All in Timing

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This one shot is a Zomika one-shot and was requested by @GlamorousNerd She did not give a specific plot line, so I made up my own. Hope you enjoy!

Third Person POV
eighth grade

Tomika never liked missing school. She always thought of some way to go. She fell too far behind if she missed. She also missed chances to keep Anna away from Zack. Anna had a big crush on Zack. So did Tomika. Keeping Anna away from Zack was the only thing that kept her going when she didn't feel good.

Except for today.

Tomika knew that when all three of her brothers caught the stomach flu, she didn't stand a chance. No one in her household had had the stomach flu since Tomika was three. It started with her brother Joseph. He was the second oldest kid in the family, a junior in high school. He caught it from a boy named Larry Fields on his hockey team. The next to get it was Logan, Tomika's brother who was a sophomore, the third oldest. He caught it from Joseph because they share a room. Diseases travel fast via the bunk bed. Next was Corey, Tomika's oldest brother. He had just gotten back from college for a visit when he accidentally used Logan's toothbrush. You can guess what happened next. That meant Tomika was left. She tried everything, she even wore a mask to cover her nose and mouth around the house. But it was just no use. She was going to get sick, and Anna was going to get Zack.

So, Tomika woke up that morning with a pounding headache and an urge to throw up. And she did, several times before and after eating breakfast. Her mom wouldn't let he leave the house, but Tomika insisted on going. But her mom pushed harder than she did. Tomika ended up staying home. All she did was lay around all day and catch up on homework. But who was she kidding, Mr. Finn didn't give homework. She kept texting Summer, asking for updates on Zack and Anna, but Summer wasn't very helpful. By the time 3:30 rolled around, Tomika's mom had already gotten home from work and brought Tomika soup from her favorite restaurant down the street. Tomika smiled and scarfed the soup. It seemed to stay down-- for now. She scrolling through Instagram when she heard a knock at the front door. Her mom had left to go pick up Logan and Joseph from their after school festivities. Corey went to go and catch up with some old friends. Her dad would be at work till 7:30. It was just her home alone. She peeked out through the window to notice Zack standing there. She shrieked and ran her fingers through her hair and popping a breath mint in. Zack rang the doorbell again.

Tomika opened the door.

"Zack!" She said, trying to sound as not gross as possible.

"Hey, Tomika. How are you feeling?"

"Better. Actually-" she was going to go into details about how she hadn't thrown up since she'd eaten her soup, but she didn't want to gross him out so she just kept it to herself.

"That's good. So I just came to check up on you."


"I also wanted to ask you something. Anna was talking to me today." Tomika rolled her eyes, "and she told me that you had a major curse in me. Is that true?"

Tomika panicked.

She couldn't make up a lie. She couldn't lie to Zack's face, so she told the truth.

"Yeah, it's true." Tomika said, embarrassed.

"That's a relief, because I like up too."

A glint of hope flashed through Tomika's eyes.

"Really!" She smiled.

"Yup." Zack said, and he leaned in for a kiss. Tomika leaned in when she felt the soup rising in her throat.

"Gotta go!" She said and ran into the house. She threw up into the toilet, at least she made it to the bathroom. But she messed up her moment with Zack.

But she knew that she'd get that kiss.

It was all in timing.

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