Chapter Seven: It all begins again Part 1

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                                                            BROOKES P.O.V
        When Jakes body had fell I immediately felt paralyzed. This couldn't be real, it's all a dream, I kept thinking to myself. But no, it wasn't a dream, it was real and this was happening right now. I did scream but it was quite shocking for me, for everyone but mostly for me. I looked down at my hands and my dress, covered in blood. By this point I was shaking and I knew at this moment that there's a new killer on the loose.
       Emmas mother came in to take pictures. I had to stand completely still which was harde than you can imagine. My mind felt like it was shut down, I was in complete shock to recognize all the surroundings around me.
"Careful, don't move, this is evidence sweetie." I heard her say to me as I snapped out of it a little. "I'm sorry I just wish this never would of happened. This doesn't seem real." She didn't say anything but I knew she was sorry for me. Emotions are taking over my body and all I can feel is depression.

                                                       SARAHS P.O.V
Audrey held my hand tightly pulling me close to her.
"Im not going to lose you, not again" she gave me a quick kiss before we followed Emma. We stopped for a moment as Emma talked to a teacher. I didn't know who she was as I wasn't able to remember all the teachers names yet.
"We need to get to Brooke" I heard Audrey speak. The teacher waited a moment before allowing us to pass by. We reached Brooke and I felt like someone had been following us. Before I turned around I heard someone say "Emma, Jensen, Sarah, you girls need to come with me." I turned around to see an officer standing right there.
"Sir we need to stay, we are Brookes friends. She needs us." I said as calmly as I could.
"Please don't make them go" Brooke said.
"Alright Emma, you are high on the list you need to come with me. You two girls stay."
We looked at Emma, she didn't seem to be as worried as I expected.
"It's going to be okay!" Audrey said to Emma. She nodded in return and gave us both a small and quick smile before following the officer out the doors.
As soon as Emma left, Audrey and I took Brooke to where the showers were so she could get cleaned up. She went straight to the shower. You could hear her sniffing and little whimps from her crying. I felt terrible, she didn't deserve to find out that way. She didn't deserve any of this that was going on and neither did any of us.
I took a deep breathe and thought after why my father had came back for. It didn't matter now because he was dead but it still hurt knowing he came back to hurt us maybe? To ruin my mother and I's life. I felt a hand on my back which made me jump a bit, snapping out of my thoughts. I turned to see Audrey. She had a worried look on her face.
" okay sweetie?" She whispered.
"Yeah just with everything going's hard to take it and now that I'm a part of the killers game I have to be careful that I'm not alone in the wrong places or anything." I sighed thinking about it.
"I know, me too, I promise I will do everything to keep you safe okay.? I wish you weren't part of his game either. It's my fault, I fell in love with you and that's how you are now involved." She really seemed upset.
"Audrey, it's not your fault. I'm okay , I have you and I fell in love with you too." She gave me a warm smile and I gave her one back before looking down at the ground. Seconds later she used her hand to tilt my chin up so I would be facing her.
"Everythings going to be okay, I promise."
I nodded and she leaned in and kissed me.
"Sarah Hill?" I turned around to face the same officer that was in here before.
"The sheirff wants to see you."
"What for? She didn't do anything" you could tell Audrey was annoyed.
"He is questioning a lot of people. Please come with me ms Hill."
I nodded and started following him. I turned around to see Audrey staring at me. She whispered that it's going to be okay and I hope she is right.
      I was sitting in a chair waiting for Sherrif Acosta to question me. My stomach felt like it was in knots and even though I didn't do anything it was still nerve racking. The sherrif took a seat and faced me.
"When was the last time you've seen the victim? Jake."
I wasn't sure what to say exactly.
"I've never met him sir. I just moved here last week. I only became friends with Audrey, Noah, Emma, Brooke and Kieran but I never met Jake. I have no idea who he is."
He nodded to my statement.
"Sorry for your time, you are free to go."
"Thank you. May I go back to where Audrey and Brooke are?"
He thought for a moment.
"They should be done soon. I will have an officer escort you to the library."
I just agreed even though I didn't want to but I didn't want to cause anything either.
     I walked in the library and looked around hoping to find Emma, Kieran and or Noah. I seen Kieran waved for me to come over. He was sitting with Emma and Noah.
"Hey" I spoke softly as they sat down.
"They questioned you?" Noah said and as I nodded all three of them seemed shocked.
"He let me go once I told them thst I had just moved here and that I had no idea who Jake was."
"Good, we are so sorry that you are involved in all of this too." Emma said.
"It wasn't your fault. Don't be sorry, I'm okay" I gave her a smile.
"You're such a sweet and caring person we really wished you weren't involved." Kieran said to me and I gave him a thank you in reply.
Minutes later someone took a seat next to me. I just hoped it wasn't Eli but I spoke to soon. I looked beside me to see him smiling at me as he said "Hey". I gave him a look that basically meant for him to fuck off then I looked down at the table and started fiddling with my fingers. Oh please Audrey hurry.

