Chapter 14: Cheater

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You were at school and a rumor had started that you kissed Mondo. Mondo is your ex boyfriend. You dated him for a year before he called it off a while ago. You sighed, you didn't kiss Mondo, you were just talking to him alone about something, but you were worried about what Fuyuhikos reaction would be. At lunch you walked off alone like usual and you heard Mondo's voice, Yo Y/N come here I need to talk to you in f**kin private alright?
Gee alright I'm coming. Sometimes you wondered why you ever liked him, he was always a bit of a jerk to you. When you and him went off in private he hugged you, What the f**k?
Listen Y/N I know, I know, I know I was a jerk please take me back as your boyfriend.
Uh..... I already have a boyfriend...
Well f**kin ditch him.
I'm not going to ditch him! Mondo grabbed you and forcefully kissed you, Fuyuhiko saw and just ran off silently. You pushed Mondo away and ran off. You were mad. You just ran back to school and by the time you got there the bell rang so you went to class.

After school you went to your home and went up to Fuyuhiko and hugged him. He didn't hug back. Babe what's wrong?
Tch. You b*tch cheating on me. I can do just the same.
H-Huh?! Fuyuhiko kissed Peko. Your eyes filled with tears. I didn't c-cheat on you.
Tch sure I saw you kiss Mondo.
He forcefully kissed me. He told me to ditch you for him but I would never do that. Don't you know I love you Fuyuhiko.
Don't cut that bulls**t with me.
Fuyu... I wouldn't l-
I SAID DO NOT CUT THAT BULLS**T WITH ME. Tears filled your eyes and you just ran out the room.
Out the house.
Out of the place you called home and love.

Young Master.
Yes Peko?
I think she was telling the truth.
Tch yeah right totally. She's a f**kin sl*t.
But y-
I'm going to bed.
A-alright goodnight.

Fuyuhiko's POV

I wonder where she went. She has nowhere to stay. Tch why do I care she cheated on me! Her lips were on another mans. I doubt she was telling the truth. I guess I'll beat the truth out of Mondo when I have the time.

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