Chapter 35

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                                                             SARAHS P.O.V
"Brooke? How did you get out of prison?" I said in shock. Audrey was in shock too.
"They told me piper bailed me out which means the killer bailed me out to keep playing with me." Brooke says annoyed.
"But I am so happy to be out of that hell hole." Brooke finished saying.
"We're glad you are out!" I say.
"Anyways I'm heading over to stay with Gustavo and his dad. I will keep in touch" Brooke says and with that she turns around and walks away.

I turned to face Audrey and she gave me the same look I had given her.
"I'll let Noah and Emma know." She said, getting out her phone.
Audrey sent them a text and I just sat down on the sofa. Audrey slowly made her want over to me and sat down next to me.
"This will be over soon babe. We just gotta catch him" Audrey said and I nodded.
She gave me a soft kiss and we continued that for a while before falling asleep.


I woke up, the sund shining in my face. I looked next to me to see Audrey passed out. Last night I went over to Emmas and the two of us talked for a couple hours. She needed a friend and had called me which surprised me because I thought she would call Audrey. Emma told me she had been thinking about Kieran and having flashbacks of them when they were together and she ended up crying for a bit which I don't blame her. A while later she told me she needed to get away and honestly we could all use a little get away. I eneded up going home shortly after and Audrey and I had made love all night which honestly was amazing. Hell sex with Audrey is always amazing.

On ths plus side, things have surprisingly been going well and as shocking as this is going to sound, the killing had stopped since the night Brooke got out of prison. We were all relief even though we know the killer is still out there, we are all still being careful but where this harrassing, phone calls, people ending up dead, and stuff had stopped we just continued to focus on our lives and what really matter.

I noticed Audrey move slightly and opened her eyes slowly.
"Good morning beautiful " she said with a smirk, pulling me down onto her and kissing me.
"Good morning to you too!" I said kissing her back.

We laid there for a while resting. Audrey makes me the happiest I have ever been honestly. We even talked about having a kid sometime in the future which is something I would be more than happy to have. I found ourselves talking about the future together a lot which really made me happy.

"Time we get ready for school love!" Audrey said to me and I groaned but got up with her.

We got to school and the first person we seen was Noah and he looked as happy and excited as can be. I gave Noah a look.
"What's up Foster? Why so happy?" I asked.
"I want both of you to meet me after school, I have some exciting news to tell you." Noah answered.
Audrey and I looked at each other before looking back to Noah.
"Why can't you just tell us now?" Audrey asked.
"Because I'm late for class and I want to tell you both in private because you guys are my best friends and I want to know what you guys think first before I tell the others." Noah says heading off to class.

In class I sat in the back and stared out the window the whole time. All I could hear were the classmates chatting about drama drama drama and I really just wanted to ignore it. Some new guy kept staring at me creepily making me feel very uncomfortable but I just ignored it by continuing to look out the window.

Class ended and I went to my locker and opened it. I put my books away then as I was shutting my locker the creepy guy was standing there next there. I stare at him for a moment, a bit shocked as he did just scare the shit out of me.
"I didn't mean to scare you" he started to say.
"I gotta go" I say, not looking at him and trying to pass by but he grabbed my arm.
"Let go of her!" I hear Audrey say as she slammed him into the lockers then grab my hand and we took off to her car.
"Who is he?" I asked.
"I have no idea but he is creepy as fuck and if he touches you again I will bash his face in." Audrey replied.

We got to Noahs and made our way upstairs.
"What do you think he wants to tell us?" I asked Audrey in a whispering voice.
"I honestly don't have the slightest clue." Audrey whispered back.
We stopped at Noahs door.
"Hey Noah?" Audrey and I asked at the same time.
"Yes come in!" We hear Noahs voice.

We walked in and he appeared to be typing on his computer and seemed very focused. We took a seat and he stopped to face us with a big smile on his face. He took a deep breathe then started talking.
"So I have some news to tell you. Actually it's about Gustavo and I" Noah started to say.
I looked at Audrey and you could tell she was annoyed when Noah mentioned Gustavo. Audrey raised an eyebrow and I looked back at Noah.
"Um, you and Stavo? As in Brookes boyfriend?" I asked.
"Yes, him." Noah said.
Audrey and I looked at each other then back at Noah.
"Go on..." I said slowly.
"We are both authors now!!" Noah said.

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