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This one shot was requested by @124057kog with a specific plot line. I hope you like it! (Big apology for taking forever to post this!)

Zack's POV
eighth grade

I walked up to Tomika. I was so nervous. Asking her out was the last thing I could've imagined.

I tapped her shoulder. "Tomika?" I asked softly.

She turned around briskly, "Oh hi Zack."

"Hi," I started nervously. "I was wondering if maybe- I don't know- if you want to go out Friday night?"

"Yeah! Where and what time?"

A romantic ode popped in my head.

"In the park, at six." I said more confidently.

"Great, I'll be there."

I smiled and walked away. Only two days till Friday. Two days.


I straightened out the blankety one more time. I had all the plates set up and everything. I was even prepared and brought fake candles so we didn't start a forest fire or anything. I sat on the picnic blanket, nervously twiddling my thumbs while I waited for Tomika. I saw a black minivan pull up. Tomika got out of the front seat and waved to the driver. She was wearing regular jeans and a sweatshirt with three monkeys holding hands on it. The had on her usual choice of high top converse and she had a purse with the fringes in the bottom. I stood up and waved so that she would see me. She came over in my direction.

"Hi Zack!" She said, giving me a hug.

"Hi," I managed to say during our hug. We pulled apart after a few seconds.

"Is this our blanket?" She asked excitedly, pointing to our blanket.

"Yes." I said.

Her face lit up with excitement and she took the seat opposite of where I had been sitting while I was waiting for her. I smiled and opened the basket.

"What have we got to eat?" She asked.

"Let's see, two turkey and cheese sandwiches, salad, chocolate strawberries and fruit punch to drink."

"Sounds delicious." She smiled. I handed her a turkey sa which and we dug in.


After we had finished eating. We sat and talked. The lights from the fake candles grew brighter and brighter as it got darker and darker. I sighed. I needed to kiss her now before it got too late and her mom showed up or something. It was a pause in the conversation, I leaned in and she started leanings in too.

This is good...

I thought to myself as our lips were about to meet.

My lips never made it to hers. Someone stopped us. We were standing up at this point.

"Tomika?" A boy asked. He was tall, blonde, kinda skinny for his age.

"Gabe?!" Tomika asked both shocked and excited.

"Whose Gabe?" I whispered to Tomika. She ignored me.

"What are you doing here?"

"Appear tilt stopping you from kissing this loser." Gabe said. I was offended.

"Hey, Zack is anything but a loser." Tomika protested, defending me. I smiled at the subtle gesture.

"Well anyways. I actually overheard you say to Summer that you would be here later. So, I decided to come and tell you that I really like you. Like in have a crush on you like you. Will you please be my girlfriend?" Gabe asked.

"Woah woah woah." I started. "We are on a date, and I was just about to kiss you and ask you to be my girlfriend." I said. Tomika stayed silent.

"I guess she'll just have to choose between us then."

Tomika looked between the two of us.

"Well?" I asked after about two minutes.

"I- I- I choose Gabe."


"What!" I said.

"I'm sorry Zack, but I have liked Gabe for a really long time. I have to go with him."

"But- but-"

"I'm sorry." She said. Her fingers laced into Gabe's and they left, leaving me standing there alone and embarrassed.


I sat in the office of my new school. Yeah, I had to transfer school.

People bullied me for getting turned by Tomika at William B. Travis. It was time to start new here, at Horace Green.

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