Run Summer, Run

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This one-shot is a Seddy one-shot requested by @Bunnydancer6 with a specific plot in line. I hope you like it!

Third Person POV
eighth grade

Sumemr couldn't take it anymore. She just had to run away. This wasn't a Margo Roth Spiegelman sort of thing, this was the real deal. She was running away for good. She couldn't stand hearing her parents scream at her for one more second. So, when she finished packing her stuff, she climbed out her window. She didn't know where she was going, but she knew she had to get away-- fast. She walked down the sidewalk she was really doing it. 


Word around town spread fast. And all sorts of rumors started around William B. Travis Prep Academy. So many rumors spread that even Tomika started to believe them. But there was one person who didn't. 


He knew that Summer wouldn't just leave, and he felt it was his job to find her. 


Instead of coming home after school that day, he decided to look through town. He knew because of her age, Summer wouldn't make it very far out of town. 

He looked for three hours, and was about ready to give up when he saw a girl with bouncy blonde hair come out of the store. She was carrying a bag. Yep, that was Summer. 

"Summer!" he called out. He started running towards her. 

"Summer!" he yelled again. She turned to look at him. She didn't look good. She was pale and her eyes were bloodshot. He hair was tangley and she looked as though she hadn't showered in a few days-- which she hadn't. 

"Freddy?" She said, coming closer to him. he finally stopped in front of her. She set down her bag to hug him. 

"What are you doing here?" She asked him, with a hint of happiness in her voice.

"What are you doing here? Why are you running away?"

"Because me life isn't good Freddy. I'm borderline abused at home. I just can't live here anymore, I'm going to live with my Aunt in Georgia. She said she'd be glad to take me in." She smiled weakly. Freddy couldn't believe what he was hearing. His eyes started to fill with tears, against his will. I couldn't believe the only girl he ever loved was leaving.

"You're not serious," He said, only trying to re-assure himself. Summer held up a ticket in her hands. Freddy looked closely at it only to realize that it was a bus ticket to Atlanta, Georgia. He looked at her and a tear fell down her face.

"There's one thing that I've gotta do before you leave." Freddy said.

"What's tha-" She was cut off with Freddy's lips meeting with hers. She kissed back. 

"Thanks for the best goodbye. Tell Tomika I love her too." She smiled as the bus pulled up. She got on and waved to Freddy from the inside. Leaving wasn't always so bad.

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