The Scourge of Band

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The summer heat metaphorically melted the band room walls. The mant stills objects of the band room forced the freezing room into a microwave set to the highest settings available.

We all arrived and we were ready for music, and then it happened.

"Alright, I'm going to give a scolding. Diego Alvarado came to me and told me that someone had taken out his precious, PERSONAL photos, from his binder, and ripped them. So who did it." Ms. Choi questioned us multiple times, no one confessed.

"Well then. Since no one will confess, when I found out who did it," She narrowed her eyes. "They will know my Wrath."

We all 'wondered' who did it. But, of course, we all knew who did it.

"Why'd you do it?" Everyone whispered in chaotic tone as Johnny passed by them.

He was the only one with motives. None of the freshmen had a reason to do it, they didn't even know Diego. The others just didn't seem to need to.

"I dint do nuffin!" Johnny exclaimed as we all interrogated him, it, they? Zir? God damned genderfluids.

"We know you did it!" Samantha the Flute shouted. Everyone stared back at her. She was kind and would never shout.

Andres winked at her and smirked seductively. Hormones.

"First my parents hate me!" He began to tear up. "And now you guys!"

"Oh, we don't hate you!" I laughed.

"We despise you!" Kevin completed my sentence.

"Hey! What's so funny, Micheala!" The Clarinet Esteban asked me.

"The Holocaust and 9/11. That shits funny 24/7."

Johnny fake laughed at my joke, everyone knew that Johnny got triggered by everything. He only laughed to get on people's good sides.

"I didn't do it! Why does everyone blame me for everything! I just want to die!!!!!!" Johnny cried, and then at that instance, Andres the Sexy Saxophone threw his noose at Johnny.

"You tied this wrong!" Johnny shouted, even though it was tied perfectly.

"I know how to tie one. I've tried to hang myself multiple times." Johnny undid the noose and took an hour to loop it once. Everyone groaned in cringe.

We all left the room, leaving Johnny alone to contemplate his Histrionic Personality Disorder.

"Diego, do the photos have fingernail polish?" Peter asked. Brilliant! Johnny always wore nail polish!

"Yeah, they do!" Diego smiled.

"Let's go get em, boys." Leo said.

Johnny was gone. All that was left was a razor and a note written in blood.

Fools! You should've known that I keep a spare razor in my ass in case my lies fail to work! Micheala should've known this!

PS: Only like, 5 of you are going to understand that

"I don't understand that." Destiny said.

I left the room immediately as Kevin began to explain to everyone about the pictures. Diego's Pictures, yeah. Those pictures.

"We need to assemble a task force to take down Johnny." I said.

I picked out a few people to take on my bitch hunt.

*insert Character introduction monologue*

Kevin Grassia- Fastest Man Alive. Has no mercy, can play guitar hella good.

Celeste Loophole- Gayest Lesbian ever known to the public, can tell anyone to shut the fuck up

Juan Gumball- Can jerk off to Overwatch porn faster than anyone.

Ruben BurnAllJews- He can hate the jews pretty good

"Alright. Here's the plan. You head into the city, find Johnny. And kill him. Of course, I'll be coming along. I want to do some personal business with him myself." I told them.

"Then let's go." Kevin said.

We set off into the main city, only to find the Johnny was surrounded by edgelords, tumblr fags, and furries.

"Are those tumblr fags?" Ruben said. "Can't Abby control them?" We all looked over at him in mass confusion. He did the same.

Juan gleefully said, "Mandela Effect?"
Ruben chuckled at the inside joke.

"Why don't you love me!" Johnny shouted.

"Because ur an fagit!" Celeste shouted.

"Yeah! What the noodle said!" Kevin also shouted.

"Isn't Kevin supposed to be dead?" Ruben shouted.

"Don't call me noodle!" Celeste also shouted.

I looked over at Ruben who was waiting for his question to he answered.

"He's a popular character," I whispered over to him. "Popular characters don't die. Jesus fucking Christ, Ruben. Stop being a fucking retard!"

"Y'know what," Ruben took a breath.

"Pay attention to me!" Johnny screached.

"This reminds me of that one time in Band Class 1 when you assembled a superh-" Ruben went braindead at that moment. His body flopped over and fell to the wet asphalt.

"PAY ATTENTION TO ME AND MY FAKE DADDY PROBLEMS!" Johnny's henchmen ran at us and the still dead Ruben. Well, the furries ran by channeling their inner fox, the tumblr fags didn't run, and the edgelords were too busy cutting.

"I got these furries." Kevin ran at the furries, bashing them with guitar.

"I got the edgelords!" Celeste took out nooses and gave them to the edgelords so they could hang themselves.

"I got the tumblr fags!" Juan whipped out his 2-incher and showed it to the wild feminists. They raged and boiled with anger until they ran away in fear of the patriarchy.

"Johnny! Come and face me, you coward!"

"But Micheala. I love you..." Johnny teared up. And then it all came to me.

I walked up to Johnny, who sat on his throne of Shadow The Hedgehog Plushies that stacked 3 stories.

"I-," I extended my arm to reach for Johnny. 

A flying razor flew toward Johnny and cut his arm, he flung backwards and tripped.

I caught his arm as he fell, saving him.

"Micheala... You truly do care for your friends..."

"What? No. I just wanted to do this." I picked out the razor that was lodged into Johnny's arm.

I got up and pretended to cut myself.

"Hey guys look! Daddy issues!"

"Micheala! Save me!" Johnny screamed as he dangled from a hedgehog.

"Did you really think I would give you mercy?" I kicked Johnny's face. He laughed edge-ily as he fell.

Band Class Vol. 2Where stories live. Discover now