Chapter 16: Forgiveness

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Fuyuhiko? Why did he of all people call me. I expected the government to have called me. Not him. Does he want me dead. Y/N... He dropped to the floor. Please forgive me. I know now you didn't cheat I was jealous and pissed and I love y- you cut him off with a kiss. Baka! You shouted at him and slapped him. He hugged you tightly and didn't want to let go. He didn't want to lose your touch, you love again. You felt something wet against your neck. Is he crying...? Babyface are you crying?
N-No! You pulled his face up, he had tears in his eyes. A tear rolled down his cheek. You kissed it away and hugged him. I love you babe.
I love you too Fuyu. He kissed you passionately, glad to have you back. Is it ok if I kill Mondo?
Heh sure only if you give me the best kiss in the world. Fuyuhiko grabbed you and sat you in his lap. He kissed you softly and soon after slid his tongue over your lower lip. You allowed him entrance and he explored your mouth again. Fuyuhiko was enjoying himself and he carried on into the night.

In the morning you snuggled up next to Fuyuhiko, welcoming his warmth. It was a cold winter night after all. He wrapped his arms around you and kissed your forehead. You buried your head into his warm chest. You were both smiling glad to have each other back. You held hands and snuggled up. Later on you and Fuyuhiko watched a movie together and played some video games. You were having lots of fun together. You were glad to be back with him again. You do not know what you'd you would without him.

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