Chapter 8: I got you.

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Hey Y/N. Remember when I was in the coma and you'd come visit me? I remember you saying you got bullied. Who by. I'll set them straight. Once and for all.
Uh well it was Leon Kuwata, Hifumi Yamada and Sayaka Maizono. They were saying I was a ugly fat girl with her boyfriend dying.
Ill get them back don't worry babe.
Thanks Fuyu.
I love you.
Hehe I love you too Babyface.
Tch. Come here. You went over to Fuyuhiko and he lifted you up and kissed you and carried you. He mumbled, Why are you so beautiful. You blushed and kissed him softly. He smiled and put you down to hug you.

•The next day at school

You were getting harsh comments from Leon and Sayaka, that you were worthless and you don't have a real talent when you felt arms wrap around you. H-Huh?
Hey d**khead if you're gonna f**kin pick on Y/N then you'd be risking your life. And saying else and I'll end it for you.
But she worthless she had no talent. She's just a cheapskate coming here for free.
She does have a talent and it's an amazing one, but why should she tell f**kboys like you. Fuyuhiko hugged you and Leon and Sayaka walked away with a hmph. Thanks Babyface.
Hey stop calling me that!
But you are a Babyface so it makes sense to call you it.
Shh Y/N stahp.
Only if I get a kiss.
Mhm! Fuyuhiko kissed you softly and you kissed back. Hehe just kidding Babyface.
God f**kin damnit.
Well at least you got a kiss out of it.
Y-yeah but you tricked me so you owe me a extra good kiss~
H-Huh? Before you could fully react Fuyuhikos lips were on yours for a sweeter and more passionate kiss. He had his arms around your waist and didn't look like he was going to stop kissing anytime soon. A few minutes later you were blushing bright red and Fuyuhiko pulled away. He smiled softly and hugged. You blushed more and hugged back. You look adorable.
T-Thanks. I love you Fuyuhiko.
I love you too you idiot. I've got your back from all the bullies.

•Later on you went home with Fuyuhiko.

You had practically moved half your clothes to Fuyuhikos place so there wasn't too much of a issue for that. Fuyuhiko came in the room, Babe can you do me a huge favor.
What's up cutie.
A-Ah,  uh well we need a spy to go to the other Mafia group to get information.
I'll do it if you get me a disguise.
Are you sure?
I am the Ultimate Spy of course I'm sure.
You should be called the Ultimate Beautiful Girl. You blushed and wrapped your arms around Fuyuhiko and kisses his cheek. Anyway when am I going to spy on this place.
Tomorrow night if that's okay for you?
Sure but I will need my laptop.
Alright just be careful. I need you here okay, and it's nice having someone I can hug in bed. Fuyuhiko blushed bright red when he said that, A-Ah I f**kin love you okay Y/N. You smiled and pulled him onto the bed to hug. You hugged him and he hugged back for about 20 mins until he fell asleep. You got your laptop and got up the floor plan of their mansion. You knew where the files would be. You decided to enter through the back door and go through the stairs without anyone noticing then jump out the window into a bush then escape. It was a pretty simple plan.

•The next night

You were in your disguise going up the stairs. You just had to get to the right room. When you got in the alarms triggered. S**T!!! You grabbed the files and ran out the window onto the bush. You then got into your car and drove away quickly. You arrived at Fuyuhikos base not shortly after and climbed up the wall into your room. Huh? Y/N?
I got them. I think I got seen though I just grabbed them and ran.
Are you okay babe? You nodded and were slightly out of breath. Cmon take the disguise off its probably not the nicest thing to wear. I'll get you some of my pajamas if you want.
Yay! Fuyuhiko grabbed some of his pajamas and gave it to you, then looked away while you got changed. The tops were a little loose but that was expected. Okay I'm done. You hugged Fuyuhiko and sat in his lap. Are you feeling better now babe?
Yeah Babyface. 
Hehehe. He kissed you to shut you up and smiled. Later on you went to sleep in each other's arms. (So romantic I know)

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