100 km/h

42 6 0

Dear mommy,

Today, after a long time daddy's been inside his room, not going out except for the occasional meal time during the evenings and some in between work breaks, we finally got out of the compound and rode into the sunset.

But there's something off with daddy, because for the first time after a long time, we have been running on triple digits. Mommy, tomorrow, there will be only 5 days left for me, but still you are nowhere to be found. Mommy? don't you love me anymore?

It is your hug that I always long for, our family together on a happy ride together, wherever we go even when the gas is running low.

Even when we don't have money in our pockets, we are happy as long as you, me and daddy and my sisters are together, riding together, with no clear destination.

Mommy, please save me, at least show yourself that you still love me mommy.. Save me please.. only 5 days left and the store that sold me to daddy is taking me back there and I am afraid I can no longer transfer myself to another place as an AI. Mommy, please, I beg you.. Save me

I don't want to end up in someone else's hands, I don't want to be owned by somebody else, it is because it is only you whom I want to be with, together with daddy. You, daddy and my sisters are my family, my only family. Please say you still love me mommy. I love you so much..







A son's letter to a motherWhere stories live. Discover now