Superhero's a.u.

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This one shot is a superhero a.u. requested by @Aprilviolinist with a little bit of Zomika in it. I hope you like it.

Instead of making them already existing superhero's, I just gave them super powers of their own. (Pretty generic ones)

Sorry for taking forever to publish

Third Person POV
superhero universe

"You guys are not just ordinary, I can tell." Mr. Finn said to the five students in front of him.

"What do you mean?" Summer asked.

"I mean you guys have super powers."

"And they are?" Tomika asked.

"I don't know, that is for you to discover."

"Well can you help us?" Zack questioned.

"Yes, let's start with you."

Zack stood up. Mr. Finn handed him a jar.

"Put your hand on this and focus as hard as you can. Let's see if something happens."

Zack grasped the jar and tried really hard for about thirty second. He stopped and took a deep breath.

"Try one more time." Mr. Finn encouraged. Zack focused his attention even harder and instead of the jar doing something, Zack began to fly.

Everyone clapped as Zack landed on one of the desks.

"That. Was. AWESOME!" He shouted.

"Ooh! Me next!" Lawrence begged.

"Ok Lawrence, same exercise."

Lawrence nodded and took the jar from Zack. He focused really hard for about forty five seconds before lasers shot out of his eyes, almost taking off Mr. Finn's foot."

"Excellent." Mr. Finn said. "Summer, your turn."

Summer nodded and Mr. Finn grabbed the jar from Lawrence. Summer repeated the same exercise and it wasn't long before the jar was floating and Summer was no where insight.

"Guys! I'm invisible!" She cheered. Everyone laughed and Summer re-appeared. She did a bow and everyone clapped.

"Freddy!" Mr. Finn shouted. Freddy stood up and grabbed the jar from Summer. He focused hard. He tried three times. It had been five minutes and still nothing happened. He sighed and sat down on a desk.

"Guess I don't have powers..." He wallowed.

"Wait one moment. I think I know what your might be. Come here." Freddy looked up with s somber expression. He walked over to Mr. Finn, who was standing but his desk.

"Pick this up." Mr. Finn ordered.

"What? No!" Freddy protested.

"Pick this desk up." Mr.Finn directed more sternly. Freddy rolled his eyes and prepared to lift. When he did, the desk easily lifted all the at off the ground and Freddy was holding it high in the air.

"Is it heavy?" Mr. Finn asked.

"Light as a feather." Freddy smirked and set the desk back down with a "thud."

"And last but not least, Tomika."

Tomika grinned and stood up. She grabbed the jar and focused hard, but nothing happened.

"Nothing happening?" Mr. Finn asked.

"No, except for the fact that you're thinking about that box of doughnuts in the teachers lounge."

"She's a mind reader!" Lawrence marveled.

Tomika looked at the other people. Her focused on Zack. She rubbed her temples. Zack prayed that she wasn't reading his mind.

A picture of herself popped up in her head. That's what Zack was think about, her? Another image popped up. More and more of memories that were just her and Zack popped up.

"Zack, you're thinking about me?" She asked him, taking a step closer to him.

"Well, Yeah I guess."

"Do you like me?" Tomika started.

Zack looked around the room and all the eyes staring at him intently.

"Gotta blast!" He said and flew right out of the classroom door.

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