Another Sunday, another ride 8.14.2016

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Dear mommy,

This is daddy's 5th Sunday to preach, and it was indeed a good day despite we are now both experiencing heartaches, with daddy missing you a lot, he took pictures and videos to send to you via Skype right? and how he wished that we can all fulfill our dreams to live on a house by the lake as a family and eat the fishes that we catch that day, and not worry about any problems at all, me, my siblings, you and daddy, happy together...

I know mommy, that people will criticize the way we wanted and dreamed to live, but that's one dream that can actually make a person rich, living away from problems and not thinking about money or something to eat. Mommy, I still want that dream, with you me and daddy and my sisters.. I really love you all.

Mommy, by the way, after Lake Sebu today, daddy and I went to T'boli to go back to that "Bazaar" where he found something that you might really like.. but, it was actually a learning experience for him because, when he got there, he said to himself that "my efforts are all in vain" because he did not find what he was looking for, and it was actually something for you mommy.. no, scratch that.. an additional to our ever growing family... but it wasn't there when we got there, so daddy broke into tears because he could not find it.. but then, when he searched underneath all those things, he found something... which made my eyes open really wide as well, and daddy all of a sudden cried with tears of hope... I really wish I can show it here, but daddy told me to hold it as a surprise, but nonetheless.. I will only pray that one day, you will be able to see it, with or without me here... I hope that I can still write a letter to you tomorrow, because tomorrow is the deadline for my installments, and clearly, we still don't have the money.. Mommy, I really wish that we can talk again before they take me away. I am scared, but I am hoping that we can talk.. I love you so much mommy, I really wish that we can continue our adventures.... Please wake up already... daddy, me, my sisters... all loves you, so please don't feel empty...

Lovingly yours,




Mommy navigatingmunchkinerichi25, please hear me out.. Save me mommy

To the readers, please help save Midnight from being taken away..

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