Class in Session

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Aw shit dawg, skool is bak up. N dat means we haz got 2 go 2 band. N dat means I gotz to rite a shitty fan fic about band class.

Fuck me.

As I walked through the valley of death, plague, famine, pestilence (which is basically plague, once again, fuck me,) and agony, I felt no fear.

That's wrong.

I felt fear, lots of fear


Because of Ms. Choi..

She's hot chow mein put into such a small package. The 4'6 Asian could kill anyone, even the manliest sociopaths such as Kevin.

NOTE: Kevin is not a sociopath, nor is he manly.


I grabbed my chair, actually, I didn't grab a chair, I just sat on a chair that was already there. I sat. I watched.

Dozens of people, freshmen, sophomores, a single junior and a single senior, began to pour into the cramped and miniature place known as the band room, also where most of this 'fan fic' is going to take place in.

"Hey, Micheala." A voice I hadn't heard for less than a week whispered delicately into my ear. It was Peter.

Peter 'Better Than Me At Trumpet But I Won't Admit It And Neither Will He' Deltorro... Del Torro? Something about bulls.

I looked at him, then I looked at his arm, where his trumpet case was at. I pondered, 'Did Peter forget that we aren't playing toda-' My thoughts were suddenly discontinued by her.


"I don't know." Peter shrugged off Ms. Chois's screaming and went to place his trumpet case back into it's jail, it's prison, it's miniature Azkaban, to suffer for all eternity.

I saw many faces from the past, Abby, Kevin, Kim, Andes, Edgar, Fernando, and some other not-so-important-people-that-will-be-soon-important-but-im-too-lazy-to-name-all-of-them people.

In case that you've never read the original Band Class story (which you should), I'll give you a lil rundown of all the currently important characters. Well, as of right now, since the school year just started.

Abby- Abby is your typical Emo White Girl, y'know 'oMg DeStIeL sPn MCRRRRRRR' She's not really white but don't bring that up, it's a touchy subject.

Kevin- Sick guitarist dude who also kinda likes Supernatural and is maybe possible gay but no one knows. Sexually Ambiguous nerd. My boyfriend ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Andres- Also pretty Sexually Ambiguous, supports rape, memelord, Also my boyfriend.

Juan- Only senior in class because he picked up his trumpet late, cums whenever he hears the words 'Star' and 'Wars.' Also, don't add him to groupchats because he'll just send videos of his tortioses having sex.

There are others, but I'm tired right now and want to get to the story, so figure out the rest on your own.

"Alright! Yotes! Everyone sit down!" Ms. Choi battered her battering stick on the stand in front of her that she uses for battering. "We're going to run down the basics."

And so she did.

"Who has an instrument that they haven't checked out yet?" I meekily raised my arm, fully knowing what was about to happen.


"I...never checked it out..." I hushed and looked down in both humour and fear for my dear life.

"We'll have a chat later..."

Note: We did not have a chat

She ran down the basic rules, attempting to ignore the low brass section basically acting like the sardines from Spongebob. Spouting 'have you seen Chef?' From their lips.

"Raise your hand if you were in Beginning Band last year?" Peter's hand rose over my hand, this felt wrong, as I already had about... 7 boyfriends. He grabbed my hand sensually and rose it in the air.

Then Johnny looked over to us, the salt was real in his eyes. It was saltier than the ocean.


God. Johnny.

I honestly hope Johnny doesn't become a super main character here, so I don't want to introduce him...

"Alright. You can chill for the rest of the day." The small asian wandered to her office.

Kevin, along with others, immediately jumped to the piano to either a) hone their skills or b) pull a Luis (once again, a character I do not want to introduce).

I went over to Esteban, a fellow clarinet freshmen.

FUN FACT: Esteban was born on 9/11

"Hey, Esteban."


I left and walked over to Andres, who was sitting on his chair. I took my chance to finally proclaim my love to him and layed my head on his lap, until he pushed me off.

Johnny once again, looked over at mine and Andres's romance, one he could never have.

"KYS MICHEALA!" Yelled the crazy cracker bitch, AKA Abby, from across the room. Abby is actually Donald Trump's cousin, and sister.

The bell rang, signaling the end of a boring, not-so-fun day of band.

I walked out with my pal Juan.

"Hey, Juan."


"What if I made a sequel to Band Class?"

Band Class Vol. 2Where stories live. Discover now