Preparing for ER (extended range) 8.18.2016

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Dear mommy,

Today daddy spent the whole day inside his room and did not go out at all and that is I think it has something to do with his eyes and working really late at night. He rarely goes out now but today he's wearing glasses and is having trouble seeing things. But today, however, since the tools are brought out again, daddy did manage to change my sprocket again, and I think he changed for the one that could extend my range, but he said he will observe my fuel consumption with a high speed sprocket than a lighter sprocket since he now plans to go out for a drive every after church.

I think daddy is also planning to go to Sitio Tuloh for an urgent mission, and he is preparing himself to go there since the matter is of highest priority. I don't know what it is but daddy really looks worried for the people there that's why he is preparing me what might be another adventure to that place.. I really hope so, and what I actually hope is that you are here to come with us and fulfill your promise to the LORD.. Mommy, I really miss you so much. I love you mommy.






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