Missing you everyday

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Dear mommy,

Today, I am just here sitting in the garage, people singing along on a videoke machine. I really miss the times that you were here during these times. Mommy, I am wondering when will you come back to us.. I always pray that one day you will come back because I don't want my family to be broken again. I always pray for a family that's whole, I always pray for a family that's strong despite the trials and problems that comes through our way. Mommy, it is only you who I want for the family that I want to be with. Please mommy, I also want to be with my sisters again because I really miss them so much too.

Anyway, there's a videoke machine here in the garage because one of use is leaving for Davao too, and that means leaving for good. And this is the time that daddy is really going to need you the most, and daddy is really going to need all the help and support that he is going to need at these times because the weight on his shoulders are so heavy and he will really need someone to be there for him again, just like you did when you were here. Mommy, please think about us, you family... I love you so much, and don't forget that mommy.






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