Dream a Little Dream of Me

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"My Stand, Dream a Little Dream of Me has no weakness."

Edgar's soft face quickly turned into a harsh expression of evil as his arm flung forward at Jessica and stabbed right through her abdomen, splashing her blood throughout the foyer, creating a crimson slash of art.

His Stand, 『Dream a Little Dream of Me』, a largely built Stand colored green and had flowers surrounding it, stood behind with Edgar, mimicking him. It was his Stand that punched through Jessica.

"The way your blood flies everywhere, Jessica," his eyes looked at us and locked on us at the sides of his eyes.

"It's so weird."

He and his Stand pulled their arm out of Jessica, leaving her as a donut to fall and bleed out and die.

"Ahem," Edgar said as he pulled out a napkin and cleaned the blood from his face. Jessica was on the floor, having a violent seizure.

"Now," Edgar said. "I shall kill all of you."

"That's so weird lol," I shouted as Edgar stared at us.

"Is that mockery that I hear?" Edgar stomped his way toward me.

"Is that which you say of me? These petty insults you give me in words of pity and denouncement? Am I meerely a child to you all? Are all my achievements and my dreams swept aside because to you I am different? I am a child to you all and that is what I see. 『Dream a Little Dream of Me』will make quick work of you all."

Edgar stated, he pointed at us and smirked deviously. His intentions were malicious and impure.

A blast of swiftness struck through us and blasted us backwards to the wall and into Ms. Choi's office.

The door to Choi's office slammed closed right then, slamming Ruben's legs and breaking them.

"Oy vey!" Ruben shrieked in his last moments of consciousness.

"That's a relief!" Kevin shouted. "I almost thought you hurt someone relevant!"

"Am I too, say as irrelevant as Ruben?" Edgar stared back at Kevin, his 『Dream a Little Dream of Me』 and it's fluorescent flowers filling us with dread.

"You may wonder what my Stand is capable of. 『Dream a Little Dream of Me』 can drain the nutrients of all beings to power it up, locking those who have been drained in a catalonic state, trapped with nights and visions of 『Dream a Little Dream of Me』. It has no weakness, and I shall seek my revenge for all the bullying and suffering I have gone through under you."

The tall and flowering Stand looked upon us with it's small dark pupils.

"And once 『Dream a Little Dream of Me』 reaches full power," the towering Stand posed dramatically. "It cannot be controlled nor stooped. It becomes a being of sentient thought, berserk and uncontrollable."

A Stand that doesn't require a master? The concept was insane...

"A Stand that doesn't require a master. The concept is insane but the only thing insane here is the power levels of 『Dream a Little Dream of Me』once it reaches full capacity." Edgar lurked on the subject for minutes on end, allowing for Jessica to get help before she died.

"And to conclude, once I destroy you all, I shall take Abigail as my bride."

"Y tho," Abby mumbled, blushing romantically and running to hide in the cubby room.

"Prepare to fall prey to my Stand! Micheala, Kevin, Juan, Andres, Abby, prepare to bend your knees and fall under my wrath!" Edgar pointed at us, looming like the new god that he was.

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