Chapter 5: Lock and Load

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It was Monday, no big deal you were sat in class. When some men in black came into the room and just grabbed you by the arms and dragged you out. Your eyes darted to Fuyuhiko for help. You knew these men were government men, and you had no idea what was going on. They dragged you into the usual van. You could've at least f**kin asked if I wanted to f**kin walk you d**kheads.
Calm down we just want to talk.
About what?
We need you to go undercover and pretend to be Fuyuhikos friend.
I can do that whatever. What information do I need to find.
Everything you can about Peko Pekoyama.
Alright. Next time don't f**king drag me. 5 minutes later you returned to class as if nothing had happened. You sighed and got on with your work. As per usual you sat down alone at lunch and ate. You got a text- Meet me in the library in 10 minutes. -F. You instantly knew it wasn't Fuyuhiko who sent that. You had his number and that wasn't right. You got up and went to Fuyuhiko and picked him up and just left while carrying him. What the hell Y/N put me down. You put him down when you were in a place no one would see you. We need to talk. Like now.
Well what is it.
The government suspects me. I know you didn't send this text. They want me to find info on Peko. I don't know what do I do Fuyu? Tell me.
Hey I'll sort this out with you. Go to my place and ask for like E5-942 and say Fuyuhiko sent you.
Thanks Fuyu. You pulled him in for a hug and ran to his Mafia house. And asked for it. They gave you a good gun and a lot of ammo. You hid it in your bag and rushed back to school. I got it Fuyu.
Hey listen Y/N I'll keep you safe. Tonight we go to the government base and you don't leave me side alright. If for a minute I see you're not there I'm retreating.
Hey Babyface since when did you get so cute.
Hehe you're adorable.
S-Shutup I'm not, I'm just being a nice gentleman but protecting you.
That's sweet Fuyu, but look out for yourself too. You smiled and left to run to class. That night you met up and Fuyuhikos base. Peko wasn't going to be joining you as she was a government target. Hey Y/N if anyone asks I'm keeping you hostage and I'll kill you if I don't get what I want by the way. Although I won't kill you don't worry.
Thanks at least I know Mr. Babyface is harmless.
H-Hey stop calling me Babyface!
Hehhehe never.
Anyway cmon lets do this. Also you're gonna want one of these. I placed a small pouch on his hand. What is this for.
Inside it is a mini blow dart gun and 3 blow darts. They will instantly kill someone incase of emergency.
Be careful Fuyu. I got out my heavy machinery and my computer. Come on let's go I'll take down the security.
You're good at hacking?
I managed to get into your base about 20 times, I didn't just walk with the security on what do you think idiot.
Woah we really need to step up our game.
Yep. Anyway let's go now is a good time. You stepped out with Fuyuhiko and started to hack. Something isn't right the security is really low.
It'll be fine lets go. You ran in with Fuyuhiko and you collected as many files as you could. You heard a hissing noise. Fuyu... There's no men around and I hear that hissing and ticking noise. The ticking is getting faster.
Shit! Get down Y/N. You got down and he got ontop of you. As if it was in slow motion a bomb went off. You realised what Fuyu was doing. He was shielding you. You felt tears streaming down your face as Fuyuhiko went unconscious. You thought he was dead but you just grabbed him and ran and drove to the base. He protected your life. Why. WHY? When you got back you called Mikan to help. Was Fuyuhiko going to make it?

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