Chapter 18: Everything will be okay

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It was almost seven at night and Noah and Sarah still weren't back. I tried calling and texting both of them but nothing. It was really worrying me. I sighed and actually had tears in my eyes at this point. I was upset, annoyed, maybe even pissed. I texted Emma to ask her if she could come pick me up. The doctor said I was doing good and that I was able to go home but I had no ride. Emma replied saying she would be here shortly. I also told Emma about Noah and Sarah and what was going on and if she heard from them. She told me she hadn't heard from them but that we could go and find time. I told her they went to the lake and that's when it hit me. It was the killer who had texted thwm. How could I have forgotten that. Fuck Audrey, use your brain, I thought to myself.
      I was still waiting for Emma when they were bringing in someone. I overheard them talking. Zoe is dead? Oh my god poor Noah. I feel so bad for him. Wait a second. The said they found her at the lake. I got out of my bed and as one of the officers in the hallway if they heard or found a guy and a girl by the lake. He shook his head and said they only found a young girl.
        Minutes later I found myself sitting in the lobby waiting for Emma to arrive. I stared at my phone constantly just hoping to god Sarah would send me a text leting my know that they are alright or Noah sending me one but nothing still. I started to worry more and more as each second passed by.
        Emma made her way in and once she seen me she made her way to me.
"Hey" she said somewhat calmly.
"Hey, we need to find Sarah and Noah as soon as we can. I'm really worried about them. They were suppose to be back shortly after supper but they never showed."
Emma was about to say something but her phone went off, distracting her. I watched her as she opened it.
"Audrey come her, come here!!" She said panicking. I made my way over to her and looked at her phone. Oh my god. It was a video of Noah!! He was in a casket type thing, it looked like he had been stabbed as he was bleeding from the stomach. That's when I realized dirt. Dirt, he was buried alive.
"We gotta find him. We need to find Sarah too."
Just as I said that my phone went off too. I opened it as Emma was looking over my shoulder. It was Sarah. Tears came to my eyes. She was also in a casket and had been stabbed, she looked so damn pale, and she looked like she was going to fall asleep. No no don't fall asleep princess. You're strong, so strong, I thought to myself. Emma noticed me crying at this point as she pulled me into a hug.
"We're gonna get them, she's strong, she's got this and Noah too."
Beep, new text message (sent to both Emma and I)
Unknown: Want to save them? Go look at Noahs board for clues. Id hurry, they got about five hours of air left.

      Emma drove us to Noahs and we rushed into his room as quickly as we could, searching through his shit.
"Ughhhh I can't find anything" I said looking on his board.
"Wait maybe it's in his podcast. Maybe the killer said his board to throw us off." I began to search his computer for any type of clues. Emma has stopped and was thinking long and hard. I looked at her, she was staring at the board intensely. She was whispering something to herself as she looked deep in thought.
"What's behind...what's behind the board" she said rushing to the board. I got up and followed her over as she reached her hand in behind the board and pulled out some type of flower. I studied it for a moment.
"What is this?" Emma asked confused.
"You dont remember?" I started saying. "Come on I know where to go"
I headed out the door with her following me. We got into her vehicle and she started driving to the barn I told her about. We both went there as kids and when my mom got sick I had gone there a lot too.
My mind wandered off back to Sarah again. I can't believe this is happening to her. She's been stabbed what three times now? I feel terrible and feel like everything is my fault. Like I'm a failure.
We arrived at the barn, my heart racing and pounding so hard and so fast. Emma and I quickly got out of the vehicle and ran to where the flowers were.
"Check for fresh spots" I said to Emma as we were lookng everywheres.
"Ughhhh!!!" I was frustrated and panicking at the same time.
"Lets check inside the barn" I said to Emma.
"Yeah, okay" she replied following me to the doors. I looked at Emma.
"Ready?" I asked. She nodded.
"One...two...three" I said as we opened the doors on three. A horrible smell came at me as I seen something dead laying there on the ground.
"Oh my god, what the hell is that?" I asked Emma as I covered my nose.
"It's a dead pig. No way, I dreamt of this." Emma said kinda freaked out at the fact.
We started looking on the ground. A few minutss later we heard something. Oh my god it was Noahs voice.
"Noah hang on we're coming to get you." Emma said.
"Noah hang on there buddy we're coming." I said as Emma and I both grabbed a shovel and started digging. Once we got to the casket we were able to open it and there was Noah. He took a big breath as he was able to get much more air than he had had.
"Are you guys real?" He said.
"Yes we're real com on buddy I got you." I said as Emma and I helped him out.
"Where's Sarah Noah?? Do you know where Sarah is?" I asked worriedly. I was glad Noah was safe and okay but what about Sarah? I hope she's okay too. Noah looked at me like he was thinking.
"I heard her. She is underneath the casket I was in. Hurry hurry. She's been stabbed too and has been in there longer." He said, also was worried.
Emma and I looked at each other then lifted up the casket to move it. More dirt. Fuck. Oh my god. I was in tears as Emma and I started shoveling again.
"Baby hold on, Emma and I are getting to you. Stay strong" I said somewhat calmly. We heard nothing. Oh no, not good. We got to the casket and we opended it as fast as me could. There she was, not moving. I quickly got her out and layed her on the ground. I started doing CPR on her.

