Chapter 2: Babyface

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Fuyuhiko had a plan. A plan to get that person back. Alright listen up gang. This is what we do. We kidnap one of the ultimates, which me and Peko will do. Then we broadcast it. The person is likely to come back and get that ultimate. Our target for the ultimate is the Ultimate Gambler, Celestia Ludenbsrg, or Taeko Yasuhiro. Peko and me will get her tonight we found her location. Is that okay with everyone?!
YES SIR! That was the plan. Celestia was kidnapped and it was broadcasted. You got in your gangster outfit and planned to get it back. You knew it was bait, but you had a gangster ID that you got from one of your sources. You hacked into their security and went in. You didn't like Celestia that much, but she had defended you when Komaeda called you useless. You went around looking for her when you saw Fuyuhiko. He looked at you right in the eyes and started to walk over to you. Oh s**t I need to escape. You walked away pretending not to notice and he came over to you, Excuse me who are you I don't think I've seen you around before.
Uh I am Jude Seasman sir. Here is my ID. You showed him your ID and prepared to run. Ah well nice to f**kin meet you. You mentally sighed in relief. You thought he was going to find you. You sneaked away and got Celestia and sneakily escaped with her. She was passed out so you went to her house and put her on her bed.

When Fuyuhiko found out that Celestia had taken away he cursed. His plan failed. He knew immediately who did it. That f**king Jude Seasman or whatever I bet that isn't the real name. Peko help me out here, we have to get this person we don't know how much information they have on us.
Alright young master I'll do my best. Fuyuhiko was super pissed off. He wanted to catch this person and found out how they got it. He imagined the person with a smirk on his face now.

•The next day at school.

You were eating alone yet again when Fuyuhiko came up to you. Oh no. OH NO. So Y/N what is your ultimate skill? 
Why should I tell you?
I bet you don't even have one.
Is your ultimate skill even a real thing. Your stupid plan failed yesterday I bet. To capture Celestia.
Tch next time you try to talk back you won't even be able to. Y/N. I'll remember that name.
Ooh real scary someone help me I'm scared. Fuyuhiko you ain't tough, you're just baby faced. The whole room went dead silent. What. Did. You. Just. Call. Me.
Aw did I upset the poor baby face. WAH WAH. I upset him didn't I.
You f**king listen now Y/N.
No you listen Fuyuhiko, I'm not scared of you or your mafia.
Tch. Whatever. Everyone was shocked at what you just said but you ate your food in silence like nothing at all had happened.

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