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This one shot was requested by @maidoesmcpe who had a specific Zomika storyline in mind. Sorry it's taken me so long to publish! Hope you enjoy :)

Zack's POV
seventeen years after seventh grade

"Tomika, Tomika?" I yelled for my wife. I know what you're thinking, yes, I did marry Tomika.

"Yeah?" She asked, coming out of he laundry room holding a basket of clean laundry that needed to be folded.

"Have you seen Cody?" I asked.

"You mean our son?"


"Don't tell me you lost him again!" Tomika said, sounding slightly upset with me.

"I didn't, we're playing hide and seek..."

Tomika groaned.

"And I've been looking for him for the past 30 minutes. Did you see him come by or anything?"

"No, but you better find him."

"Or..." I said, a grin on my face.

She gave me the death glare.

"Yeah, I'll find him." I said, walking away to go find my son.

"Cody!" I yelled.

No response. I walked past the front door to go upstairs, when I saw a familiar little body outside, running into the street. I flung open the front door and ran out to the street where Cody was sitting.

"Cody!" I yelled as a cry rolled down the street.

"Daddy! You found me!" He said. Smiling like nothing was about to happen. I ran faster and finally made to the street. I ran onto the pavement and scooped Cody up in my arms, and I ran to the little island in the middle of our little cul de sac. I hugged him close and I saw Tomika standing on the porch. I looked both ways before crossing the street and running up to Tomika. Tomika cried and pulled Cody out of my arms and into hers.

"Cody, don't ever go out into the street without permission or supervision. You understand?" Tomika cried, attempting to reprimand our child.

"I love you mommy." He said.

"I love to you too." She cried and hugged him close to her chest. I wrapped my arms around my little family that almost wasn't a family anymore.

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