I was leaning against the waiting for Brooke to finish up her shower. Every few seconds I kept checking my phone to see is Sarah had send me anything. Nothing. I sighed and just hoped that she was okay. Seconds later Brooke walked out with a towel wrapped around her body and her slightly crying.
"It's like a nightmare. This doesn't seem real." She paused for a moment. I really felt bad for her and I didn't know what to say.
"We were literally just texting." Wait, what?
"Wait Jake texted you?"
"Yeah yesterday take a look for yourself" she walked over, grabbed her phone and opened the message before handing it to me. I read it.
"He said he would see my today either way and I ended up seeing him dead. It's too weird."
I looked straight into her eyes. "Brooke what if this didn't come from Jake...I mean..what if it came from..." I paused, not knowing if I should go on or not.
"His killer" Brooke said and I just nodded slowly.
"Oh my god I can't believe this is happening again." She thought for a moment then sighed looking around.
"Did they give me any clothes or do I have to wander the halls naked.?" You could tell Brooke was annoyed and really I didn't blame her. They brought her some ugly cheerleading clothes which I honestly don't know why any girl would want to wear that ugly piece of shit outfit. I let out a sigh.
"Well..they did brought you this." I said as I held up the outfit. She too, it and rolled her eyes.
"Eww. Really. This? " she turned away and headed towards the shower to get changed. She stopped and looked at it one more time.
"Seriously"? I heard her say in disgust as she went to go put it on. I still had her phone in my hands. I looked at the screen and started typing "YOU ARE GOING STRAIGHT TO HELL!!!" Then I hit send and sat her phone down. I then texted Sarah "Hey are you okay?" Then as I was waiting for her reply Brooke walked out and we started heading back.

                                                      SARAHS P.O.V
        Emmas phone went off and she made it clear she probably had a text from her mom so she got up and hid behind the two bookshelves. Eli was eyeing me pretty closely which made me feel very uncomfortable. Seconds later he got up and went somehweres. Thank god. Across from me at a different table I seen Stavo looking at me creepily. I stared at him making eye contact hoping he would be first to look away which seemed impossible because that wasn't happening. My phone buzzed. I shot him a dirty look then opened up my text message.
Audrey: Hey are you okay?
Me: Yeah I'm fine minus the creepy guys staring at me. Creepy guys as in Eli and Stavo.
Audrey: Are you sitting alone?
Me: No, Noah is beside me as well as Kieran and Emma was but she got up to read a text she received.
Audrey: okay, stay put. I will be at the library soon. I love you.
Me: I love you too. Xoxo
    "Kieran, Sarah, can I talk to you guys for a minute please." I heard Emma say. I immediately looked at her concerned and nodded. Kieran and I walked between the bookshelves.
"What is it? Is everything okay?" Kieran said calmly.
"Yeah Emma are you okay?" I gave her a worried look.
Kieran and I looked at each other worriedly then brought our attention back to her as she took out a phone and handed it to Kieran. He moved closer to me so I was able to see it too. He flipped it over.
"Oh my god. Emma how did it..."
Emma cut me off saying "someone here in school slipped it in my bag. It was not in there last night. I don't know who could of done this." The back of the phone said 'Property of Jake'. I gave Emma a hug saying how sorry I was about it. Kieran had waved someone over. I pulled away from Emma and looked to see who was coming. It was Audrey. I walked over to her and gave her a hug.
"I'm so glad you're okay" she kissed the top of my head then she looked from Kieran to Emma.
"What's going on?"
Emma handed Audrey the phone. Audrey flipped it over and before she could say anything Emma told her that someone had slipped it in her bag.
"I need to take this to the cops" Emma said worriedly
"No no cops, we can't go to the cops." Audrey said quickly.
Emma stoped and we all looked at each other, not knowing what was going to happen next.

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