                                                        SARAHS P.O.V
          My eyes flung open to see Audrey hovering over me. I blinked a few times.
" stomach...I've been...stabbed" I said slowly between breathes. I was in pain, my head felt sore, my voice seemed to be fading too. She carefully helped me to the vehicle as Emma was helping Noah. On the way to the hospital I was resting my head on Audreys shoulder. She was stroking my hair which was one of the things I truely loved. Once we arrived to the hospital Audrey helped me inside and Emma helped Noah inside. Emma and Audrey were both calling for doctors. I was slowly falling asleep, feeling like my brain was going to shut down. I felt weak. I noticed the doctors werw taking Noah and I away to the same room and that was the last thing I noticed as everything went black.

                                                      AUDREYS P.O.V
     Emma and I were waiting for the doctor to tell us how both Sarah and Noah were doing. They had put them in the same room which had only two beds so that was good. The doctor had walked over to Emma and I and by the look on his face he could tell he knew who we were which made sense because we seemed to be here more often than normal which wasn't a lie.
"Both Sarah Hill and Noah foster are going to be okay. They both are stitched up and are doing pretty good. They can only have clear fluids and they need to be in the hospital for a few days at least. Noahs cut wasn't so bad or too deep but Sarahs was a little deeper but you don't need to worry, they are both doing pretty good and they will be okay I promise."
"Thank you doctor so much!!!" I said in relief.
"Yes, thank you doctor" Emma said after me.
The doctor gave us both a smile before speaking again. "You guys may go see them but they are both sleeping at the moment but feel free to go in." The doctor left the room after that.
Emma and I both looked at each other us we walked diwn the hall and into their room. We both took a seat, Emma beside Noah and myself beside Sarah. I looked at her sleeping peacefully then I kissed her forehead then whispered "I love you" in her room. A few minutes went by as I got a text message.  Slowly, I took out my phone and opened the new text message I had just received.
Unknown: Be careful how you play my game. Noah and Sarah didn't follow the rules. They are lucky they survived this time but watch out because next time I will cut deeper and that's a promise. I will make sure they don't survive.
Ps: Tell your friends I say hello.
I was lost for words and full of fear. I deleted the message, slipped my phone back in my pocket, layed back and closed my eyes. I can't let the killer get to Sarah again I just can't, i don't want to lose the love of my life. I felt tears fall from my face but I couldn't stop it. I wiped them away and opened my eyes.. I looked at Emma who was already asleep which I don't blame her. I was just as tired as well plus it was night time and dark out. I closed my eyes again and thought of Sarah. She is the most beautiful and amazing girlfriend I have ever had. I wouldnt trade her for the world. She makes me very happy and honestly, I can't imagine a life without her. I can't believe I get to marry her. Oh my fuck how did I ever get so damn lucky.
I smiled at the thought of her. I can't wait for the day we get married comes. I honestly thought about it every day and I just get more excited about it. I have never been so in love before. There's just something about her that makes me melt and feel so amazing, so happy, beyond happy. She is my everything and I would do anything for her!! Ughh, we need to find this killer and get him arrested. I can't stand having this lifestyle and the fact at Sarah has been hurt so many times breaks my heart and I am terrified that the killer will kill her. It scares me to death. Maybe she should stay in the hospital because right now that is the safest place for her, for anyone really. As I kept thinking about her I slowly started to fall asleep and soon enough I eventually did while smiling to the thought of my amazing and beautiful girlfriend.


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