to me. I lifted my arms so she could take off my shirt easier. Then she undid my bra. Her eyes looked at my breasts and I wasn't sure what she was thinking. She then continued, sliding of my leggings, socks and panties. She looked my body up and down a few times before meeting my eyes.
"You are absolutely beautiful and you have an amazing body."
I couldn't help but smile. I actually smiled.
Before I could say anything she kissed my forehead.
"Come on, lets get some rest. You need it." I nodded. She layed down beside me holding me close to her. Minutes later we fell asleep snd I actually felt safe.

One Week Later
It's been a week since what happened to my mother. It still hurts and goes through my mind but I am doing okay. I need to be strong, as strong as I can and not let the killer bring me down. Looking around the room I don't see Audrey anywheres. Weird. Just as I was about to get out of bed Audrey comes in with a tray.
"Good morning my beautiful human"
I gave her a smile. "Good morning you!"
Audrey set the tray down on the stand beside the bed. There was a few pieces of bacon, two pieces of toast and two pieces of eggs along with a cup of coffee.
"Breakfast in bed, you are the sweetest and best girlfriend Ever."
You could see Audreys face light right up.
"And you are as well" she said kissing me softly.
Thw kiss became intense and heated fast. I didn't even notice that she had took my clothes off until she started to take off hers. I stopped her and did that job for her. We continued kissing. Audrey bit my lower lip causing me to moan a little too loud maybe. I bit her lip back, slightly sucking. She cupped my breasts and squeezed them, feeling like she was giving me a massage. A few moments later she stopped and looked into my eyes.
"Do you want to?" She asked, studying my face. I nodded slowly.
"Babe if you're not ready we don't..."
I cut her off. "No no, I'm ready" I smiled to her. She waited a moment.
"Are you sure?"
"Yes, I'm sure"

This morning was amazing. The sex was amazing. I knew it was Sarahs first time as I remember her telling me she hadn't lost her virginity yet and honestly neither had I. Sarah was my first too. I was glad she was my first, I honestly wouldn't have wanted it any other way. I tried to make it as special as I could in which I think it was. Sarah said it was amazing afterwards and that really made me feel good afterwards.
"Well I'm going to shower"
"Mind if I join?" I winked at her. She giggled.
"Of course silly, always!"
The shower was nice and hot, I kissed her afew times but had to stop myself so we could actually take a shower. She washed my body all over and once she was finished I did the same to her. It felt nice honestly. Once we were done we got dryed off and put on our outfits for the day. I received a new text message from Noah.
Noah: I'm going to the amusement park with Emma tonight to investigate. Would you and Sarah care to join?
Me: Yeah sure we will be there. What are we investigating exactly?
Noah: Well Ed said he would meet me there. He seen pipers accomplished.
I thought for a moment, wondering if it was even a good idea that any of us should go.
Unknown: -New Picture Message-
My heart sped up as I opened it. There was Ed, dead laying in a bathtub meaning he for sure wouldn't be there. I felt sick, the killer striked again.
Unknown: Not a word to anyone or I will make sure your sweet girl is sliced right through.
Fear swept over me. Fuck.
"Audrey, baby are you okay?"
I looked up to see Sarah staring at me concerned. How long had she been staring.
"Yes love just texting Noah" I gave her the best smile I could.
Me: Sarah and I will be there see you tonight.
I looked at Sarah. You, Noah, emma and I are going to the amusement park to investigate tonight. Noah invited us and don't worry, you will be okay I will protect you. Also where Emma is going Kieran will be there too. He will help keep us safe and we won't be there long I promise." She seemed to have been lost in thought.
"Okay as long as you stay by my side."

We are on our way to the amusement park, Audrey and I. I wasn't sure that this was a good idea but I felt safe with Audrey and the fact that there would be five of us there. I wondered why Brooke and Zoe weren't coming but Audrey said that Brooke wanted to be alone tonight and Noah didn't want Zoe involved which was understandable. Noah was a sweet guy, definitely a best friend to me as well as Audrey. He definitely was smart and I have seen his murder board only a couple times but he knew what he was doing. I thought about my mom. Oh how I miss her so much. I think a couple tears fell from my face but I wiped them away quickly before Audrey noticed. If she had noticed she would ask me what's wrong or if I'm okay and that would only cause me to cry even more.
We pulled up next to Noah and got out of the car slowly. I stood next to Noah while Audrey made her way to the other side of me gently grabbing my hand. Emma and Kieran came over and said their hellos and we responded with hellos too.
"Alright let's investigate " Noah said, seeming confident but you could hear the fear in his voice. The five of us made our way to the funhouse and inside we went. It was quite dark so I made sure I stuck close behind Noah while gripping Audreys hand tightly. Emma and Kieran stopped making us stop in our paths.
"We need to get out of here now" Kieran said turning around. As Noah turned around, fear took over his face. He grabbed my arm and pulled me back and Audrey too. The killer was right there behind us. I let out a scream as Audrey grabbed Noah and I and we ran in the direction following Emma and Kieran.
"Where do we find a way out" Emma was panicking.
"This way" Kieran said as we followed him. I turned around and the killer was gone.
"We need to go out the way we came in from" Noah said and we realized he was probably right. I slowly tried to make my way back with Audrey right by my side. I turned around the cornor to face the killer once again. I have no idea what went through my head but I kicked him in the stomach apparently hard enough he fell right to the ground. We all rushed out and gathered where we had parked.
"I have no idea what that was but you kicked ass Sarah" Noah said.
I smiled.
"Yeah that was great. You literally saved us. Thank you" Emma said as she hugged me.
"That was badass Sarah" Kieran said.
"Thanks Kieran" I let out a small laugh then I looked around.
"Where's Audrey??? Oh my gos where's my girlfriend.?" I started panicking and crying at the same time. Everyone else looked around at our surroundings.
"We have to go back inside to get her." Kieran said.
"I'm coming with you" I said. The four of us just looked at each other. Noah and Emma agreed to help. I took a deep breathe.
"Don't worry baby, we are coming to save you."

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