Our plans this coming Saturday

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Dear mommy,

This coming Saturday Oct. 8, we will all be going to Taciman to plant some trees, and daddy will be bringing me along because he will not be driving the truck so he will be bringing me instead. Puffy and Hoppie are now getting ready to hop into the bag too so that they can also be brought to Taciman.

Mommy, how I wish that you'll be there as well to formally start our family's mission for the ministry. Mommy, we are not stopping on praying for that day to come. God's time is always the perfect time, and we are just praying for you to be part of that mission mommy, the one that we started, the work that matters most especially on this borrowed lives of ours. Mommy, please remember this, we love you so much, it is just you who we want to be with, and no one else.. You are our mommy, and not anyone else.

I love you mommy,


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