Chapter 9: Don't cry

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You were crying silently in the middle of the night. You had another nightmare -or should I say flashback. Sometimes it would just happen where you had them. Your mother and father... Murdered fight infront of your face. That murderer was never caught. Ever since then you were corrupted by the government and because a spy. You silently weeped and felt two arms around your waist. Hey Y/N what's wrong?
Babe? You can tell me. Fuyuhiko sat up and hugged you. You cried into his shoulder as he reassuringly stroked your hair and kissed your forehead. I-I-I t-they're dead. I-I w-watched t-them die.
Who babe? Come here cry on my chest. It might be comfortable. Fuyuhiko happened to be shirtless right now, but you didn't care and neither did he. And cried into his chest and when you calmed down you told him. S-so when I was uhh 5, I w-watched my um parents be murdered.. Someone d-decapitated t-them wi-with an axe. Your voice quivers as you try not to break down. T-the criminal was never f-found, then th-the government took me. They um t-trained me when I was little.. They f-forced me to be a spy, to w-work for them. They m-manipulated me. (My friend wrote that bit for me thank you so much if you see this)
Oh babe I'm so sorry I f**king swear I hate the government. You cried more into his chest and he held you close. I swear on my gang... My everything. I will find the person who murdered your parents. I f**king swear I will not let them get away.
T-Thanks Fuyuhiko.
I love you, I'm so sorry that anyone ever hurt you like that babe.
I love you too Babyface.
Hehe. Fuyuhiko kissed your forehead. Come on Y/N lets get some more rest.
H-Hey Fuyu?
Can I use your c-chests as a pillow.
Sure. You rested your head on his chest and slept, having a nicer much happier and vibrant dream.

In the morning you woke up with your head against Fuyuhikos chest still. He was awake and on his phone. He seemed to be looking up something. Mmmm morning Babyface.
. . . Morning.
Aw is everything okay Babyface.
Will you ever stop calling me that?
Nope! (^_^)
. . . Whatever. Did you sleep well babe?
Yeah thanks for letting me use you as a pillow.
It's fine I'm just glad I make you feel better, I don't really have anyone close other than you.
What about Peko?
She's just a hit(wo)man I've had ever since I was a child. I consider her a friend thought but she just doesn't see it as that.
Oh... You kissed Fuyuhiko softly to make him feel a little better. He put his phone down and you hugged, feeling a lot better than before. Hey by the way...
Yes Y/N.
You're such a Babyfaced cutie.
Alright I'm getting you now!
Ahh! You ran off and hid as a scary Fuyuhiko in just boxers chased you around the Mafia base. He was such a cute little dork.

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