Chapter 33

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                                                         AUDREYS P.O.V
So here I am, in the hospital again looking at Sarah. She seems to be in a deep sleep but the doctor told me that she is going to be okay and that she was very lucky. I gave the doctor the pill bottle that was suppose to be full of painkillers and he told me that it was definitely not painkillers and that he wasn't quite sure what it was. He told me someone must of made them and switched the pills to drug Sarah purposly. The police knows about it and Sheirff Acosta knows about the killer and that it was most certainly the killer who had done it. Acosta is looking into it.

I stared at Sarah while holding her hand gently. She still looked amazing,y beautiful as evere. I had been so worried about her that it was making me physically sick. I leaned down and placed a gentle kiss on her forehead then I sat back in my seat, hoping she will wake up soon rather than later.

"Sarah??? Sarah is everything okay?" I was calling out to her as I heard a bang, causing me to run down the stairs immediately. I stopped at the bottom of the stairs as I noticed that Sarah was laying on the floor.
"Oh my god Sarah!!! No no no no no!!" I started saying as I rushed to her body. I checked to see if she was still breathing in which she was. I called 911 and told them where I was and to hurry quickly. I quickly got up and grabbed the pill bottle looking inside of it. It wasn't painkillers. The killer had somehow gotten into our home and switched the pills to drug her.

The police showed up as well as the ambulance. Acosta stopped me and I gave him the pill bottle.
"Someone snuck into our house and switched the meds. Can you please look into it?" I felt worried.
"Yes, of course we will" Acosta said before making his way back to his vehicle. I hopped into the ambulance and we left heading to the hospital.

End of flashback.

I notcied that Sarah had opened her eyes and was saying my name repeatedly.
"Baby, shhh, I'm here baby. What's wrong?" I asked Sarah.
She looked at me as if she was trying to figure out what to say.
"What happened?" She asked me calmly.
"The killer switched the meds but don't worry, the doctor said you are going to be okay." I loudly whispered to her.
I squeezed her hand gently then brought her hand to my lips as I placed a gentle kiss on her hand. Sarah gave me a smile and giggled.
"You're so sweet, I love it" she said to me.
I gave her a smile.
"Not as sweet as you sugar." I said as I leaned in and kissed her tender lips.

Two hours later.
"So you are bringing me to Noahs?" I asked Audrey.
The doctor said I was able to go home but instead of home I am going to Noahs which I am totally okay with.
"Yes, I'm not leaving you alone. Emma is working, Brookes in prison, I sure as hell am not letting you stay with Gustavo and I have to work at the cinema. Noah said he would watch you until my shift is over." Audrey said to me.
My phone buzzed so I took it out of my bag and looked at the message.

Unknown: Didn't work? I guess I will have to make sure it works next time.🔪

I put my phone back in my bag as we reached Noahs house.
"Thank you!" I said to Audrey.
She leaned in and kissed me. The kiss became intense. I didn't want Audrey to go to work especially alone but I knew she had to. She pulled away and looked into my eyes.
"I gotta go, see you after work. I love you." She said sweetly.
"I love you too" I replied before making my way out of the car and to the door.

I walked inside and instantly got a smell of cinnamon, it was the perfect smell for a home. I went upstairs to Noahs room and walked in without knocking which Noah said it was okay for Audrey and I to do but only us. Noah was doing a podcast and he signalled me to wait a moment as he was almost done. I received another text but this time it was from Emma.

Bi-Curious (Audrey Jensen)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt